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my first time mescaline

Ah phalaris, if I remember it was sulphate. He said HCl was very hydroscopic.

I have the same feeling. I haven't used LSD but I know that mushrooms also let me tend to loose reality, sometimes even prepared you got fuckin scared with them. With DMT you almost have no time to think, in the beginning you think you are going crazy and a few minutes later you already start to think what the fuck has happend. Because of the clearity and empathy I still believe it's one of the best drugs for healing purposis.
glad you had such a great first time. my first and only time was mild, but absolutely wonderful. it was a fresh spring day, I was wandering around the area i live in, not at all afraid of going outside.. just feeling waves of relaxation as if i had just come home from the best 3 week vacation.. time had no meaning.. during the peak, hours felt like minutes.. this feeling of seeing the entire process of life in the universe all at once :) :)

again someday, for sure. absolutely !
I'd only get up and get outside if I'd live in the jungle amoung animals
I went for a walk because I thought it would be good for my spine (I have mild problems with my back) and I hoped I would be similar to a walk I had on LSD a few months ago.
glad you had such a great first time.
Yes, I certainly had a great time. Next time I want to try something like 500 to 600 mg.
actually I ment hygroscopic.

Well, I also hope things are getting better with you, of course some things you have to life with but maybe you are able to make some changes you still want. I think a lot has to do with balance between yourself and your suroundings, cause a human is still a social animal and will become isolated and crazy if he is totally different from the group.

Well with 600 mg I don't think it's still an easy trip haha, let us know.
Sounds like a wonderful experience CM. I still remember my first mescaline experience like it was yesterday. I see a lot of resemblance between your experience and one of my trips with 20 mg 2C-B-OH. I also took a long and lonely walk (not for my back but just because I felt to claustrofobic indoors) and I thought alot about the problems in my life. I also felt sadness and perhaps more than I would feel when I am sober. It helped a me a lot to straighten things out in my mind. The main priorities in my life became a lot more apparent. It was suddenly a lot more clear to me how important it is to love your friends and family, and to be loved. I still carry this experience in the back of my mind today and I have alot more respect for my loved ones because of this. I will never forget this experience... I feel a great sense of happiness when I think about it again..
Psychedelics possess the wonderful power to open closed doors in the subconscious. I love it :heart:
I see a lot of resemblance between your experience and one of my trips with 20 mg 2C-B-OH.
I didn't try the 2CB yet, the third gift I received a couple of months ago. I'm saving it for a special occasion. :wink:
Mescaline is the only substance from where I became perfectly sane. And kept everything I learnt from it as a running program throughout the days with sober levels of consciousness. It feels like a real connection. Just a different software running on reality.

It is inevitable that with LSD, DMT and psilo sooner or later you go through a phase of soporific days in your life due to the re-attachment with reality.
MelloTrip a dit:
I wish i had friends like yours. :P

Yeah, me to ;)

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I felt sad about a lot of things. None of which came as a surprise because I also feel sad about them when I'm not tripping, especially in recent days: the lack of money coming in from my shop, the limited amount of time I interact with my children, that I don't like the area where I live, traffic jams, pains in the body, conflicting desires and emotions... Of course there are also things to be happy about and grateful for, and I was. Some things however are really bugging me, and there are no quick fix solutions.

When i read this, i also had to think about my last mushroom trip. It was a small dose, but i got fucking emotional from it. I was struggling with myself because i lost my purpose in life. At this moment i don't have a job, i never managed to finish a school. I think i could not handle the authority which go's along with school. This trip made clear to me, how important it would be to go back to school again, but still i don't know what for study i want to do. Since i can't do the studies which i like.
Since i can't do the studies which i like.

Who says you can't? You can start at the bottom and work your way up.
Mysticwarrior a dit:
Since i can't do the studies which i like.

Who says you can't? You can start at the bottom and work your way up. 8)