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Mushroom Communication

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Jamapricotica
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So as I was reading the original question and the following answers, things suddenly started clicking in my brain as I was finally able to link a few ideas I've had floating around lately.

Primarily, I've been reading Aldous Huxley's "Doors of Perception". While that deals with mescaline, I feel that the basic nature of psychedelics transcends the specifics of each individual substance.

Let's start at the beginning. Through my research in Psychology, I have discovered that your unconscious constantly deals with approximately 2 million pieces (bits) of information (data). This is a gargantuan number, as your conscious can only process 5 - 9 pieces of data without becoming overwhelmed. Therefore, filters must be in place "between" the unconscious and conscious that will reduce all the possible data to a manageable quantity.

Therefore, these filters must only allow passage to the data that is required for basic survival. This happens to be information relating to spatial and temporal (space and time) dimensions, "how fast is that object moving towards me?" would be an example, or, in a much more vague fashion, "what in relation to what?".

What happens when you take said psychedelic, is the amount of data that the filters "conceal" from your conscious is reduced because the "bottleneck" of the filters is loosened, allowing more to trespass from the unconscious to the conscious. This is why, when a sober person looks at grass, they may say it is all 1 shade of green, but someone on mushrooms may tell you that they see 50 different colours there. Simply speaking, when you are on mushrooms, a lot of the BIOLOGICALLY USELESS information that your brain would otherwise not be concerned with because it does not require it to survive makes it to your conscious.

Likewise, I believe this is why creativity is boosted when on said psychedelics. If you think of the information transfers between unconscious and conscious in regards to external information (i.e. received from your senses through contact with the external environment/world), you can also apply the same logic to internal information. I would imagine that there must be loads of great ideas and conceptions in my brain that I will never be aware of when sober simply because my brain has more important things to focus on. But, when the mushrooms are in action, space and time become much more meaningless, although by no means non-existent.

Does this make some sense? :)
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
I think mushrooms simply allow you to enter an altered state of mind in which you rather broaden your vision instead of smallen it. I strongly believe there is more to this world that we normally see. Not that the normal world is untrue, rather that there are several truths. What you perceive when having ingested the sacred shrooms is probably closer to a resonance between the unconcious brainfunctions and the concious ones then alien contact, in my opinion. Mushrooms contain psilocybin, a tryptamine derivant, which is also found in the human brain in it's pure form (N,N-dimethyltryptamin). This substance is also produced when experiencing heavy trauma (giving birth, near death experiences). My guess is this would be a sort of last-minute-defense system of the human brain, since it enables your mind to process huge chunks of information and draw conclusions.
The alien McKenna means is within, but I think not as a different entity, rather as an unexplored part of your own spirit...
Couldn't it just be instinct, always guiding us without us knowing it, which suddenly becomes visible, touchable? Couldn't the entities some have the honor to meet simply be a reflection of their own spirit?
Mr.Smith a dit:
LsDxMdma a dit:
''dont mind the man behing the curtain''

Wow..what a great analogy.. I never thought of it this way o_O

Also, gonzebo.. psilocybine.. both your ideas expressed here are very similar just approached from a different angle, and it really seems to make alot of sense, or at least might be a very feasible explanation in my opinion!

I love this forum.. always reading amazing stuff! Wouldn't it be beautiful if there was a hundred more forums and communities like this to somewhat "teach" the public about the potential and real nature of psychedelics?

Psychedelic mushrooms aren't any more special than other living beings, except for the fact that some of their metabolites fit in a human brain in a special way.
The alien McKenna means is within, but I think not as a different entity, rather as an unexplored part of your own spirit...
Couldn't it just be instinct, always guiding us without us knowing it, which suddenly becomes visible, touchable? Couldn't the entities some have the honor to meet simply be a reflection of their own spirit?
Jamapricotica a dit:
It feels more like a computer program rather than a drug.
Your brain is a computer ("calculator"), and indeed any substance which influences its functioning could thus be seen as a computer program. The dynamics of the program come from the brain/organism itself however, the chemicals merely mediate or amplify.
fair enough, meduzz, but that makes them all the more special to us.

just like a key is still... just a key. but what makes it special is not that it is a key, rather the door it unlocks.
The magic isn't in the shroom. The information revealed in a mushroom trip isn't contained in psilocin molecules; it's contained in your brain. Or rather, it's in the world, and your brain interprets it in various ways depending on which drugs you put in it.

Actually, you are all tripping balls all the time. You're tripping balls on serotonin.


"Reality" is your brain on serotonin. It's the hallucinogen that converts the n-dimensional, backwards-causal, non-euclidian information soup of the universe into trees and rocks and tomorrow and yesterday.

The mushroom trip is your brain on psilocin.


Look familiar?

Psilocin displaces serotonin as the medium through which the various parts of your brain communicate to each other and shuffle and interpret incoming information.

In theory you brain can compute all kinds of crazy shit that it never gets to, because it never evolved to. Bats live in the same world that you do, except they see it through echolocation. Their brain is wired differently, so "bat reality" is completely different from the "monkey reality" that we all hallucinate with our monkey brain.
Welcome Psychodelirium! Big fan of Thomas Nagel?
Forkbender a dit:
Welcome Psychodelirium! Big fan of Thomas Nagel?

Thx man, glad to be here.

Actually, I'm a Dennett fan but I rather like echolocation as a metaphor for how we're all hallucinating all the time.
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
my current process: (which has not much scientific foundation btw) the patterns are time/space fabric. the figures, objects, etc that we see in the patterns is a temporary expression of our temporarily overexcited imagination. like seeing a dog in a bush, or a bunny in the clouds. nothing fancy, maybe just take your regular thought/processing up one notch, to an almost uncomfortably overwhelming pace. you are taking in alot more sensual cues than normal ie the 500 individual values of green in grass, vs some green grass, so it's only natural your gonna experience more shape recognition[/i]
your shape recognition depends on what you look for. if you are trying to find the shape of an alien (even subconsciously), odds are your gonna find a shape that looks pretty damn close to what you imagination of an alien looks like. it's whimsical though, you can see literally anything you can concieve... personally, i try not to concieve, just witness it for what it is and dont try to interpret, i see much more that way
It's all in your head man. Just brain chemicals telling you that you're communicating with aliens.
about the creatures or beings that you see, you should read Aldous Huxley's Heaven and Hell :)
user_1919 a dit:
The Mushroom is an alien sent from outer space to save the human species. There is no other chemical on the face of the planet that resembles psilocybin. I think it is it's 4-indole property, correct me if I am wrong. I do feel some type of contact with some other being or force, but I am not sure if it's an alien life form. I usually feel like I am contacting God, the oneness of the Universe.

peace & love


ps Nagel is a genius.
in deep hi dose trips i definately telepathic contact with something....what that is i dont know
Trees talk to me when I eat mushrooms. Like little whispers in my head. I see Dryads. On acid, its nothing like that. Each substance has its own method of communicating with you.

But its still just a chemical.
The last time I took mushrooms I looked deep into blue eyes and was electrified by there power.
The power in those eyes, crystalline clear.
I began to make some weird noises as this happened.
Words could not describe what I felt when I looked into those eyes.