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my salvia grow

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ilian
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 028
Im going to post some pics of my salvias here ;)

I've bought 3 cuttings in december 2005, i grew them indoors under TL (?) lightning.. they started growing and i was happy enough.
I did have a lot of brown leafs and they werent growing that fast. I saw a pic on another forum of a salvia cutting that was younger than mine, but at least twice in size. That while it was just in front of the window..
So i figured i was doing something wrong, i changed some stuff indoors but still i couldnt really get them to grow quicker/better.
Until one day, i was moving my plants around and a sidebranche fell off. Of course i harvested the leaves and made some new cuttings (3). Only one of these cuttings survived and i placed it outdoors (it was early summer).
That plant is now about 1m high which is twice the size of my indoor plants, which are twice as old ;)

Ive already taken many cuttings from the plant outdoors, the only problem is the upcoming winter. Salvia will (as ive heard) take temperatures of about -3/4/5C without dying. The problem is the size of the plant. Its so big that it will definately die if i keep it outdoors.. 2things i could do
- cut the plant in pieces and make a lot of cuttings and put them indoors
- cut the plant in pieces and make a lot of cuttings and put them outdoors in a greenhouse.
so i went for option 2, since i dont have enough space indoors and i dont wanna have the indoor-slow-growing thing again.

I will cut all my plants in cuttings this week. Also the indoor plants..
I guess i will have about 50-70 cuttings..

they grow way better outdoors and multiply very fast. i should have bought 1 cutting instead of 3 ^^

anyways heres some pics
my big sally (notice the pot in which is grows, its a fullsize trashcan)

my small, cheap and fast greenhouse: (its open in this pic, in the winter it will be closed)

one of the indoor salvia's that i moved outdoors (notice the thin stem)
Thats very good information man! I killed 6 cuttings over the past six months trying to grow them inside. My last plant, I left to die in peace (couldnt just kill it myself) and low and behold, just above the soil it seems its coming back to life.

I guess I'll try outdoors next time after winter.

Great looking plants!
Congratulations. Salvia seems to be the one thing this green thumb can't grow. Salvia plants die when I look at them, I sure hope I didn't put put any of my bad Ju Ju on yours.
ohhhhh ... the .. ohhhhhhh .... i will order plants next spring ..
.. salvia has allways been the best experience for me .. most .. ohhhh
You're alright Siq? lol
Another thing i noticed, its nog good to prune (toppen) them. It will not work as easily/fast as with cannabis.. it takes a few weeks to continue growing and until then basicly all growth stops. this was one of the big mistakes that i made.. indoors.
as you can see the new cutting was never pruned and that sure helped. it already has a lot sidebranches (and some fell off already, which are now in the greenhouse)

btw, if someone is looking for a cutting, you can come and pick one up for free at my place ^^ which is in the south of the netherlands
im not going to send them around, but ill have enough to spread them for free anyway.
if you want more than 1 maybe we could settle a nice price.

pm me if youre interested ;)
aye, some more pics here, cuz something amazing happened :o
1 of my salvias (outdoors) started flowering!
this is very rare..

pic of the starting flower:

my cuttings:

big momma:
you're lucky man your salvia is more than beatifull!!! Congratulation :D
Niiiiiiice man, very very nice!

I had only one cutting and it died in 4 months... didn't grow at all.
Even had to remove brown leaves a few times...

I want to try growing them again, but I guess they need more light then my room has to offer :(
Yeah, nice Salvia. And a flower... :shock: Man ! :D
Do we see a little San pedro on one photo ?
I bought cuttings in march 2006 and let them outside during spring and summer. One of them is also near 1 m tall.
However I somehow disagree about 'pruning'. I made a cutting from one plant during the summer (therefore pruning it half it's size) and I was glad to see that it develloped more side branchs and side leafs than the tall others.
Later, the side branchs became as hight as the main stem of some others Sally. I guess that the stress slow down the growing first, but if weather conditions are good, it grows much stronger afterward.

Yes, I noticed that Salvias feels indeed better outside light (but not in direct sun).
well, youre right.
it was indoors when i pruned them, and they didnt grow very well over there.
you can see that the salvia that is in the last picture was pruned (check from the first pic to see the difference) and now it also has many branches and the branches that come all the way from the soil are now also higher.
im happy with this, because when it was windy or stormy i was afraid that the stem would break, now it is more stable. as you can see the top of the plant gave me a lot of cuttings ;)
i will soon start cutting up my indoor plants, because they are slowly dying.

and thanks for the reactions ;) im indeed very happy with the flower :D
and space, as i posted earlier somewhere, u can come n get a cutting if u want ^^ 1st one is free (tilburg)

edit: its not a san pedro btw, im not sure which picture you mean :P
i have a san pedro though, will take a picture of it tomorrow ;)
Thnx! Will come and get one ;)

But we'll have to pick a date sometime.

Haven't met any of the forum members yet and deffinately want to :D
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Thnx! Will come and get one ;)
hope its still alive ;)

anyway as you might have known ive sent around 20-30 cuttings aroudn europe for free, as the motherplant was dying. i ended up with a lot of cuttings (around 20) for myself, which i moved indoor over the past month. heres a pic of the general overview of my 19 cuttings underneath 3 tube lights:


Heres the typical new growth of a cutting:
