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Morning Glory?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion SonOfTheDawn
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Chlorine in water destroys LSA so make sure your water has been filtered or boiled (that gets rid of excess Cl gas)
or make sure it's really Ipomoea tricolor or it's simply not gonna do the trick.
Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose is better: needs many less seeds therefore less stuff to barf out, tastes better too.
ochho a dit:
Just wondering, how many seeds did you eat at once?

If I remember correctly, I ate like 200~300 and it was a great trip! (except for when I barfed all the food I had ate before.. at like 6AM while I was on vacation at my parent's place lol)

I think that was one of the most horrible feelings I ever had.. puking while being high on LSA.. it practically made it a living nightmare.

well I didn't have too much money and the seeds we're pretty expensive at the store where I was buying them (I also didn't wanted to look suspicious to the guy which was selling them to me) so I only did a 100
I though that this was enough for a first time

I really don't think that vomiting is worse than being nauseous for hours
when I feel nauseous I never mind puking because I know that it will stop the unpleasant feeling (both when I'm high and when I'm sober)
Dantediv86 a dit:
Chlorine in water destroys LSA so make sure your water has been filtered or boiled (that gets rid of excess Cl gas)
or make sure it's really Ipomoea tricolor or it's simply not gonna do the trick.
Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose is better: needs many less seeds therefore less stuff to barf out, tastes better too.

does bottled water contain chlorine?
and I'm sure that those we're really ipomoea tricolor (unless I got ripped off of course)

I know that woodrose is better but I never seen any in a store
yet I see morning glory seeds in almost every flower shop here
sadhak a dit:
I really don't think that vomiting is worse than being nauseous for hours when I feel nauseous I never mind puking because I know that it will stop the unpleasant feeling (both when I'm high and when I'm sober)

Oh yes.. I know, I had the nausea for a couple of hours ..but I kind of forget about it, and try not to think about it. And trust me, you don't want to vomit while on LSA.. the few minutes it takes ..will seem hours long and atrocious!
ive honestly never gotten nautious on MG seeds, ingesting up to 10g. of course it could have been because of the naphta wash :shock:
I'm sure it's been stated, but smoke some Cannabis to cut down on the blah feeling. It seems to help.

Also, do a cold water extraction with distilled water.

Here's a method I like to use: http://forums.mycotopia.net/botanicals/ ... ction.html

Never use tap water. It's horrible for LSA/LSD.

Also be sure when you're grinding the seeds-- to do it in low-light. LSA and LSD is killed by light.
Thanks for the link Synith.

I think the same kind of process goes for Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. But just to make sure, is this true? (Except for the amount of seeds, of course)
Twilight a dit:
Thanks for the link Synith.

I think the same kind of process goes for Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. But just to make sure, is this true? (Except for the amount of seeds, of course)

-nods- exactly.

I did the cold water extract last night with little result. I ate a bit late in the day and didn't fast. Fasting is as much important as preparing the extract correctly.

This may sound dumb, but it must be said-- for nausea, don't take an anti-acid. That'd just be silly, now wouldn't it? Cannabis helps me, also gets my mind in a meditative state for the upcoming journey.

HBWR is definitely the way to go. It's less to deal with (as it takes about 300-600 or more MG seeds to induce a proper trip depending on your body weight and metabolism. ) -- and yes, the cold water extraction works for HBWR. (3 HBWR seeds required, as I remember.) There's other extractions available, search erowid, but be careful about lighter fluid extractions. I'd rather keep it in my zippo, thank you. :P

Happy trails!
My question is, will freezing my morning glory vodka help to preserve it or will the low temperature kill my alkaloids? Also, any info on the preserving qualities of the vodka, itself, in relation to LSA alkaloids, would help too.

Depends on extraction you used.

It's better to just use cold water, but since they're in Vodka, I'm not sure. I've never placed an LSA extraction into alcohol.

I don't think freezing them is good for em. They're sensitive to heat and light, so I'd say preserve them at room temp, if not a bit colder-- but yea. The thawing process might kill the alkaloids, but I'm not sure. I'd say - if you have a fridge in a dark place -- unscrew the light bulb in there, and store them in that fridge.
I doubt vodka would freeze in most freezers so I don't think you'd have to worry about thawing. I don't know much about the stability of LSA though.
LSA's pretty sensitive to stuff. Even if you have a little light during the extraction process-- it can mess things up big time.

As for freezing-- like I said, I unno. But I'd go with what works so far. I wouldn't wanna mess up an extraction that took a few weeks. All the work would be purposeless.
thanks for the responses.

Yeah. Umm, the extraction that we have is your standard AB extraction, and instead of evaporating the alcohol, we used 100 proof vodka and bottled it up. Believe me, though, it WORKS. 50ml - 100ml a dose, basically. That's out of a 1000ml (about a fifth and a half). I've noticed, also, that the extraction get's MORE potent as the mixture sits in the dark. Not sure why, because the seed material is gone (?!?!?!). Anyway. it seems that common sense rules out the need to really preserve it. We don't even need to anyway, because we found that it is just too fun to leave in a dark room hahahahaha.

Anyway, I appreciate your guys's info.

sorry to sound a bit thick, but
what are you guys talking about?
I read somewhere that Morning Glory leaves contain some LSA and other psychedelic alkaloids. For most reports the dried leaf was smoked to produce a mild, Cannabis-like high.

But my question was that since MG leaves appear to contain some psychedelic molecules-- could I put 'em in cold water and make a cold tea from it?
Kinda like doing a plain water extraction with MG seeds-- only with MG leaves.
Would it work?
And if so-- what would the effects feel like?
The psychotomimetic principles of I. violacea are ergot alkaloids of which some have also been isolated from the sclerotium of the fungus Claviceps purpurea.
The biosynthesis of these alkaloids is initiated in the leaves and from there precursor-molecules are distributed to the seeds: the heart-shaped leaves contain d-lysergic acid amide (ergine), d-isolysergic acid amide (isoergine) and ergometrine and the seeds ergine, isoergine, chanoclavine, lysergol and the N-1-hydroxyethylamides of both isomeric amides. 4 The fresh seeds have an alkaloid content of 0.02-0.1 %.
Elymoclavine and lysergol (reduction products of lysergic acid) and penniclavine have also been isolated. Ergine is active in doses of 2-5 mg

source: http://www.amazing-nature.com/-i-42.html

so the leaves do contain some alkaloids, but i guess in very very low concentrations...
i think u better use seeds for xtractions



I'm sorry for the quality of image. Is this the ipomea violacea?

Here is everywhere!
Will the seeds appear after the flower?
I'm not sure about the seeds, but I think they may need to be pollinated.