menstruation problems

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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I have been trying to find words for this topic but I was too disappointed and irritated.

I enjoyed GOD's posts and learned a LOT about psychedelics thanks to his experience. I was beginning to know him but now he seems to have abandoned this forum because of some stupid responds with no option of discussing... and I can't blame him.

He has gone through some serious shit, and the first posts of this thread just show his way to deal with all of this. I agree it's not the best way, especially on a forum, but to respond with "dude... he's weird" please.... This truly is kindergarten. Give him some space to respond.

As I've said, after the first message I've send him a pm with my concerns. I knew it was his daughter. He recognized he was too misleading and posted the truth. He already rectified his mistake.

Maybe we should all go into relationship-therapy because there is a serious lack of decent communicating here. :twisted:
OK.. you sound like the all knowing type who knows as much as the rest of us.. Let me tell you what hits my nerve.

My mother was molested as a child, as well as my aunty... My Ex girlfriend.. My ex girlfriends WHOLE family on her mothers side due to a fucked up grandfather... by the way i was the ONLY one who she told.... My Ex best friend who was a girl... SO MANY people i have grown up with i can think of 4 right now.... FOUR FAMILY MEMBERS all cousins male and female...

AND ME.. Im lucky mine was very mild...

There are more to list.. this is off the top of my head..

AND then there are the COUNTLESS that im sure all you readers know of..

So Mara.. I cannot express the felling that arouses in me when i think an older man is praying on another one of our innocent youth..



(was off chops when i wrote this)
Lack of decent communicating on GODS part..

Dont be dissapointed in ANYONE else.. because this was GODS mistake...

Gods mistake in the way he wrote his posts.. so seriously, no one is at fault here but GOD.

And by the fucking way.. I believe GOD is more of a hindrance to this forum than a help..

We want more members and more people posting so that p'naut can get more money and be a profitable website..

but when i first arrived here GOD was a fuckwit to me, And i know that countless others have been scared of because big bad GOD has too much fuckin time on his hands and is spamming the fuck out of these forums with negative shit, and scaring off most newcomers..

Most newcomers think he is like "the owner" of the website coz his status is 'moderator' and he has 4000 post to his name.

AND also the site admin and whoever is fighting to make this site profitable. can anyone see my point of view.

(dont remember writing this one) lol
Listen Shake, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I have (had) a lot of trouble with men too, even been molested, altough not by a familymember.

I can't seem to find a real connection in this thread between GOD and him molesting his own child. He was just trying to cope with this shit with his own sense of humour, and that humour can be quite strange. I understand you link his posts to your own experiences and stories you've heard. But I do not understand why you and some other people responded in such a way you did.

I don't think GOD wants sympathy, I think he just wanted to get this off his chest, in his own way.
"I can't seem to find a real connection in this thread between GOD and him molesting his own child"

take a look at all the responses and then tell me there is no apparent connection..
Shake I think Mara has a point.
Maybe he needed to get it off his chest.
Please give the guy a break.
In support of Shake and as a newcomer, I didn't know what to think of GOD and his moderator status either. However, he didn't scare me off while reading some of the topics before joining.

I believe he has some real insights, good advice, time, lots of knowledge that he is willing to share and he makes some of the most funny comments. Overall his posts increase the quality of a topic for me.

I also got confused about him sleeping and bathing together with the girl - who turned out to be his daughter. His posts certainly brought up some strong feelings in people, although I also miss the apparent connection with child abuse.

I hope (in his own time) GOD will come back to this topic and read (and maybe even reply to) all that has been posted. There is some interesting stuff to find here (and in other topics of course!).

And Shake ;) Take a number - get in line - and maybe we'll get married.
I meant to adres the point that nobody should ever go off on misunderstandings, and actually that nobody should ever go off on anything.
Shake, I respect where you are standing and it must be very difficult to cope with that, but everyone deserves a mature and understanding answer.
Even when that other, in your eyes, is totally fucking up or saying bad stuff or putting things in ways that you don't like.
I know things people say don't always sound nice or ok, but try not to let it get to you like that.
It's better for you that way, but also for the person who you are responding to.

You are loved, all is well! :heart:
hey i got a pic in the do u work out thread tell me how much swing that gets me prob not much! lol

post yours apple.. haha

I apologize for interpreting the posts how they were intended to be read, without adding a "Oh its just GOD" type of feel to it. Let's forget who posted it and pretend I did, now what do you think. :idea:
i haven't read the entire topic.
i agree, GOD can be quite harsh on words, etc
however, he's a great tribute to this site because of all his knowledge about all these entheogenic substances.

GOD, i agree, this is a weird topic and a weird situation. like Shake mentioned, there are a lot of people reading along. be carefull about stuff like this.

i also think these kind of things occur a LOT. even the girl looking for sexual attention with the dad.

GOD, i don't know if i'm any help to ya, but my advice is: don't go that far. threat her like a princess(as she probably is). remember sex can fuck up a lot of things.. even the closest love.

see you soon
i think if you read all the posts it becomes clear what he was saying. God isnt a beast, give him a break
with all these pertinent facts surfacing about this here situation, the one that puzzles me mostly would be the spaghetti and ketchup mentioned back on page 1. :?:
I know he isnt a beast.. All i had to do was re read the posts once..

I knew that before i posted my second or third post in this thread which was where i gave a kind of normal respose..

I was just saying that it can be a touchy subject and was in a funny state of mind myself.. But i apologise for GOD bashing.

In GODS defence, This topic had nothing to do with him being at all sexually attracted to his daughter!
I haven't read much more than the first 3-4 posts, but if the problem is still around, my x girlfriend was having similar symptoms and had gone to several doctors and they couldn't figure it out until one time it was so bad I had to call an ambulance. What it was, was sometimes when she would have her period the egg would plunge through the ovaries instead of flowing out normally.

This was a couple of years ago, and the doctor had a VERY heavy indian accent, but I'm pretty sure that's what was happening, hope that helps ya, best of luck!
Appel..........Thanks .

"Maybe we should all go into relationship-therapy because there is a serious lack of decent communicating here."

+1 . Some of it is deliberate . Pettyness . Resentments carried over from other threads .

"spaghetti and ketchup"

Germans make spaghetti with water and a bit of salt and then throw tomato ketchup on it and eat it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Justin . ... re=related
welcome back GOD :wink: