menstruation problems

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
OK girls , i think i`ve got menstruation problems . Either psychelogical or physical . I know that one can get anything from no pain to bad stomach and back ache and anything from no psychelogical problems to jekel and hyde . What i`m not sure of is how far the physical problems can go . Can one get fever , sickness = pukeing , dihorea and runny nose ? Or is someone just making excuses , telling lies because they are having psychelogical problems ?

If you want to know more please ask .
ummm, more please?

i used to be vegan and way underfed and all that so yeah i got feverish i guess, i puked my guts out, couldnt stand without getting dizzy-i actually hallucinated once-i wanted to die the pain was so bad, yeah they can be really really bad. why?
I am very frustrated , annoyed and hurt . I am in love with a very good looking 18 year old girl . She keeps saying yes but nothing happens . I think maybe i`ve noticed that her enthusiasm is at its highest in the week before full moon and at its lowest 2 weeks later . We exchanged these emails over about a week :- She told me she is ill with the symptoms i mentioned and that she had been eating spagetti with ketchup . I said its probably food poisoning . She said no it isnt . I said go to the doctors . She said i was there and he cant help . She doesnt explain , gives dumb answers , talks round things and wont say anything definate . Wich reminds me of some women i know when they menstruated . Now i have the choice , is she lieing , is she making excuses or is she realy that ill .

I hate excuses , dishonesty and lies . Usualy i would say fuck off or throw a bucket of ice cold water over her head but i cant do that or i might loose her . If i did it would fuck me up totaly for the rest of my life .

Again if you have more questions , thoughts and/or sugestions please say .
wow, thats kinda intense, sorry your going through that man. ive never heard of spagetti and ketchup-umm eww?-but to each their own. there are pills to make cramps stop, i never took them cause idk-i dont vibe with pills so i took vitamins and ate well and excersized asnd now all i get are stomache aches that i can deal with. the symptoms you mentined are defintily possible as they used to happen to me. some poeple are real bitches on their periods too so maybe thats a reason for not wanting to be around someone.

i wouldnt assume shes lying, but if i were you id be upfront and tell her what's up-always seems to work out better that way no? and if shes on her poriod, bring her some fresh veggies and give her some space-i guess. good luck brother, peace and love
Thanks . Thats what i think it is as well . What makes me problems is trying to explain to her , trying to change things . It doesnt matter what i say she ignores it or gives dumb answers that dont say anything . I dont think shes lieing but she isnt being honest and that hurts . Does she think i`m dumb and dont notice . Its obvious that she wont admit to herself that she has a problem and because of that she hasnt made a strategy to deal with it . It`s been going on for13 months now and it dominates my life and hurts me bad .

I dont think she doesnt want to be around me . She says she loves me and wants to see me but it doesnt happen . She says she is scared that we wont like eachother , that we wont get on with eachother and that shes scared that maybe she makes a fool of herself and isnt good enough for me . I`ve told her that thats the same for me but nothing i say seems to work = I`m hanging in limbo , getting older and totaly fucking freaking out with frustration .

Spahgetti and tomato ketchup is popular in germany ????????
I've read all your posts about your problems with that 18 year old girl. I have mixed feelings about it.

I was wondering if you have already seen her? Where do you know her from?

For me, an outsider it's very easy to answer your questions. You do not deserve being fucked around with. If you love her, but have enough of admiring her from a distance, you need to take the next step. And now she doesnt want to cooperate. It's like standing still in a relationship.

She sounds very insecure to me. I recognise myself in her. I think she really needs a push in order to: A. Say what she truly wants to say. B. Meet you and have a nice time.

I have one suggestion. Try to meet up without any obligations. Don't meet as lovers, meet as two people who do not have any expectations. Maybe that will lower the pressure for her. (?)
Thanks girls . Good advice . It helps a lot . 1 to talk about it and 2 that you are telling me to do what i thought was the answer in the first place .

We have met . We have slept in the same bed together several times . We had a bath together and i washed her and kissed her ..... all over . She even had my plonker in her hand , but we didnt have sex .

I`m still open to talk about it . Its good to talk about it to people of the oposite sex who are honest and have experience .
OK . One shall explain .

No one isnt a perv .

The 18 year old girl is my daughter . Everything i have said is true and i did / do need help . I just packed it in a bit of a provokative way to mix fun with the pain . If i couldnt laugh about my problem or took it to seriously i would go nuts . I havent been able to see her for the last 15 years because of her mothers mental problems . I had to fight for years to get the right to see her but her mother just lied , tricked and sabotaged every chance that my daughter had of having a father and growing up normaly . Thats a big part of the problem now . Since she moved out of her mothers house i was able to have direct = 1X fon contact and about 40 emails in the last 13 months . She says she wants to see me but it doesnt happen . I`ve been through hell for the last 19 years because of her mother and now i am worried tha my daughter is socialy damaged . I`m also woried that maybe she might have dificulty having sensible / proper relationships with men .

