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movies, music, psychology brainwashing

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
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hey, first of all, this is considered to be a topic for the advanced and very responsible psychonauts only.
i found that if you can really love others like you love yourself something like brainwashing sometimes seems to be the best thing to do. because society and the media etc etc or so can sometimes not only fuck our own heads up in bad way...
so it's like given a very healthy sense of empathy and like understanding of emotions or emotional patterns and psychology etc etc this could be something a bit similar to psychedelic therapy that could make society overall more healthy and happy, if it's done in the right way. that means something that enough respect for the transpersonal level/plain and as i already said very good empathy or feeling for the other person(s) would be a requirement.
well i want to emphasize that i don't want to say this is totally waht we all have to do or so, but more to give a small thought impulse and if it resonates then it can be developed further. you have to be able to really care and not just pretend or maybe even both .. however please take it with a pinch of salt... i dunno it's a bit like how children are supposed to be able to combine fun and responsability if that's the right way to say it. or a negative example could be how you can talk shit to death if you know what i mean... so :finger:

and also so many people seem to be caught up in strange fucked up mental prisons or so...and mental prisons are mostly the worst because you can't see them, but it's more like if you are a more sensitive person than the average TV dumbed down person to put it simple, then you can feel it in a distinct way or so. it's like sensitive persons can open and close their feeling and target something or so... i know it sounds a bit fucked up, but it's hard to explain lol a little bit like x-men lol...
i think sometimes it can be like you just have to rock or break thru something or like other metaphoric quests or so...
i guess that maybe you get the point.... and music and movies can be seen as facilitators, if its used in the right way or so.. a bit like unlocking potential or so...but i guess sometimes it can be better to think twice before...
however please don't get me wrong... i also hate the "music and movies industry"...

but i just think we could use what's there in a good way. maybe the persons that would do something would have to be asked and well i would also have to add that this could be something similar to what some "society programs" or so could be, something like depending on your point of view stupidity/intelligence tests.
well i know it's a little bit strange topic and again it's more like i want to give a thought impulse and not dictate anything or so.. more like trying to show another perspective and how we can be a step ahead... well it's like manipulation in media and TV has become standard to some extent and well that's where i would like to attack lol if that's the right way to say it.
just consider that it could be done to you also and treat others accordingly. and it should be fun in some way also...
think of how making fun at the costs of others is not always so nice...

basically it's like the media and TV want to use hypnosis and illusions and shit like that against us, but well we can do the same thing if we have to. i have gone thru some unpleasant experiences where i felt being hypnotized by TV in a bad way.
i guess you just gotta be able to walk out of the room and go away if you're not dependant on the persons you watch TV with and if you ask me sometimes that shit in TV was simply plain evil and disgusting...
just saying...

one more thing... concepts like "loose change" are basically what you possibly might want to reflect a little bit about...
because it can also be like the personal and not personal get mixed and that is also in TV a big topic...for example just try to remember how you felt and perceived as a kid and then try to see why and how the feelings and perceptions changed... and maybe also think about your mind or the concept of mind, because if you ask me, humans also start to perceive thru the mind at some point.. it's like programs are formed and that's where the subconscious plays its part... maybe just research a little bit and think.
another example that could be relevant is "normal fear vs psychological fear", because psychological fear is supposed to simply make the fear more complicated. just think about it and tell me what you think.
it could also be done to groups of people in cinemas etc etc... just be a little bit careful but not too paranoid and you will be cool...
maybe it's like it can show the true value of internalisation... or an approach to what real common sense should or could be.

one last thing... well i have gotten the impression somewhat that even in mainstream media they try to abuse more than use the psychedelic factor, or at least that's what my feeling tells me... and well if they do that without making it a bit softer for psychedelic users maybe even with a pointer towards healthy responsability then my faith in humanity will go down even more.
watch the movie with pink floyd "the wall".... how control becomes more and more thought control and why this could be so? :?::roll:
i guess maybe it's about the human spirit and what you consider to be human spirit.
well i for my part wish at least ten times worse experiences of mental exploitation torture or whatnot or however you would want or could call it to the people that do that. no joke...
but yeah of course maybe they don't even know better and can't be blamed because it's like generational shit going on or so...sure.... *yawn*
wtf!? ... just try to use your common sense... *sigh*

Hmmm... OK, so the media controls us... Many people are limited in what they believe is right from wrong, which is molded from what people tell us on the TV... Or the radio...

So, let's do it again this way:

Say you were in a locked room, you didn't have any windows, or even a door (we'll argue about how you get food and water, take a shit, bathe, and even how you got into the stupid thing in the first place at a later time :D)

All you have is a radio, or a TV, or possibly a laptop...

