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My reality

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Enivid
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Psychoid a dit:
Tiax a dit:
It was funny, there was friends with me, and it was like we all understood that at the same time, that we were only one, that we choosed to forget what we really are for a while to experiment life, and it was like the ultimate after party.

That reminds me of a thought that came up in my mind 2 or 3 times while tripping... life is a kind of video-game for your spirit, when you choose (or not... matrix? :P ) to play life, you come to life in this popular game that is called "Life on Earth", and forget everything from the real life, from the realm of the spirits. So your spirit is controlling your body in this material world. When you die, it's game over and you're back to the spirit world. If you liked the experience you can decide to try again (reincarnation).

This funny thought came from the realization that life is a game, but then I took the expression "life is a game" in a litteral way and fantasized :P

Life actually is a game/movie or similiar. There's no such thing as death. The only thing is that we are not where we're supposed to be. The humanity on planet earth are trapped in a matrix. Methaphorically its just like the movie The Matrix.

We are the creator, each and everyone of us. We need to remember this. We are born without knowing who we are and our environment and experience forms us and teaches us. Most people on this earth have no clue who they really are and that everything in life is controlled and manipulated, from movies to TV-series, to porn, to brainwashing and controlling our minds.

Once you realise you're the creator and that love is the strongest force, you become "immortal". You can still physically die, but your spirit will take you to where you're supposed to be. The afterlife is as solid and real as this life.

Life's a frequency, and the higher the frequency the more love and the lower to more separation and hate. Its proven that love unwinds DNA (you can heal) and hate closes it. Hate is a low frequency/vibration while love is a high frequnecy.

When we finally transform our world into the ultimate planet earth experience we will be able to be aware while playing games that are as real as here and now. We will enjoy things that are unimagineable to a majority of us. The only reason we're here in this moment is that we're about to wake up.

Why are we asleep?

The universe/the one infinte creator/you must forget all to be able to live within itself. Then you can become an individual and grow up in a world shared by other creations that you've created. The most amazing experience we can have is to live like we do, as the creator and share it with ourselves in the form of other creators. Manyness is something that brings creativity and joy. But sadly our Earth is controlled and manipulated by the force opposite of oneness, and that is separation.

Like cancer separation divides and destroys. The true goal is to awake to who you are, and realise that you're here for a purpose. A purpose to remember that you're the creator.

Money is the ultimate separation tool used to fool us. Money is not needed at all. Its just here to manipulate and fool us and keep us stuck in this matrix.

The reason you can't use godlike powers such as levitation or similiar is because the universe (you) created the first law: Free Will, to control everything. And this world we live on now is the first dimension before life begins for real. And the shift is what 2012 is all about. But you can only make it if you understand that you're one with all and want to help people instead of controlling and manipulating them.

The creation is perfect and infinite.

mysticwarrior a dit:
Maybe you already visited this website, but i think your gonna like it


Thanks, liked it alot!

???????? a dit:
what's the thing with spirals? they keep popping everywhere! How are we able to relate so much to that essential experience we've all had when we know that our worldviews can have almost infinite differences and whatnots too! is it accurate to describe our thoughts as memes? so maybe we could get some that are "out there" in the pool? maybe like the "oneness" meme? Even though I know there can be a meaningful counterpoint to this concept somehow expressed, I find solace in that I don't feel it as with my rationale but by instinct... albeit one of the most powerful instincts I've ever felt, ever.

I take and invisible hat off my head and leave.

Spirals are found everywhere since all matter is created from two opposing forces swirling around eachother. All matter is created by mind/intelligence. So the reason you can think is not because of matter, even if you understand of the brain works with neurology nets and electrical impulses. You can leave your body and still think, without using your brain. People have died with no brain activity and had thoughts and then come back to life.

All particels are spinning to exist. The reason why everything will evolve is because we start at the bottom of the spiral, where we think we're separate and just machines that once dead we're gone forever. At the top of the spiral we're once again everything and connected to oneness.

Its spiraling light that have created all that we can see.

The true life has yet to begin, and right now we're just learning about how the world is constructed.

I highly recommend www.divinecosmos.com for the best source of collected information from all kinds of corners around the world to better understand what life really is and what's about to happen.

You can be ignorant about your existence, but that will never allow you to awake from this "game". You can die and your soul and higher self will send you back into the fire until you learn to understand why you don't want to keep reincarnating.

Once you understand you're the creator living as itself in this creation, you will stop reincarnating. You only reincarnate to learn. Once you've learned its time to live life in total love and joy.