Again if you have any questions , comments or ideas please let me know . I`m prepared to talk honestly about anything . All i want is to be a good father for her .
It is not unusual to experience intense emotions on being reunited with a relative. However it is no excuse for crossing the line, it is still immoral. You need to speak to a counsellor as soon as possible and refrain from any contact with your daughter until you no longer have those feelings.
Are you fucking stupid or just confused ? What the fuck are you talking about ? Explain .
OK . One shall explain .

No one isnt a perv .

The 18 year old girl is my daughter . Everything i have said is true and i did / do need help .
GOD, you could have just stated the problem straightforwardly. Why did you try to stir a controversy or trick people into calling you a perv? This part of the forum was created for the ladies. It was agreed upon that men would also be allowed to participate, if they behave with respect. In this case you were playing a game with them, for several days.

I am in love with a very good looking 18 year old girl .
Everyone knows the difference between "I love..." and "I am in love with..."

This particular thread is about the following:
"Have you had a trip during your menstruation? How was it? Was it different? Does a psychedelic substance influence your cycle?"
Are you fucking stupid or just confused ? What the fuck are you talking about ? Explain .
This was posted right after my last post. My suggestion is that you take responsibiltiy for the confusion you have created and end this discussion now.
Yes, that's what I had in mind too. I have changed the name of the topic to "menstruation problems". The original thread 'about the effects of menstruation on the psychedelic experience' is called "menstruation".
Give God a break, I already send him a pm right after his first message.
Thank you for spliting the thread and thank you that i`ve got the chance to defend myself against someone sugesting i`m a pervert . I was going to start another one and do it but i hadnt got time untill now .

Thanks Mara .

And NOBODY tell me i cant get anoyed or use the word fuck when someone virtualy acuses me of being a pervert in public . I`m not a pervert and i`ve done nothing wrong .

So . How have i crossed the line and what have i done thats imoral ? Why should i see a councelor and what feelings are you talking about ? EXPLAIN .
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
GOD, you could have just stated the problem straightforwardly. Why did you try to stir a controversy or trick people into calling you a perv?
I reread your post and realized you already answered that question. "I just packed it in a bit of a provokative way to mix fun with the pain . If i couldnt laugh about my problem or took it to seriously i would go nuts ." I read the first two posts and felt like you were being provocative for some reason. Why mention "18 years old", right? Yes, I should have immediately sent you a PM asking for clarification. I'm sorry I didn't. I told Mara about my uneasiness with your posts, and asked Mara what she thought about it. She said she would contact you privately about it. She mentioned the thing about your daughter, but the provocative issue was never resolved for me. Again, sorry for not contacting you about that. I then visited the thread again, see someone misunderstanding you, and responded the way I did. I'm sorry.
Splitting the thread was a good idea. It was the first thread I split, it took me quite a while to do it.
It might have been a better idea if you had just started a new thread about family ties. There's many of us here who would love to see our children more often. I know several people who were or are indefinitely separated from their child or children. I even knew and know a couple of parents who were separated by the death of their child. Your girl is alive, thank GOD, and you may see her more often soon. What can you do to increase the chance of her coming over? Do you have a room for her? Maybe even rent a nearby apartment for a couple of months? No one can resist the offer of a free 2nd apartment, especially not 18 year old girls. Or does she work / study / live far from where you live?
Come on GOD :lol:
Fight your mid-life crisis eh
I think it's quite interesting to read about menstruation affecting trips.. :P
For everyone that's been buying this, check out his name ;)

Grow up GOD, you're awfull
Even though you're just a program made by some 14 y.o. Chinese wiz-kid ofc
I'm a little suprised by some people of this forum that they still don't know you..
Or maybe everyones just playing along and I am the one who's being the fool to say sth like this here :shock: :lol:
"Oh god, what a loser!"

Explain that , and explain what you said before .

Caduceus . I cant aford another apartment but i took this one because it has a bed room she could have . I sleep in the living room . She knows about it , i told her any time she wants to she can come and stay here for as long as she wants .

Shes buisy being young and living with her boyfriend . She knows what i want and she says she wants it to . But it doesnt happen . It seems to me that she is more comunicative in the week before full moon and the least and most anoying 2 weeks later . Her mother was like jekel and hyde . 2 weeks of the month she was an absolute monster and the next 2 weeks she was between guilty conscience about it and sex hungry .

She wouldnt admit that she had PMT ( PraeMenstrual Tension ) and wouldnt get help . She just blamed everyone else . I had to tell her i was seriously ill and ask her to go to the doctors with me . She went with me and i told the doctor i had menstrual problems wich woke her up . We then both went to her doctor and she told the doctor and the doctor said that she already knew and had been waiting for years that she would admit it .

I`m woried that my daughter has similar problems . I already think if she has them they are not as bad but i`m still woried . Its not a crime to have problems like that but a person neeeds to be honest with themselves and try to help themselves , to develope a strategy to deal with it . If they dont do that they make their life dificult and make it dificult for other people to be near / with them .

MID LIFE CRISIS !!!!!! Watch ya lip mother fucker .........