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My first DMT trip - oh my god it's full of stars !

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion flexiverse
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So jealous but my time will come soon. I've had a lot of LSD and found it to be so calming and sets my spirit at peace. I'm hoping to get a grater insight into my energy and the energy of the universe with the help of dmt.
its been a good number of years since my last LSD trip, would it be wise to hop straight onto dmt?
hey where are you in scotland im in glasgow?
Rpk a dit:
So jealous but my time will come soon. I've had a lot of LSD and found it to be so calming and sets my spirit at peace. I'm hoping to get a grater insight into my energy and the energy of the universe with the help of dmt.
its been a good number of years since my last LSD trip, would it be wise to hop straight onto dmt?

DMT was the first psychedelic that I tried. I don't think it would be a bad idea to hop straight to it. It's nothing to be afraid of at all. The best advice I can give for the experience is to not try to make sense of everything while you're on the trip. It will be incomprehensible to your mind. Just remain aware of the experience, and let it show you whatever it shows you. The more you to try to figure everything out, like where you're at, or what exactly is going on, the more unsettling it is. Just surrender to the experience, and go along for the ride. When you let go, that's where you find the otherworldly peace. It's a beautiful experience, and a lot can be learned from it!
I have wanted to try dmt for years im well experienced with mushrooms n lsd etc but this chemical sounds amazing.cant find it to try but would like to.
If anyone has successfully extracted DMT, please PM me. Would love to talk about best methods and would be eternally grateful.
I would LOVE to try DMT but I can't find anyone who can get hold of it and the extraction seems a little complicated.
It's not complicated !

NaOH in water
Mimosa hostilis root's bark in this water
Wait 2 days
Naphta in this mix, shake for 15min
Get the naphta from the mix, put it in the freezer 24h
Pour the naphta out and let the cristals dry
Et voila !
I'm with you on that.
I too want the real deal and would love some guidance on obtaining, making and using... xx
Tried DMT for the first time tonight over two attempts. I didn't achieve 'breakthrough' but it was a very interesting experience and I thought I'd share it here particularly since there are a few others from the UK posting and I know of nobody who has heard of the stuff let alone tried it! Previous experience with psychedelics is fairly limited, LSD four times and 2cb three times.

Attempt 1: Loaded up around 20-25mg onto a copper wire ball for my homemade machine. I found it really hard to get the DMT onto the ball and then stuffing it into the bottle without spilling any so probably lost a small amount. Did some deep breathing to calm myself and then put the flame to the bottom of the ball. Very quickly the bottle filled with smoke and I took a deep toke through the bic pen tube I'd duct-taped into the hole in the side of the bottle (my machine really isn't the most aesthetically-pleasing piece of drugs paraphernalia). It didn't taste too hot or harsh and I was able to hold the smoke in for around 20 seconds. At the 10 second point the room suddenly pulled into hyper-focus and I felt myself begin to vibrate. Not shaking, vibrating. And then I heard the 'tone' that steadily got louder and then my hand went limp and I was unable to take a second toke. Suddenly my vision was overlaid with a kind of honeycomb pattern and I closed my eyes. I could see a long - very long - tunnel made up of purple and pink segments that was rotating slowly. Each segment looked slightly inflated almost as if it was a bouncy castle. I felt no fear at all and just enjoyed the lightshow.

Suddenly I was became aware of myself again and was back down to earth. I felt my jaw was incredibly tight, and then felt a tightness in my right temple that moved down through my cheek and across my jaw, and then was gone. I felt very awake and happy. The trip lasted around 3-4 minutes.

Attempt 2: a couple of hours later I loaded the ball with around 35mg, again having difficulty getting the DMT onto the ball. Same deal as the first attempt: I was only able to take a single toke before the world disintegrated. I have no idea how you are supposed to take three! This time I was back in the purply-pink world with my eyes closed. It was noticeably more intense than the first attempt and I was momentarily confused as to what the hell was going on: had I taken a drug, where was I? etc etc. The tunnel was still there but this time it kind of 'shifted' over and other purple, fractal images came into view. And then a very weird thing happened. Arms seemed to emerge from 'underneath' the colours and started caressing me. They were female and yellow, like a person clad in a yellow lycra body-suit. I could sense the rest of the person but couldn't see her, just the arms. And the arms were suddenly to my left, then to my right. And then the purple fractals seemed to open up briefly - very briefly - and through the other side was black space filled with millions of twinkling stars.

Once again I became aware of myself and started coming back down to earth. The trip lasted around 6-7 minutes. I think I got some sense of what DMT can do but don't feel like I 'broke through' although perhaps I had a glimpse of it. It was very cool, very interesting and not half as scary as I feared it might be. That's not to say it won't be in the future, and I certainly intend to experiment further. I didn't have any profound spiritual revelations or anything like that, sorry if my report isn't as exciting as others' - just trying to give an honest account of what happened!

Thanks for reading.
Sounds exactly what ive been hoping for! How do you get it in the uk without getting jailed lol im in scotland
Thank you flexiverse for the insight into your experience. I would love to get into contact with you further regarding your experiences. What would be the best way to get into further contact with you?
Hey everyone, I have been researching the types of experiences people have had while on DMT and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to talk to me about their experiences and what you have learned in your research or in your personal journeys. I greatly appreciate any feedback.
Hi Flexiverse. Thank you for your great description of your journey on DMT. I read your thread about Mentors in the uk. I am very keen to try DMT but though IU have a lot of experience with shrooms and LSD over the years I would be wary of taking DMT without an experienced person along. Can you please contact me. Or anyone else in the north east who would like to share their experience with me. Thanks
My email is in my profile
Wow! I can feel your energy :-)) sounds like an amazing experience. So looking forward to going there myself.
Hey flexiverse, seen both of your threads and really interested in speaking to you further. I have been researching dmt over the last year and really want to try it. I am in Leeds.

Hi Flexiverse really wanting to speak to someone with experience of dmt. Read both your threads. I'm in Leeds and after a lot of research would love to speak to someone with first hand experience. Would really love to know where to source. Thanks

Hey flexiverse, seen both of your threads and really interested in speaking to you further. I have been researching dmt over the last year and really want to try it. I am in Leeds.
wadie1 a dit:
Hey flexiverse, seen both of your threads and really interested in speaking to you further. I have been researching dmt over the last year and really want to try it. I am in Leeds.

And it seems you didn't read forum rules

And if you could ask a 4th time, i'm sure