OK U have something like 35++years. I am 24 years old.
And believe me, Pedro flesh and seeds hasn't been available until some 6 years ago (not 4,my mistake, years pass me by :wink: ). Just look in the cacti thread when has someone posted something bout Pedro! 4-5 years ago.
What I am telling, Pedro was mystery until 2002-2004 in bigger circle of psychedelic users. I had knowledge bout him but no one other here in Croatia hasn't. Just like Croats, people here on this forum also were distant from Pedro knowledge, so I don't want even to speak bout growing knowledge before 2002!
Also my natural mescaline production repertory (other cacti beside Peyote) expand in 17-18 years of oldens.
And this is not "big dick contest" my friend. :wink: Only question.

One other thing, if
new and very likely young members post query like "what is your first drug, second and so on which U tried" or "what is name-size-color of E with biggest memory impact and what U think what is in them" or similar questions-discussions which we all has gone trough years ago. Why should we fuck them off them cause such questions are "nonsense" to us? I think that this forum is dead. Really dead.
Thinking to switch on some other. Also thinking that maybe 50% of members slipped away too. Or am I wrong? Cause discussion flow has dropped to minimal number.
Or maybe this is reason, young people doesn't have urge like we to discover and open theirs perception and solve or heal themselves from problems and various "lets say fears" (fear is only change word for any other word like joker in poker). Cocaine, alcohol, dope and pills has taken bigger role in young lives or simplified: easier is to run away from shit then eat it (psydelics have high role in solving shits and opening to yourself but such way is "eating shit").
Bunch of community circles call psydelics in this bright new global world as "bad taste" of life style! Fucking shit! Psydelics are "bad taste"? Life style? What am I(we)? Barby doll on fashion strip? What those people thinks? That we take psy for fun? Like some kind fun drug? There is some truth in that but can someone use psy's for 10 days like coke-dope-pills?
What other people thinks doesn't bothers me, I do not give a fuck, but I never judge them! Our world has changed, battles from old fields has moved into personal battlefields. Scorn flashing from hidden part of eye, idiot box (I am calling TV like that) idolizing some people who doesn't have any significant value and mob smoke that, wild lust for "brand" without any true value. I do not know, really do not know. Does someone know? Cause I really doesn't know, really.