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Most Blissful Experience?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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What was the most blissful experience you have had on Mushrooms? How long did the 'bliss' last? Dose? What were you doing that night to experience such bliss; dark room? or somewhere else. Were you with friends? Did you learn any valuable lessons?

Last night.. 2 trips in 4 days and the second one was wild. last night i did the lemon extraction again and used 8.9 Gs dried. after eating fifteen minits into it i began to smoke. this is when i started to get a little scared because of how fast and hard the trip was comming on. my stomach got really upset so i kept smoking. sometimes smoking mj keeps my stomach setteled and after twenty minits of aches and pains in my stomach i stoped smoking and had to lay in my bed due to the extreem nausea but besides that the colots which were like the northern lights but in my room. streams of colotsm were pouring into my line of sight and wow everything was beautiful besides the stomach pains. i knew in time it would subside so i tryed my best to pull myself into a better mood and began smoking again and the pains subsided. now is where things started to get a little scary for a bit. as im looking around my room it seemed as if there was a fire on my floor and when i was looking at my dressor i was seeing amburs and the stuff u see when u look way down a hott road. the heat rizing off it well it seemed like heat was rizing from my floor and i could see it as if i was having a campfire inside my room lol. but nothjing got scary after that and everything was beautiful. i did notice major watering eyes and i dont know how mny people get this but usualy when i eat mushrooms my body just seems to become saturated in water. i sweat none stop and my hands were soo clammy it seemed as if i had just ran em under water. i get this preaty freakquently when tripping. not sure why though. then i went outside up on the room to smoke again and watch an incredible lightning storm rolling in from the distance and wow it was like a dream but i was awake and controling it. once the storm roled in it got too crazy to be outside and i came back inside to listen to some music and watch half baked. that movie is incredible to watch wile on shrooms due to the vibrant colots in it. i setteled down in bed later smoked a few cigs and took some tylonal pm n went for a walk since it had stoped raining to get a little tired and then came back watched tv and fell asleep. all in all an incredible night. the comeup was soo intence it was scary at first but thats what made the trip soo amazing. i always trip at night mmostly. my room wat really bright and with these new energy saving bulbes whice theres 2 kindes. sun light which is what i have. and then yellow light. which is like a normal bulbe. these sunlight bulbes are incredible and it makes colors seem soo intence. i love em. maby someone knows what im talking about lol.
What is my most blissful mushroom experience. I honestly don't know.
My first mushroom experience was very special and blissful.

I had one experience with a friend where I was very high and full of happiness, but my friend felt down and a little depressed.
This was a very strange mushroom trip.
At one point in this trip my friend started making music. I saw him change from negative to positive while he played his music. It was like he almost became a whole different person.
After this trip my friend told me something changed and he got new insights.

The first time HBWR was very blissful. I got a nice blissful feeling from it that lasted for 3 days.
The day after the HBWR the whole world seemed fresh and new.
The first time HBWR was very blissful. I got a nice blissful feeling from it that lasted for 3 days.
The day after the HBWR the whole world seemed fresh and new.
I always feel like shit the day after and durning the experience. At least you had a good experience.

What I really was wondering was who has experienced while on a higher dose of mushrooms, an almost 'WOW I CANNOT BELIEVE IT'? My reasoning behind it is I know someone, or a few of you can word it better and make it sound beautiful. My best shot would be you experience an unconditional love and acceptance towards everything and everyone. Inside you are experiencing complete, I mean COMPLETE BLISS. The entire time when I experience this, usually its about 30-60 minutes long, I am repeating to myself, "WOW I CANNOT BELIEVE IT". I guess this is what mystics call "The Mystical Experience". Is there anyone who experienced this, and who can word it, or at least take a stab at it, because I know its unexpressable, but the human mind is so great that if we just take small shots at it, we can evolve to a more complete way of communication in which we can describe these types of experiences.

I think i understand what you mean 19, I had a 10 minutes long bliss rush during a shroom trip (Cyanescens, 0.5 gr) during which I experienced what it could feel like to have a COMPLETE understanding of universe, of social relationship, of, well, ANYTHING !

Man that was really one of the most intense thing I've ever experienced, and one of the reason I'd like to try a higher dose one of those days...
I had a 10 minutes long bliss rush during a shroom trip (Cyanescens, 0.5 gr) during which I experienced what it could feel like to have a COMPLETE understanding of universe, of social relationship, of, well, ANYTHING !

YES! that is exactly that I also experienced. It is so beautiful; after having experiened that, or even while experiencing that, try to grasp that people think that Mushrooms are bad, you are bad person if you use them, and they are illegal and not accepted in society. It's IMPOSSIBLE to grasp, it just DOES NOT make sense. If every person in this World could only experience that, it would be a much more peaceful place, with more loving people. Those types of experiences don't come everytime, but they are starting to occur more frequenty as my dose increases, and setting gets better(Buddhist music and complete darkness). Ahhhh, its so beautiful, it just makes me feel good thinking about it. Everytime I am down, I can just look back on the experience and gain a positive perspective on what is bring me down, no matter what the situation!

