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More bullshit science: Marihuana kills your teeth

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
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Latest Anti-Pot Quack Science: 'Marijuana Makes Your Teeth Fall Out'

By Bruce Mirken, AlterNet. Posted February 9, 2008.

A rash of new studies of marijuana has hit the mass media, generating absurd headlines like "Smoking Pot Rots Your Gums.
Recent weeks have seen a rash of new studies of marijuana hitting the mass media, generating scary headlines like "Smoking Pot Rots Your Gums," "Cannabis Bigger Cancer Risk Than Cigarettes" and "Pot Withdrawal Similar to Quitting Cigarettes. Most of this coverage can be boiled down to a fairly simple equation:

Flawed science + uncritical reporting = misinformation.

Mercifully, the U.S. mass media were so distracted by Super Tuesday, Heath Ledger's autopsy and the latest Britney Spears trauma that reports of these studies didn't get as much play as they might have. That's good, because the research had significant gaps, and the reporting ranged from slapdash to flat wretched.

Lung cancer: One joint = 20 cigarettes?

The lung cancer study was the scariest. Since cigarettes are a known lung cancer risk, it seems plausible that marijuana might carry similar risks. In fact, most of the scientific evidence tends in the opposite direction -- though one would never know it from reading either the study or the Reuters wire story that got the heaviest circulation.

Hopefully, people see that it is disinformation with the same message as the propaganda spread by the usual suspects;





Whether its big tobacco, exxon, bush, phillip morris, budweiser, or glaxo-welcome or pfizer.......or FOX news, or any of these other prostitutes spreading lies like a farmer moves manure,

the song remains the same.....
Smoking cannabis causes your unborn child's intersexuality.

It's true!

.. :retard:

What is intersexuality?
that's giving them twice the chance to be happy!

However, do you have a scientific source for this, Chr1s? Never heard of it before and I read a LOT on the subject.
I was just pressing the fact that this whole thing is nothing but bullcrap. :wink:

Where is that fucking Irony emoticon?
Smoking tobacco is bad for your teeth and breath.
Tobacco mixed with cannabis isn't much better i think, but this is heavily exaggerated.
That teeth at the begin post look more like the teeth's of a crack / meth addict.
Yeah HC, thanks for the pretty picture on the frontpage :retard: :roll: :mrgreen:

But eeeeeeeh, I don't think dumb ass misinformation will ever be stopped, only countermeasures are kinda hard to let loose.
The best thing to do is inform as much people around you as possible.
What complete bullshit. Tobacco will definately fuck your teeth up making gums receed. But I would say that gut look like he never brushed his fuckin teeth in his life & smoked a lot of crack. lol
maybe he was/is a smoker and maybe also a cannabis smoker but well yeah... as stated in the post above! :mrgreen:
This is the kind of mouth that spins these lies.
Filthy, unsanitary and just plain UGLY.
I think he’s been talking too much shit.
It looks like he shits through his mouth and has a mouth full of shit , it must be a politician , policeman or a judge . = An arse with teeth .
BrainEater a dit:
maybe he was/is a smoker and maybe also a cannabis smoker but well yeah... as stated in the post above! :mrgreen:

You get my point :wink:
But still, i wonder if you'll be able to get teeth like that from smoking (a lot).
I guess you have to smoke like 200 cigarettes a day? Never brush your teeth and smoke some crack from time to time?
Just rub some MDMA on your teeth daily.

This one as a front image perhaps ? Now my stomach shrinks a little bit every time I logon to psychonaut.com.

I think you got the message across. ;)

..now, where's me smokes.