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Name 10 drugs you want to try!!!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion phatass
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restin a dit:
In soon future:


Extremely curious about the muse of the great poets of our history!

What poets? Coleridge/Baudelaire/De Quincey/Ginsberg? Not a whole lot if you ask me...

Can you name a few more?
1 - DMT !
2 - Pure MDMA
4 - Datura
5 - Opium
6 - Ketamine
7 - Amanita
8 - Heroin
2C-B, other 2C-varieties perhaps
Amanita again (last time I had no effects, puked it all out)

i'd also like to come into possesion of a small supply of ephedrine/ephedra

don't tell anyone eh :wink: :P
-2C-B (actually got some offered at the boom, but I didn't have any money left :lol: )
-GHB maybe
maybe amanita at some point, they grow in the forest anyway..
-highly dosed LSD, only was able to get some once, and that was 150 mics.
in alphabetical order

San Pedro cactus
Sweet Flag root
Opium is overestimated on here I think. It is by no means an entheogen, just a dreamy depressant with mild euphoric curves. It distants you from your environment.

Only at high doses I had the vision of ancient patterns, landscapes but there weren't strongly visible. But man, it relaxes me like nothing else.

- Ketamine IM
- Ayahuasca
- One datura seed raw (only under medical supervision otherwise not)
- Heroin (chasing the dragon)
- Ibogaine
- Bromo-Dragonfly

I'll stick to mushrooms, acid, DMT/aya and mescaline. Some of all the rest I tried is not worth it, some are only benefitical as a variated addition now and then. Ketamine, 2CB, MDMA, Salvia, GHB, Bromo-Dragonfly, Opium etc.

Crack, Coke, Speed, Heroin, Meth, Tobacco, Datura are worth trying once or twice but then you should ban them.
real MDMA
strong mushrooms
Salvia X60
Absynthe with laudanum ect
What poets? Coleridge/Baudelaire/De Quincey/Ginsberg? Not a whole lot if you ask me...

Can you name a few more?
I am very sorry, I have overseen your post!!!

Baudelaire disliked drugs as he thought that inspiration must come from one self...

But: Wilde, Novalis (and most from the German romantic era), Goethe (I believe), Dumas, Poe, Doyle, Blake, ...

(OK they are not all poets) There are a lot of them, and even more allusions to opium in many pieces of great art.
Opium is overestimated on here I think. It is by no means an entheogen, just a dreamy depressant with mild euphoric curves. It distants you from your environment.
It is for sure romantisized (like absinthe). And I don't believe to see any truth behind it (although I would love to be surprized), nevertheless exactly this effect has something romantic (dreamy state). I don't know. It is quite hard to get it...

Something I found on the net:

"In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely, singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields".
1 - LSA
2 - 2CE
3 - 2ci
4 - 2ct7
5 - 2ct2
6 - Methylone
7 - ALD-52
8 - (5-MeO-DMT
9 - 5-MeO-MIPT
10 - Maybe one of the neo products
1. LSD
2. Crystal MDMA
3. Crystal mescaline
4. Opium
5. Iboga
6. Yage
7. Peyote from Texas
To be continued....
1. Mescaline
2. DMT
3. Salvia
4. 2ct7
5. 2c-b
6. 2c-i
7. Mushrooms
I'd like to do these in this order( specifically in time)
Coca (any form other than snort)
Ayahuasca (stronger this time)
How many are there in PIHKAL and TIHKAL together? Too many to make a choice.

I guess for now:

1) Salvia divinorum (it's right in my drawer, I just can't wait to use it)
2) 5-MeO-DMT (I'm gonna order some soon)
3) LSD
4) Psiloc(yb)in
5) Mescaline
6) Ayahuasca (or smoked DMT)
7) Some 2-C- something (b? t? e? i?)
8 ) Cannabis honey oil
9) One of the MD... or MB...
10) Ibogaine

It's a mix of what I'd like most to try and what I probably will have the chance to try (hence ibogaine in last, even though it fascinates me). I also have a preference for tryptamines.
1°) Mescaline, San pedro powder
2°) Iboga
3°) Ayahuasca
4°) Cannabis oil
5°) Coca leaves
6°) Opium
7°) PCP...
8°) 2C family ( all )
9°) Bufo...
10°) My homemade weeds...
1) Mescaline (next month)
2) 2cb(one i have luck to find it)
3) Ayahuasca

This three substances i am planning to ingest soon. Probably i am gonna try more in the future, but at the moment i don't planning any thing else.
coca leaves are shit. Literally no real noticible effects bar numbing and a little energy.

Good to say you have had them, but personally, just extract them and sniff a fat line.
K, a new one on the list.

But I want to do it with someone and see if we end up in eachothers dreams :mrgreen:
WOO, that was a long time ago...

Guigz a dit:
1°) Mescaline, San pedro powder I did it, decoction taste was horrible, I prefer synthetic.
2°) Iboga approach with adaptogens dosages but never tried the big hit! I'm waiting for a funky shaman who can help me
3°) Ayahuasca No... funky shaman, where are you???^^
4°) Cannabis oil Homemade weeds first!
5°) Coca leaves no
6°) Opium yes, very good experience, but nothing to say, that's opi!
7°) PCP... no
8°) 2C family ( all ) no
9°) Bufo... no
10°) My homemade weeds... one day...one day...