Everytime I am down, I can just look back on the experience and gain a positive perspective on what is bring me down, no matter what the situation!

The same with me. I have the feeling of having more control of my emotions, because of my experience witth psychedelics.
ive had too many blissfull moments on shooms to remember but the longest lasting have been mdma-mushrooms-mdma when it was all sooooo blisful with no bumps. that was in the hills at night with a full moon like a cosmic spotlight. the hills/mushrooms is the best :D
WOW, is that where you were durning your experience? Also, I have tried MDMA once. I took a half of one pill, and experienced minor euphoria. I had a werid synthetic feeling and an odd taste in my mouth for 2 days after the experience. I have heard people say that MDMA-Mushrooms mix is very strong. Anyway you can describe what the experience is like? do you get that werid synthetic feeling and odd taste in the mouth aftwards, or do you feel refresh like after an normal Mushroom experience? I was extremely interested in this mix to achieve some profound states of consciousness.

this is my favourite place though i havnt traveled much. the mountain is Ben More Assynt and the area is one of the few limestone regions in scotland. the photo was taken on a potholing trip, not a mushroom trip though ive climbed it on sid. thats a different story. the mdma/shroom combo does not feel atall natural unlike shrooms alone. i dont remember a chemical taste though mdma is not my favourite flavour, i realy hate the taste of shrooms too. i used to be able to graze them but i think my body now thinks im trying to poison it so i have to sneak them past my tastebuds. mdma/shrooms feels totaly unnatural but you get the feeling of body relaxation and the psychadalics of the shrooms. ive always thaught of shrooms as an entity taking over the nervous system (its the only way i can describe it) almost like possesion, but in a good way. with the combo it just feels like drug. it seems to lack yhe insight of pure shrooms but the feeling is definately one of bliss. pure shrooms give moments of bliss(maybe hours) but the overall effect is so cerebral and revealing (about the nature of things, me, the universe, human nature etc.) that the bliss is secondary. im more likely to have white light epiphany moments. with the combo its more empathy and human centersed. and far more social, less cosmic. hard to put into words. the photo is of the area the only polar bear bones ever found in scotland were. the river(underground here) is called the Tralagill which means valey of the trolls(hehe)
same place opposite direction. sorry about the size(and double posting) i tried to shrink them but it didnt work. i just want to ilustrate bliss. this, along with the shrooms that grow here is my definition. also this place fills with orchids making it even more special. you asked about dose_this may seem excessive but ive taken 1000(about 100g) but i like 4-500 p.sem when out in the country. sometimes its better to jump in feet first than dip your toes
smooth, no bumps. no great insight but you cant have everything. took a lot of sid and climbed this hill. one of the best days of my life. i felt like a god. but i didnt take any water and got sun stroke- a different sort of trip but no less visual. ps. ive never had a flashback. they say-drugs, the effects last for ever. i wish
the thing about walking/climbing on shrooms is you can go all day. no fatigue. im not a fan of indoor tripping. i think the walk is analogous with the trip and sitting still you miss so much. humbolt looks lovelly. id like to see sequoia the way its supposed to be. weve got some here but nothing over 300ft
ive seen photos. untamed, unlike here. even the wildest places here are managed for deer and grouse. i hat ewoks. i hope you shoot them on sight. ive seen the drive through tree on tv. i cant get my head around that. theres nothing like that here. the biggest tree in scotland is only 300odd feet
I will be going on a roadtrip with my uncles, father, and 2 cousins, after exams are finished, and we will be visiting the redwoods as one of our many many destinations. May have to ask them to spend a day there, eat some mushrooms :D

I have never had a good, blissful experience while in nature. I believe thing is due to setting I have and limited natural settings. The only place in my town where there is forest is very tiny, and by the time you walk for 30 minutes, you are reaching the other end, that is lenthwise, the other way is shorter. I would love to have an experience where I can sit in nature, and not be disturbed by other humans or authorities. When I get out to BC I know there is A LOT of hiking trails that offer complete beauty. I may try and eat a low dose, to enhance the senses, and go hiking for the day.

Thanks druglessdouglas about the information about MDMA-Mushroom mix. I really don't like MDMA because of the side-effects, and the over-all euphoria is not one that I 'enjoy'. I euphoria and bliss I experience on Mushrooms seems to have a much deeper feeling, almost as if one had to work to achieve it. I think I am going to wait a while before I try this mix, if I ever try it. Well maybe one day...

i hope you get the chance user_1919, also i hope you dont find it overwhelming. my girlfriends from a big city and places i feel most at home in she finds lonely and alien. for me its the lack of people that makes it special. someone once said hell is other people and in some aspects i agree. if you can sit next to a bubbling stream, birds twittering, wind russeling leaves etc. you soon forget any stresses you have. though some people find being exposed to the elements stressful. luckilly there are no bears where i live. i hope you find bliss :D
I do find an isolated environment from human beings VERY peaceful. I have been alone in the woods, and have listened to the birds, and the wind, it is SO very peaceful.