So, everything you would know, would be second hand information at best and complete lies at worst. The thing with things like TV, radio and the internet, is that our opinions are made for us. We are told to think in a specific way. We are told this is the way it is, and to not question it...

The big question though, is why? Why control people and tell them what's best through the TV? Why are people so lazy they will go along with it is the better question.. People can't be bothered asking questions or thinking about things, they just listen to the TV, and say "oh well"...

A perfect example is the recent N Korea satellite launch... WTF man... This has HUGE implications, and nobody is talking about it, beyond what is on the news... It's like they are almost ignoring it, and reporting it like.. "Oh, it happened... La De Da...."


Well, that's it.. I could rant on about this subject for hours on end... But in the end, nobody really listens anyway :p
well i would say it's because they already are completely brainwashed into believing what they are needed to believe so to say or something like that. it's like they will believe any bullshit that they are fed if the right buttons are pushed or so.

and well the media just abuse anything they get... i really hate how sex is abused and how it's all made so unnatural and artificial, so it fits with their retarded stupid robot paradigms and perspectives. but mostly it just makes me sad...
they are made emotionless calculaters.. so that it's all nice and normal... and dead...
but yeah eventually more people will wake up to humaneness...

so hmm maybe we could just brainwash people back into real human beings... so many people are seemingly just a capitalism machinery profit generating programs or so...
but well it should have been obvious that evolving society would create program-people.
it's like a diversification of the capitalism religion in order to hide the real program, but could also be seen as positive side effects. but sometimes the border between motivation and fanatism or propaganda-machine-like behaviour seems to get blurry...
i guess that could be because people are thinking a lot in school patterns or so, so that they don't really know their own purpose by themselves and only derive it from fear thinking...

a lot of shit seems to depend a lot on the perspective we choose ... and well with some people i have always got the impression when i talked to them that they are simply reading a text... lol like language drones or so... it's all so fucked up in a way, but maybe it isn't all so hopelessly bad if we don't allow ourselves to be dragged into the stupid shit of the stupid people.

It can also be said that it really isn't the people's fault.

Well, in a way I guess, if they are lazy and just accept everything that is told to them by the media etc.. But really, think about it.. If they have never left their hometown, or maybe never read a good philosophy book, or been encouraged to question and think for themselves, is it really their fault that they believe what they see on TV? They have been brainwashed yes, but how would you break out of that cycle? Some people are just comfortable in believing everything they see and hear, and doing everything they are told to do. It means they don't have to take responsibility for anything, and that I guess is one of the biggest rarities in life.

We as human beings want our freedom, but at the same time, the majority of us don't want the responsibility of that freedom. A lot of people, while they won't openly admit it, just want to be told what to do, and not really ponder anything too much or too long.. I don't know why... I have often asked myself the same question day in and day out, how can people be content with just knowing what they know, and not asking or questioning anything?

I have a very inquisitive nature, and I guess this is what lands me in trouble sometimes :D Anyway, I always have these big questions that nobody has the answers to, and I often question the rational (or reasoning) behind a lot of things too.. However, most people sort of blankly look at me when I ask, and are just responding "Why do you want to know? Why do you care?" It's kind of sad... I mean, you hear something on the news, and then you ask someone, well, Why? Why did it happen? And they will just look blindly, and accept the fact that it happened, without asking for the why...

It's all about sensationalism, and you know people don't have a very long attention span so very seldom do reporters ask the Why? and just report on the plain facts that are just on the surface, because generally speaking, no one really gives a fuck as to the why anymore...

And that, my friend, is the problem with the world today :/
exactly, man... well not sure maybe to some extent it's the peoples' fault. because maybe they also allow the shit happen in some sense.

well it's because they are sheep and slaves... lol... and basically sheep can not do much more than eat grass and mow all day long.. it's probably as simple as that.. i guess you get the point..lol... hmmm :roll:
a lot of them don't seem to be able to say "we don't want this shit anymore, we want other shit" or so...

to me it's totally shocking that some people are so deeply manipulated by media puppets... like lower level puppets lol...
it seems they don't even understand why you would want to question anything or so...
with people like that, i mostly think" let them do their thing as long as they let me in peace".

maybe it's like there are too many questions like: what, why, where, how, who etc etc... so they rather just shut off the brain and turn on the brainwashed mode lol...
i would say it's kind of sad, but it's probably good if you can also laugh about it.
like differentiate between good and bad zombies lol... :axe: :Oo: :Oo: :Oo:

i think a lot of society seems to be somewhat like maybe in roman times where they had "bread and games"...
but yeah as i said before somewhere i think the use of TV can still be more evolved in a lot of places...
at least the braineater party wants less dehumanisation or rather more dehumanisation in the right places, if that's the right way to say it!!!... lol :-| :Oo: :lol:
i would say you're on the safe side if you can produce good shit... no pun intended lol... hmmm :finger::)

