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MOONROCKS first time molly user...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion SoberTripper
  • Date de début Date de début


Im very lucky with the people i have grown up around, very trustworthy willing to lose a few bucks for me if it means im going to have a good time because they know it will come back around to them somehow. Case and point i was having an EXTREMELY bad day(dont want to go into specifics, lets just say i lost about $1200 in one day:finger:) and had to stop smoking my herbs due to a drug test in less then 2 weeks. went to my close friends house and discovered his gf broke up with him out of the blue so we decieded to have a bros night and get some molly. Hit up a few friends and finally got ahold of somebody who told us he had some MOONROCKS... never having done any form of MDMA before i did not realize how good these were. Between my friend and I we spent $60 on the molly and our guy(who is also a close friend) just gave us 2 doses of 2-CI as a thank you for the business. with the 6 capsules in front of us, we could not wait the hours it would take to hit us seeing as it was already ~11:30PM. Each of us broke one of those bad boys open, crushed the eighth inch long opalescent crystals into a fine powder, and made about 4-6 lines per capsule. Never having snorted anything before this was a new experience for me, and boy i can tell you it was a good one.
My buddy has done things such as coke and molly before, so he was kind of showing me the proper way to do it and i made me feel like a pro when the drip came along and he showed me how to get rid of it. About 15 minutes in, i started to feel a little more "up" then i was before and thats when the night really started. We played games such as marvel vs capcom and some nazi zombies, but nothing could compare to just talking about life, and political views, scientific things, you know, just the world in general. About an hour in i feel as though i can rule the world, not in a delusional way, but just in a way that i could fix all of the world problems with a flick of my wrist. Feeling good but not feeling like i was going up any more, we break open the next capsule and split it, he does 3 lines and i do the other 2 in there. Feeling even more euphoric and good about life probably about 1:30 in the morning we walk down to the cornor liquor store for some delicious refreshments, which turned out to be the stoner favorite, Peace Tea. While walking it starts to sprinkle a little bit(gotta love the bay area california weather) and the rain feels AMAZING on my bare arms and face. Thinking rationally we decided to rush our trip as to expose ourselves to the outside world as little as possible to try and not get in any sorts of trouble, even though im sure if we saw anyone(including police) they would have just got hugs and love. I can clearly see how the rave community is so close together and(at the right places) the people are so tightly wound together, even if they are complete strangers
When we arrived back at the house, we had decided to do some more, this time another full capsule(5 lines each) to ourselves(that makes numbers 4 and 5, for those who lost track). At this point i actually started to get some visual disturbances(NOT hallucinations) along with the intensely overpowering body high that comes with the molly. Needless to say after these ones we were feeling so good that he layed on his bed and was rubbing his back and arms and legs all over his blankets while i was on the ground rubbing my feet and head on his carpet talking about everything you could imagine plus some. Before we knew it it was 5am, and almost time for me to go home. Seeing as there was only one capsule left, we broke it open and did the last 6 lines that this one made(yes our guy hooked up some of the capsules with a little more then we payed for), 3 for me and 3 for him with a little bump at the end. The feelings from earlier rushed back and there was this feeling of everything that had happened earlier that day was relieved, just gone, not necessarily like they were actually gone, just that everything would work out ok and i would be able to not only deal and cope with the coming weeks, but that i was looking forward to them. 630AM rolls around and im still feeling pretty on but coming down a little bit and even getting hungry. Ate a sandwich and finished off my peace tea, then headed home on the way home i start to notice my jaw tightening up, an odd feeling that i never had before seeing as this was my first time doing any sort of MDMA or any upper for that matter. around 730AM i start to doze off and continue to sleep untill about 4PM at which point its time to get up and go to work.
The next 3 days i just had this feeling of euphoria without the feeling of being on and felt like everything in life was going perfect, no matter what was happening(especially good in a customer service job, such as movie theatres :P).
Totally did not mean for this to be as long as it was but im sure some of you will enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed sharing my experience, i know i like detailed "trip" reports, especially when they are a feelgood type of story. i would add in my 2-CI experience, but that is going to be a separate thread as i dont want this to turn into a novel even though it already is. Long story short, the molly i took was a life changing experience and the best way i have found to relieve stress, better then weed, sex, alcohol, and almost anything else combined. Will not be making a habit out of this, but i am sure this wont be the last time i come across my new found friend, Molly.:unibrow::nod: