Michael Phelps Caught Smoking Pot

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
By Kevin Van Valkenburg and Nicole Fuller
February 2, 2009
Swimmer Michael Phelps, who has won more gold medals than anyone in Olympic history, acknowledged Sunday he had engaged in "regrettable" behavior and shown "bad judgment" after a photo of him smoking what appears to be marijuana from a glass pipe was published in a British tabloid over the weekend.

Marijuana is classified by the World Anti-Doping Agency, which oversees Olympic and international drug testing, as a banned "in-competition" substance, meaning Phelps is unlikely to face any punishment or suspension.

"I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment," Phelps said in a statement released by Octagon, his management firm, and posted on his Facebook site. "I'm 23 years old, and despite the successes I have had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner that people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public -- it will not happen again."

Marketing experts said the incident should have minimal effect on Phelps' multimillion-dollar sponsorships because of his quick apology.

The photo in the News of the World tabloid of Phelps -- who won eight gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing -- shows him with his cap on backward, holding the pipe to his mouth with his right hand while lighting it with his left. The tabloid says it was snapped at a party at the University of South Carolina in November. Phelps attended a Gamecocks football game against Arkansas in November and received a standing ovation from the crowd at halftime.

Phelps has never failed a drug test during his career and was one of several American athletes who volunteered to undergo additional testing to dispel any suggestions that he might be benefiting from performance-enhancing drugs.

"We'll evaluate whether he remains in that program," said Travis Tygart, head of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.

Marijuana, though not considered performance-enhancing, was added to the International Olympic Committee's list of banned substances after the 1998 Olympics. Its use among Olympic athletes became a matter of public debate after Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati tested positive after winning a gold medal in Nagano, Japan, in 1998. Rebagliati was initially stripped of his medal, but in the end kept it because marijuana was, at the time, not on the list.

An athlete is subject to WADA sanctions only for a positive test that occurs during competition periods, according to David Howman, executive director of WADA.

But he suggested U.S. swimming officials or the sport's world organization, FINA, could punish Phelps if there is "sufficient evidence to indicate possession, supply or distribution."

FINA and International Olympic Committee officials said they would not comment on the matter until today.

Phelps hasn't swum competitively since the Olympics and just recently started training again with an eye on the 2009 world championships. He said recently that he was hoping to appear at the Austin Grand Prix from March 5-7.

His coach, Bob Bowman, said in a statement that "Michael has issued his statement. He regrets his behavior and I'm sure he'll learn from this experience. I'm glad to have him back in training."

The United States Olympic Committee, which last week named Phelps its male athlete of the year, issued a statement saying it was "disappointed" in Phelps' behavior.

"Michael has acknowledged that he made a mistake and apologized for his actions," it said. "We are confident that, going forward, Michael will consistently set the type of example we all expect from a great Olympic champion."

This isn't Phelps' first public stumble. In 2004, when he was 19 and a few months removed from winning six gold medals at the Olympics in Athens, he was pulled over by authorities after rolling through a stop sign and charged with driving while intoxicated. Phelps publicly apologized, calling it an "isolated incident." He agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors that sentenced him to 18 months of probation.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.



[email protected]
I can't beleive this part, "But he suggested U.S. swimming officials or the sport's world organization, FINA, could punish Phelps if there is "sufficient evidence to indicate possession, supply or distribution."

Fuck, I think he has Earned the right to smoke some buds every now and than without all this scrutiny.
Marketing experts said the incident should have minimal effect on Phelps' multimillion-dollar sponsorships
I wouldn't be surprised if Roor offered him a few bucks on the side.
The foto must have been taken from the very same room he was in...strange.
But he didn't inhale.....

pot enhances hornyness!
and munchies!!
8 medals on the Olympics are not important...

He would have shown balls if he said: So fuckin' what? What's the problem? We need people like him telling the rest of the world cannabis is not a bad thing...

But he's just saving his own multibillion dollar deals. Somehow I can understand that...
I think this is good. It will send out a message to our world; that pot is not bad, and you can be successful and still use.

peace & love
wait till it emerges he was huffing on pubic hair after losing a bet with the lads.. thatll be "the sunday sport" headlines next week
im1badpup a dit:
wait till it emerges he was huffing on pubic hair after losing a bet with the lads.. thatll be "the sunday sport" headlines next week
What the fuck? No offense, but that's just stupid. :roll:
Michael Phelps Has No Business Apologizing for Taking Bong Hits

By Tony Newman, AlterNet

Here are a few of my observations on Phelps' bong hits:

Phelps Is in Good Company

Phelps struck another blow to the myth that marijuana smokers are lazy couch potatoes. Here is the guy who has won more gold medals than anyone in history, and obviously his health and accomplishments are not hindered by smoking some pot. In addition to his swimming skills, he is a successful businessman who has turned his swimming skills into an enormous public relations platform and money generator. Successful and honorable people who have smoked some pot are all around us, from President Barack Obama to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Phelps Apology Was Unnecessary

While Phelps' statement said he acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, he did not pretend to have a drug problem and promise to go to rehab. So many times when celebrities are caught with drugs, they give tearful statements and promise to get help. Phelps doesn't appear to have a drug problem, and there is no reason for him to take up valuable treatment slots if he doesn't have a drug problem.

Does it Hurt or Help His Image?

While some "experts" are predicting that Phelps bong hits could cost him millions, I could also see it humanizing him and making him even more popular with a large section of the public. Phelps' swimming accomplishments have always been awe-inspiring, but who could relate to the guy who swam eight hours a day and had to eat 23 hamburgers every day to compensate for the calories he burns off in training? Seeing him with his hat on backwards taking a hit made me feel like I could relate to the guy more. With half of high school seniors having tried marijuana before they graduate, it is not clear that this photo is going to disillusion his fan base.

Pot Use Doesn't Discriminate, but Our Pot Laws Do

While society has made some progress on tolerating pot consumption, there are still many laws on the books that cause more harm than the smoking of marijuana. Close to 800,000 people were arrested for marijuana last year, and the vast majority for only possessing small amounts. Harry Levine and Deborah Small put out a report last year that found that between 1998 and 2007, New York City police arrested 374,900 people for low-level, misdemeanor marijuana offenses. That is more than eight times the number of arrests on the same charges for the previous 10-year period (between 1988 and 1997), when 45,300 people were picked up for having small amounts of marijuana.

Researchers also found stark racial disparities in who NYPD officers chose to arrest for marijuana offenses. The report found that 83 percent of those charged in these cases were black or Latino, despite equal marijuana use between whites and nonwhites. The discrepancy, the researchers asserted, is because NYPD officers stopped and frisked blacks and Latinos at a dramatically higher rate.

Once someone is convicted of a drug offense, they can lose college financial aid, food stamps, public housing and, in some cases, even voting rights. Money wasted and lives ruined … and for what?

Phelps Can Continue to be a Role Model

I like Phelps and don't think his bong hit should hurt him. If he truly wants to be a role model, he can take his comments and platform to the next level. He can say simply, "Yes, that was me smoking marijuana, and the laws that ruin peoples' lives for using marijuana should be debated and changed."

Mycophile a dit:
8 medals on the Olympics are not important...

He would have shown balls if he said: So fuckin' what? What's the problem? We need people like him telling the rest of the world cannabis is not a bad thing...

But he's just saving his own multibillion dollar deals. Somehow I can understand that...

Yeah, I was wondering why he felt the need to apologize but I guess his wallet told him what to do, and he did it.