And the goal right now for people that have awoken to the truth is to spread the truth about our existence. That right now we're caught in a real-life matrix that wants to fool us in everyway possible to we don't wake up to understand that there's ALOT more to life than this current prison called Planet Earth.

Planet Earth herself is a consciouss being and just like a cancer cell in a human body, most of the people on this earth are cancer to her. We slowly kill her, but Earth will not face a death, she will clense herself of the cancer with a pole shift in a few years.

This pole shift is something that has happened in the past and the scientists (that never are exposed to mainstream, because of the manipulation of information) have proved the polar shifts from earlier times. And now the same things that happened back then are happening again. The electromagnetic field, the gravity field and the schumann resoncance are all showing the same patterns that was shown before earlier pole shifts.

Its not a full pole shift, but big enough to cause "chaos". The good thing is that all people that are plugged into love and the creator will not be on this planet when that happens. We are going to live on this planet when she's fully configured and balanced for the 4th density (you can also call it dimension, but density is better because the energy is more dense). Now we live in the 3rd densitiy, where all life always starts from the free will of forgetting that we're the creator.

The Norwegian and the American governments (probably others aswell) have prepared for this pole shift with underground bases. But its not necessary at all once you understand the secrets to this Matrix. Matter is an illusion, your mind is not an illusion, it just lives within' the illusion.

But if you are disconnected to the source of love, and you'r soul and mind then you're just an Artificial Intelligence, and that is the goal of the manipulators of this earth, to create an "I-Robot" race of humans. If you think AI doesn't exist, think again, your brain is a computer, literally.

The universe itself is a super computer, where all exists and is infinite.

No beginning, no endning, only a moment.

The moment is where you wanna live. Don't think about what to do, don't think about anything, just be. I don't think when I write this, the words just come to me, I have no idea what to say, I just begin the sentence and have no idea what I will share with you. Im not thinking, Im just being here and now and letting my fingers type what comes to them from my brain and mind.

The reason that 90% cannot truly believe in what Im saying is because of thoose who control us, this cancer and this separation from oneness. It causes us to be skeptic and to belive more in the material world then the spiritual world.

Why don't we have any utopian movies showing us perfect worlds? Cause "they" don't want to us understand that utopian worlds could exist. They rather show us dystopian worlds where people are controlled and manipulated. And that's what the world is today, and money is the biggest cause of slavery. We're all slaves.

There's no money in the afterlife, and there will be no money in the 4th density that we soon will have. The 2012 prophecy is a "create your reality" moment, and all people that are plugged back into love and the infinite creator will co-create an amazing harmonious and wonderful world that will be so amazingly peaceful and joyful that its impossible to understand how great it will be.

We will carry all memories of this existence with us and use it to create a perfect world without all of todays negativity and negative elite that controls this earth.

Do you think wars starts because to neighbouring countries disslike eachother? "They" feed on the energies that are realised through fear and hate. "They" feed on the sexual energy you loose when not having sex with true love, which means when you really feel connected to the source of infinity. "They" have created pornography to keep us distracted and addicted and giving our energy to them. And I used to masturbate to porn, now it was maybe a year since I watched porn and Im glad for that. The hardest thing was to stop to masturbate ;).

Anyway, now I've shared alot of information that easily could be judged as bullshit, but remember: You've created me, and I've spent alot of time researching this life and how it is working. I've spent endless hours trying to figure out why I exist and why I even am aware. I've sacrificed alot of entertainment and joy to find the truth, and when I finally found it, I realised I never sacrificed anything, I gained life and the keys to the universe. Its amazing to deeply understand what life is.

Are you ready to awake to yourself and an amazing world? Or will you keep being enslaved by a monetary system and leaders that never seem to fix anything but making more money for themselves and other big corporations.

Open your eyes Neo.
Opening doors of perception.... Wow, I have struggled to describe what I use psychedelics for and its been infront of my face all along. Opening the doors of Perception! Oh what a wonderful moment. (sorry I just HAD to post that.) Perception is SO incredibly curious. The way we experience this world through JUST our eyes/ears and other sense organs. There is SO much out there that we just simply cant see. (Honey bee's for example can see UV light, and pit vipers can see infrared). I am confident the quantum revolution lying ahead will open many eyes to the truth. Better living through plants. All this talk negative talk about changing ones perception! Illegal!? Every other creature on this planet is living in a totally different perceptual world than one individual with authority, yet they fail to even come close to realize it.

/end rant.