Mushrooms in London

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ov3rdos3
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I have been fortunate to be part of the "Legal Magic Mushroom" epidemic the swept over the UK a few years ago. Due to some legal loophole, psilocybe cubensis was available for purchase on the side of the road and from various highstreet headshops.

Unfortunatly this was shortlived as 11 year olds running around london tripping thier faces off and getting knocked over by cars and jumping out of windows were giving the legal psychedelic a bad name.

Now it is classified alongside Heroin and Cocaine as a Class A drug. So in theory, being caught with magic mushrooms in the UK will land you a longer jail time than being caught with Crystal Meth. (Which gives an indication of how intelligent our government really is).

Here is my question though. Now that these bastards have made it illegal to possess magic mushrooms....where the hell do i get some? Ive been so used to simply buying it from the side of the road legally, I have no clue as to obtain them Illegally.

If you live in London, and know where a poor soul could find some psychedelic mushrooms, please be so kind as to let me know. I would be eternally greatful

Yours psychedellically

I have grown my own before. I have managed to grow 2 harvists of +-300grams each.

But i bought an actual self sustained grow kit. It simply needed to be placed in a bag , sprayed with a tiny bit of water and sealed. Then left near a heater (at about 27 degrees C). Within 3 weeks I had loads of shrooms. But I heard that these kits were illegal now too. Thanks for those sites. Ill check them out dude.
Growing your own from spores is actually pretty easy and doesn't require too much effort. And it's a great feeling when you see the first mushrooms appear, having done it all by yourself. The links provided above should get you going in notime, and there are a lot of good online vendors offering a wide range of quality spores. Best of luck with your project!
i wouldnt recommend buying spores from commercial vendors.
just send 1euro to FSRE for porto, and they will send you a spore. spread the spores!
Yeah growing your own is the best thing to do probably..

But man that FSRE site is wicked!
So great that people are just spreading spores for free massive thumbs up for the founders of the site :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
the owner has an account on this forum even, MeneerCactus ;)
from this thread: (this is from 2002 so a biit outdated!)
MeneerCactus a dit:
Free Translation to English

Everywere shrooms from Wijchen
From a small room in Wijchen MeneerCactus spreads the spores of the halicuniting mushrooms all around the world. For scientific purposes only, but I cannot exclude people growing shrooms from them.

article by Jan Willem Narvis
Wijchen, Eric van Es (34) walks throught the silent street in Wijchen. Suddenly he stops at a small field. There are the famous red and white FA's. They gonna take you on a flying carpet, he lauchs.
Van Es loves nature. Especially the plants who had great invluance on the development of human cultures. Like Peyote and San Pedro.
His cacti loves gave him the nickname MeneerCactus.
Behind the window in a peacefull street the cacti are standing, on the table a bag of weed (backyard grown). Van Es like gardining that much that he called his Cat Teunus Botanicus. Time he has plenty as he is a houseman.

In februari he tried his first mushroom cultivation. After the cultivation he printed the spores. One print is a good for more than a life support of mushrooms. To much to keep.

Thats why he started the Free Spore Ring Europe.
A website were people can get a print for 1 euro (covering porto). The website became very well visited. At the moment he already sent over 800 prints acros the globe. Al lot to the usa, scandinavia, but more and more often eastern europe.
Even HongKong. Amazing that they were able to find me online

He does not want to make money with it. Else I would have driven a Mercedis BEnz. Van Es has a hippie attitude, nature is free.

The shrooms he cultivates he shares with his friends or exhanges them for some growing supplies. And that when commercial growers earn big money. Money only brings troubles. My motivation is that every-one should be able to enjoy such a beautifull experiance.
He does about 4 trips a year.

The iligality of the mushroom he thinks is totally waste of time and money. Wil they ban all forms of pleasure?
BTW as long as he does not generate money he is not a criminal. And spores are free to sent, like flowerbols etc.

In Holland it is free to grow and sell (fresh)mushies, just like in swiss. But for the rest of the world mushies are iligal.
De prints are there by sent for research purposes only. What the peope do with the spores is not my responsebility.
When a rusian university asks for spores for research who am I do think it otherwise

Bla bla bla about our governement and the law thing that is going one for years about mushrooms. Fresh is legal, dry is ilegal! Drying is an iligal action to too and will make it a hard drug. So only allow fresh will ban export.

Van Es: When you lay down a mushroom in your room it starts drying by nature.
Is that iligal? Can they sent me to jail for 10 years?

Below is a article about research of our covernment to mushies. The work group containing politicy, law, police, health, are for liberation of the mushroom and asking for legal status
Algemeen Dagblad 5 november 2002

sorry for going a bit offtopic :P
Man, that Eric van Es is a genuine hero!
That's what I call heart for the 'cause...

But anyway enough offtopic and now ontopic:

There is a growkit that doesn't contain psylocibine before you open it so it isn't illegal to be sent to your country...
Available at Azarius

I'm considering to really grow mushrooms myself, now that I have some experience with growboxes. However, I ran into a problem when I was planning the whole growing thing: where can I get syringes in Holland?
The Free Spore Ring can send me a spore print, but I presume that I'll first have to make a spore syringe before I'll be able to inocculate a medium.
Quicksand a dit:
where can I get syringes in Holland?
The Free Spore Ring can send me a spore print, but I presume that I'll first have to make a spore syringe before I'll be able to inocculate a medium.
its not needed, just lift the jars a bit and scrape the spores of with a sterile scapel (fast and smoohtly). you wont see them falling of but they sure will. then shake the jars to mix it.
syringes are also available at your local pharmacy
BombSki a dit:
Quicksand a dit:
where can I get syringes in Holland?
The Free Spore Ring can send me a spore print, but I presume that I'll first have to make a spore syringe before I'll be able to inocculate a medium.
its not needed, just lift the jars a bit and scrape the spores of with a sterile scapel (fast and smoohtly). you wont see them falling of but they sure will. then shake the jars to mix it.
syringes are also available at your local pharmacy

Ok I'll keep that in mind, but I think I will order a syringe from azarius next time and use it again for making my own syringe from spores...