I like being aware. Being aware is good. Even most people searching for "the truth" only search problems and not solutions. People have to realize that they can do powerful things if they set their minds to it. Sure, you can have fun once in a while, but finding out information that most people (even all problems, no solution "truthers") don't know about. Succeeding in the realm of knowledge, learning and knowing is such a rewarding feeling. It's like just when you think you know enough, there are exponentially more to learn about. I almost feel like those flying brains from the show futurama I used to watch. Those brains wanted to learn everything in the universe, yet their journey never ended. Survival of the smartest? Being more specific about what entertainment media you watch and reducing it also helps. Thus, being more of a fan of one or two things of instead of being that media hog. Life is a glitch and is full of gitches that the powers that be always try to patch up. They also stop occasional hacks in reality. They also make the tools that access these glitches inaccessable. Even memories are relitive.
i dunno man... well a friend used to tell me "there is no truth, only experience". i think it's a good pointer towards being careful who or what you believe or so.. better trust your own experiences, what you really know or so and natural feeling or intuition... if you ask me, it's about having the heart in the right place. the thing with reality is kind of "what's reality anyway?" if you can't distinguish reality from dreams, it's unlikely you can distinguish dreams from reality. i guess the point i would like to make is probably something like whether your reality is so dependant on someone else's view of reality or so. if so it's often a good thing to try to remember who you are and that you know by yourself what you see and what you feel, what you want to say etc etc... can't explain it very well.... it's like are we copies or originals? sometimes i tend to think survival of the smartest, but sometimes rather survival of the courageous, stout-hearted, hearty people. once i read a book called "emotional intelligence". it could even make sense to think about the term in itself for a deeper perspective on empathy or so. for example some people think they always have to make fun of others and can't stop it even if they are told to... such people seem to need ego-compensations and can be made fun of on another level... it's interesting and funny lol... if you ask me, it's about being nice to each other!! but as i said it seems that for some people it isn't always easy to be nice and have fun at the same time... i hope you know what i am trying to say or so... :roll: :)
i dunno i guess i simply like people who explore reality with nice manners... hacking is not really nice manners!!!... :Oo: :retard:

depends of course on what kind of people they are etc etc... but still.... well anyway i suppose i agree with what you say about the media.. they're all dumbed down in their own ways... a lot of them are just like strange programs or so, ratdogs and some very strange unpleasant/awkward contemporaries. so... not so funny mostly... people that always need reasons to laugh for example... or can't really laugh about themselves... that should say it all... just like how much has the dehumanisation advanced and spread lol?? maybe some time it will relax when they can one after another or many at a time learn empathy, what it's like to be harassed themselves etc etc... i think they probably should. certainly, i'm disgusted by a certain type of people. possibly, it can often be enough to simply show them a mirror to shock them. but yeah then again maybe some of these people need all the drama and ego games lol...:? :paranoid: :lol:
futuruma is sometimes kind of funny. but yeah similar with shows like the simpsons, i didn't always like the kind of humor of these people...
a bit too american dumbing down programs. not really my thing. dunno whether it's the pressure when the shows get popular or they simply don't have better ideas. maybe it reflects society, but yeah that means i don't like so retarded societies... well sometimes it's so dumb that it's funny, but sometimes it's just dumb...
old vs young, smart vs stupid, ugly vs fair, etc etc... it gets boring, you know??? :roll:
or people that seem to need that other people think about them ... that's so pathetic lol... hahaha... vampire retards... :lol:

well... i hope it doesn't sound too cheesy, but in conclusion i would say if it's god will and if people have a place for god in their hearts, the future could be a place of freedom and cheerfulness!!!
we really got so much shit on this planet by now... it's unreal lol...seriously.... we could probably be much more advanced already...
and now a quote that i like and maybe it fits somewhat... from jimi hendrix: "when the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
:heart: :!:

History repeats itself.
It is completely not true that movies and music play role in brainwashing of people. One should only watch movies and listen to music for having entertainment. And of course learn good things only...
well, if you ask me, roleplay and brainwashing combined can be something very complicated. for example i suppose you can possibly recognize the ambiguity of the combination of brainwashing and learning. or ambiguity in general, for example often in movies there are also tragic heros, right?.. well of course it can be good and/or bad, but i just didn't like in many cases what i saw. i mean like the stars themselves are often not as shiny as they pretend or claim to be. often it's the newspaper or TV and the not well enough understood or respected issue is fear. i have said this many times before... when people accepted fear as normal and can't even tell whether they are really afraid or not in some situations. can't really explain it... a bit like how stupid hypes can get on the nerves...
the crucial indicator is intention.. with a bit of practice it gets easier and easier to recognize when someone has bad intentions, but doesn't show it obviously.
or like level thinking when someone has good intentions and doesn't show it obviously.
for example with moviestars i guess it can be funny, when they can't stop identifying with their roles.
regarding movies and music playing a role in brainwashing i can say it's a real art to combine music and videos ... but i guess you have to see it for yourself... just search a bit around on youtube.. a lot of fans, artists or history visionaries or so have mad ideas and skills. just think about it for yourself, if you like. mind you, we're in the times of computer and media age, however it's not so long ago, only a few generations, when the world and the structure of societies were completely different. also for example how can synchronicity be a matter of perspective? the question is whether it's synchronicity or synchronisation.

