Mushrooms grow anywhere!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dr. Leospace
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Goran.Hrsak a dit:
I also have such dreams, and dreams with nice girls too. Why we can not chose to sleep forever?

Well, in my opinion it *is* possible...

...but anyway, we're all going to end up doing this, so let's enjoy this life (until the next one :D ) !!!
Tiax a dit:
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
I also have such dreams, and dreams with nice girls too. Why we can not chose to sleep forever?

Well, in my opinion it *is* possible...

...but anyway, we're all going to end up doing this, so let's enjoy this life (until the next one :D ) !!!
until the next one, or everlasting peace and blissful non-existence? :wink:
Pinealjerker a dit:
Last night I had a dream of having a vacation in some kind of park where they had all kinds of mushrooms, with huge amanitas growing everywhere. Sometimes you really don't wanna wake up...
if you wanna come over, we have a park here in Norwaythat is full of all kinds of mushrooms from summer to the beginning of winter. I dunno how huge your amanitas were but thy're pretty big here :D (20cm avg.diam. caps)

but we also have boleti, coprini, name it 8)
global worming can be fun..
for second year I harvest amazing shrooms from few "spoiled" cakes given by a friend and buried under an apple tree..
Global warming ain't fun for shit man, if it goes on like this you can say good bye to you psylocibes cause there won't be much climate for them to proliferate...however now that i think of it it would make it fun for me cause the population would migrate in greater numbers to Scandinavia... :? mmmmmm
Global warming ain't fun for shit man, if it goes on like this you can say good bye to you psylocibes cause there won't be much climate for them to proliferate...

They also grow in pretty warm areas. It has hardly been less than 26°C in my room for a month and the shrooms are still flourishing ;)

However I don't like the weather this year because it's too cloudy. My San Pedros won't grow fast enough when they never see direct sunlight :(
Dantediv86 a dit:
Global warming ain't fun for shit man, if it goes on like this you can say good bye to you psylocibes cause there won't be much climate for them to proliferate...however now that i think of it it would make it fun for me cause the population would migrate in greater numbers to Scandinavia... :? mmmmmm
If Scandinavia isn't flooded..
Spidi a dit:
Dantediv86 a dit:
Global warming ain't fun for shit man, if it goes on like this you can say good bye to you psylocibes cause there won't be much climate for them to proliferate...however now that i think of it it would make it fun for me cause the population would migrate in greater numbers to Scandinavia... :? mmmmmm
If Scandinavia isn't flooded..
as far as I know they have plenty of mountains, but dutch people should be aware..
:lol: True^^
besides it rained two weeks straight till yesterday. and i went hikin' with my rents i managed to get some sweet lookin' amanitas (slurp) no psylos tho :( too early in the season...but lots of boleti...=D and are those good on pizza!! fresh like that :unibrow:
Which book should I read/buy to learn more about determination and places to find shrooms?
Today is 29.08.2007 Can someone tell me is this good time for psilo shrooms? Or maybe they are growing in other season? Off course I will find amanita and many others but I do not believe that psyshrooms grow in forest.


Well again, it all depends on the strain of mushroom.
If you’re looking for Cubensis ect, its pastures, medows and fields; Wherever livestock excrete waste. They do propagate in the forest but to a much lesser extent that you probably wont find any, no matter how hard you look. Unless of course there’s a horse riding trail through this particular woodland.

Otherwise, strait after rain, or if it hasn’t rained before this point wait for the second or third shower to pass before you start your hunt. If looking for wood loving species; anywhere where there have been woodchips spread previously (they can’t be freshly laid) sloping regions with sandy, nutrient rich soil with direct cover from other plant species and shade.

Any more technical and specific information can all be found freely on the net. Start at erowid and work your way down the chain until you have sufficient knowledge to start your search. And again, it has to be cold for wood lovers; not so much for Cubensis and the ones which grow on dung, if at all.
Theres a huge field in NV (a very dry place) that is run by the college, and has a whole bunch of cows and sheep. Would this be a high probability area?
I would say so, but during fall (autumn) when it’s getting slightly colder but not too cold and has rained sufficiently to cause fruiting.
Have you ever find psyshrooms (not amanita spicie)? Which spice? Can horse dung be replaced with cows dung? Meaning trails trough woods and meadows? And do you know some site on net where I can download BOOKS bout shrooms and theirs psydelic brothers. I have only find books for sale and I do not know where I could find electronic versions of those books witch are allowed for free download (like rapid share/e-mule/P2P/mega-share/torrents. Please help me. Thanx! :)