Elfe Mécanique
- Inscrit
- 2/5/07
- Messages
- 420
First off I must say that when I was younger I experimented a lot with different psychedelics (mostly mushrooms and LSD) and was inspired by the accounts of people who had experiences of oneness, or finding the God within. Now I must say I was pretty young when I used them (15 to 20) and when I was 20 I had a devastating psychosis and the diagnosis schizophrenia afterwards. Luckily in a "normal" state of consciousness again thanks to medication, but I thought I had to give up my quest for experiencing the oneness of everything because I thought psychedelics where the best way to reach such a state.
However I still had an urge to change my perceptive so I started meditating. I followed a course in meditation at Shu'em Shamanism, but wasn't really satisfied with the way I meditated, and on top of it all I had another psychotic breakdown.
In that psychotic breakdown I had already some experiences of the oneness of the universe, and I think it is because this psychosis was pretty "mystical" that when this one was over, and I started meditating again I started having the experiences I wanted to have from psychedelics when I was younger.
My first experience was that I found out that I am not the body, but I am the witness witnessing it al and because you witness both your body as the rest of the world you could just as well say you are a random tree you are looking at, than that you are your body.
My second experience was quite strong. I started meditating, and truly had the sensation, not mental or argumented about that everything is one, and that one is God thus God is everything there is and because God is everything there is I am that God in the most absolute sense of the word. (Please note I use God as a lack of a better word; not implying anything christian at all, you could also say consciousness, or energy, but because it felt so overwhelming I choose to use the word God)
These experiences went on for quite a while, connecting my most inner core with the core from the rest of the universe making me experience the instricate connectedness of this world.
One more experience was quite beautiful as well, although it came to the same conclusion (God is all, all is one, thus I am God) is that I came to the source of all existence. You could call it a field of potential, it was almost like the big bang. And everything originated from this field of potential. Is a manifestation from it you could also say, and again, because that is the source of everything that is also what you most deeply are.
So this is a pretty fun way to see it I think, after this experience the meaning of the Big Bang became different to me. Because (according to modern day science) that is what we originated from, you could say that that is what we most deeply are.
Nowadays my experiences are less intense. More of a silence and a sense of "all is well".
In retrospect, I think I was too young when I started using psychedelics to really get the message they are having, and they probably helped facilitating my psychosis although it can't be the real reason that I had the psychosis. It must have been laying dorment inside me.
But I must also say that I never thought meditation could be quite as intense as it is, with moments where it is almost the same as an intense LSD trip. So I could also say that you don't really need psychedelics at all in order to experience these kinds of experiences. Which is quite good news for me because if I start doing psychedelics again I would probably end up in the mental hospital again.
Also, as I experienced is you can't force these kinds of "mystical" experiences. You can't just take for example LSD and expect experiences of oneness. Or start meditating and expect it. I think the mind needs to reach some kind of maturity for it to happen.
However I still had an urge to change my perceptive so I started meditating. I followed a course in meditation at Shu'em Shamanism, but wasn't really satisfied with the way I meditated, and on top of it all I had another psychotic breakdown.
In that psychotic breakdown I had already some experiences of the oneness of the universe, and I think it is because this psychosis was pretty "mystical" that when this one was over, and I started meditating again I started having the experiences I wanted to have from psychedelics when I was younger.
My first experience was that I found out that I am not the body, but I am the witness witnessing it al and because you witness both your body as the rest of the world you could just as well say you are a random tree you are looking at, than that you are your body.
My second experience was quite strong. I started meditating, and truly had the sensation, not mental or argumented about that everything is one, and that one is God thus God is everything there is and because God is everything there is I am that God in the most absolute sense of the word. (Please note I use God as a lack of a better word; not implying anything christian at all, you could also say consciousness, or energy, but because it felt so overwhelming I choose to use the word God)
These experiences went on for quite a while, connecting my most inner core with the core from the rest of the universe making me experience the instricate connectedness of this world.
One more experience was quite beautiful as well, although it came to the same conclusion (God is all, all is one, thus I am God) is that I came to the source of all existence. You could call it a field of potential, it was almost like the big bang. And everything originated from this field of potential. Is a manifestation from it you could also say, and again, because that is the source of everything that is also what you most deeply are.
So this is a pretty fun way to see it I think, after this experience the meaning of the Big Bang became different to me. Because (according to modern day science) that is what we originated from, you could say that that is what we most deeply are.
Nowadays my experiences are less intense. More of a silence and a sense of "all is well".
In retrospect, I think I was too young when I started using psychedelics to really get the message they are having, and they probably helped facilitating my psychosis although it can't be the real reason that I had the psychosis. It must have been laying dorment inside me.
But I must also say that I never thought meditation could be quite as intense as it is, with moments where it is almost the same as an intense LSD trip. So I could also say that you don't really need psychedelics at all in order to experience these kinds of experiences. Which is quite good news for me because if I start doing psychedelics again I would probably end up in the mental hospital again.
Also, as I experienced is you can't force these kinds of "mystical" experiences. You can't just take for example LSD and expect experiences of oneness. Or start meditating and expect it. I think the mind needs to reach some kind of maturity for it to happen.