anyway, in principle i guess i agree that it shouldn't play a role in the negative sense... however i would say a good brainwash (or un-brainwash) can be worth something, if you have been in a bad state before. can you imagine that? lol.. :lol: ;)
i mean like all the pretending to be happy etc etc... it's unhealthy to pretend happiness just like it can be unhealthy to pretend to not be afraid. for example sometimes it's better to just accept how it is in the moment, so you can go on. also it's a difference whether you pretend to yourself or to others... again, i can't really explain it very well.. it's like sometimes resisting the moment makes it worse... it's strange.. hmm i guess people should be able to evaluate naturally whether they want synchronicities or something like that with movies or music.
unfortunately, it's not easy to explain.. also not sure whether synchronicity is the right word for that. maybe a bit like inspiration for compassion and love...
if psychonauts are explorers of such experiences or so, then it should be a possibility for ordinary persons to experience TV, movies and music in new ways also, if they can detach from lower frequencies of consciousness. the way how this can happen is not clearly defined, because what if the world and life in general is a greater mystery than we can imagine? the last sentence is inspired by terrence mc kenna lol... :D 8) :retard:
at times it can be a funny but probably also scary idea or perspective that the world or reality is stranger than we can imagine.
just some words alright... i haven't thought about it really deeply yet...
maybe it means something like just because something is magic or appears to be magic doesn't mean it has to be good. healthy common sense please... :-o :x
also what if there could also be a intelligent history that can learn, because why would it want to repeat all the bad shit?
i once read a book called "emotional intelligence" and it inspired me a lot... often i would say this kind of intelligence is a higher intelligence.
what i demand of the world is that people can be truly nice to each other... so sick of all the fake shit...:oak::puke:
of course it's probably a topic to be taken with a modest pinch of salt.
hmmm i think maybe the moviemakers should make cheaper films and help other countries instead, but the greater problem are probably governments, but maybe the shit also mixed up somehow...
hmmm so i would say it's about being awake in order not to be fooled by the bad people.
what does it really mean to be really awake????

I'll try my best to explain my line of thinking, but no promises:

Nowadays, it's extremely easy to manipulate people's thoughts. Not only in the media, but in almost every aspect of living. Let's look at some examples:

What type of computer are you using?
There's basically 2 types... Windows and Mac (unless you have linux)

What kind of house do most people live in?
Neighborhoods and apartments make it pretty much impossible to have your own living space at an affordable price.

Everyday life is the same for most people... In other areas too:

work environment

Why has this happened? Well, humans have found ways to created the most amount of product in the most efficient ways. This gives rise to mass production. Due to basic economic tendency, the company that produces the most product will destroy the smaller one.

... When people are exposed to the same things, they tend to be influenced in the same ways. Indirectly, everyone ends up having the same mindset. (or should I say wavelength)

Why do you think political parties were created?? It's a dumbed down version of a MUCH bigger picture. In reality, how are fiscal policy and climate change related in any way? If someone is socially liberal, why should they also be fiscally liberal, and vice versa?

In my opinion, it's deeply rooted in human nature. In hunter gatherer times, anyone who didn't stick with the tribe would die, and their genes would be forever lost. Eventually, evolution took hold and made the human brain more compatible with group oriented living, so that an individual would have a lesser chance of getting exiled.

Because of that, the human mind is very "sticky", aka it's easily influenced by the majority. Since mass production influences the majority, it acts closely to a snowball effect, with more and more people aligning to the mindset once it gets started.

To conclude... I have no idea how humanity can dig itself out of this hole.

Please feel free to disagree.
You are right they are controlling us. You guys have to realize that this is happening it's important.
The American government has studied this in many different ways.
For example, when you watch the Simpsons daily homer gets many different jobs throughout the seasons but every job he has with Mr. burns he is paid a lot more than when he is working for himself.
your brain can detect this and lets you think that it's better to stay at your job no matter how much you hate it.
The only way to free your mind is to stop following everyone else
I have been there and i can say that braineater does not know what he is talking about. It takes a lot more than this