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mélange 2c-t-7 et Methylone?

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desolé là pas le moment ; pas tres bien meme limite mal, et fichtrement enervé , par bon nombre de fichtres bisulles .

mais en cherchant sur le fofo , topics relatifs a MDMA ou M1 / et A-D IRS et IRS/Na tu trouveras tes reponses ;..

sinon jte ferais synthese rapide ..... quand ma parkinson se sera calmée
*pose le S&W Oogie tas la tremblotte là*
j'ai un peu cherché mais je n'ai rien trouvé(qui réponde à cette interrogation: à quoi la tolérance est due,d'où provient la diminution des effets)
peux tu me faire une synthèse?
Ce n'est pas trés clair pour les chercheurs comme mécanismes. La tolérance est due entre autres à l'épuisement du stock de sérotonine, au dérèglement des récepteurs, à la destruction des neurones serotoninergiques en cas d'usage fréquent, et à une neuroadaptivité de notre cerveau (il essaye de fonctionner normalement quelques soient les conditions, belle machine).

J'ajouterai personellement des raisons purement psychologiques, pas la même approche du produit selon l'évolution de notre personnalité. Les 5 dernières pillules que j'ai pris ces 10 dernières années ne m'ont pas procuré de plaisir (md? pas md?).

Tiens ça m'interesse comme truc, jvais chercher les raisons de la tolérance au lsd, forcément quelques mois d'arret me garantissent des trips plus riches (ça c'est sûr que des neurotransmetteurs il y en a beaucoup de sortes à recharger) et que le tryptophane (+b6+mg) rend mes prises de mdma, mais aussi psilocine et lsd plus 'plaisantes' et plus intenses, malheureusement jusqu'a l'insupportable (même si je ne prends que 3 gellules en 3 jours et que j'arrête 2 jours avant le trip !). Faut bien se connaitre pour gérer le trypto et arréter au moins 1 semaine avant la session, c'est un avis personnel, d'autres n'y voient aucune utilité.

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Sinon en anglais:

1. MDMA speeds up serotonin and dopamine release and use.
2. you get high
3. serotonin runs out
4. dopamine goes where serotonin normally would.
5. oxidized dopamine molecules cause damage to nerves.
6. The higher your serotonin levels are before you Roll,
the less dopamine will become oxidized.
7. The less dopamine in your system the less the chance of
oxidized dopamine forming.

Ingredients Needed

* Rolaids
* Grapefruit juice
* Prozac
* Vitamin B-6
* Vitamin C
* 5-HTP
* L-Glutamine
* Magnesium

Time Line

* Day 01 - Preload
* Day 02 - Preload
* Day 03 - Preload
* Day 04 - Drop
* Day 05 - Post Load -- this is when you get home from the party before passing out/going to sleep
* Day 06 - Post Load

It is best to space out amino acid intake to minimize competition between them. for maximum absorbance take with something sugary preferably grapefruit juice. Also when dealing with amounts try to keep constancy, if you take the lowest amount for one take the lowest amount for all. I recommend taking the lowest amount of each because the rest will most likely just be flushed from your body without being used.
500-1000mg Magnesium
500-1000 L-Glutamine
Grapefruit juice

Wait 1 hour or more
500-2000 DLPA
Grapefruit juice

Wait 1 hour or more and Before Going to sleep
100-200mg 5-HTP
25-50mg Vitamin B-6
200-1000mg Vitamin C
Grapefruit juice
Try to relax as much as possible and get yourself in a good mood for the trip ahead.

* Go out and eat a good meal consisting of fish and lots of green vegetables, since you won't eat for like 24 hours probably.
* Don't eat 5-6 hours prior to dropping -- you want an "empty stomach" so the pill takes effect quicker and more efficiently
* Take some Rolaids/Tums to neutralize your tummy about an hour before dropping, or at the same time as your drop -- this helps with prolonging your roll since less of the pill is being dissolved by stomach acids as well as wards of any nausea feelings
* after dropping, stay warm and active. sitting around will make the roll come on slower and weaker. moving around/dancing helps to get it in your blood and to your brain quicker. the cold will just kill your roll.
* some people i know like to chew the pill to break it down and help come on quicker and more intense. i find this makes me nauseus sometimes since it's sooo much at once (and it tastes like ass).
* Drink water, but not too much water. You can over-hydrate which will thin your blood and could cause death or screw up the saline content ratio, just as much as you can over-heat and dehydrate. Be smart. In addition to drinking water, drink other fluids, especially things designed to replenish you. Gatoraid and other sports drinks work well. A little known secret is that "Pediatric Electrolyte" formulas work as that is what they're designed for. Get them in the baby isle of any supermarket for about $5/liter -- plus it goes with the whole Candy Raver/Pacifier thing ;-)
* Also, force yourself to urinate every few hours -- you will forget to do this and your bladder will be full.

100mg 5-HTP
25mg Vitamin B-6
200mg Vitamin C
Grapefruit juice

2-4 Rolaids
500-2000 DLPA
Drink water, but not too much!

Before Going to sleep
100mg 5-HTP
25mg Vitamin B-6
200mg Vitamin C
Grapefruit juice
If you have PROZAC take a regular dose about 4 hours after you have taken MDMA, Prozac has been proven to prevent neurotoxicity, by preventing the creation of Oxidized Dopamine.
Before Going to sleep
100-200mg 5-HTP
25-50mg Vitamin B-6
200-1000mg Vitamin C
Grapefruit juice

avec quelques rectification de Gradient:

I think there may be a few issues with this guide to safe consumption; some of the assumed biochemical relationships between some of these supplements and the activity of MDMA are theoretical at best, and contentious to say the least.
1. How does dopamine go where serotonin normally would? Is this referring to 5-HT receptors or the cystol of surrounding serotonergic cells? Both aren't likely.

2. I'd question whether an acute administration of any SSRI would be a desirable method of coping with the recovery from an MDMA experience. Many individuals report extremely unpleasant effects from the first few days of SSRI therapy, and most individuals that ingest SSRIs who don't suffer from depression are extremely aversive to the drugs. If this is a method of raising serotonergic activity after the MDMA experience - it's better to leave it to the brain in this case, as substituting one drug for another to foster neurotransmitter activity isn't generally preferable.

3. What is the value of L-Glutamine here?

4. Taking Vitamin C for it's antioxidant properties isn't the most effective alternative to pursue. Other supplement-antioxidants like r-ala or gliSODin might prove more effective to prevent oxidative damage derived from MDMA intake.

5. Taking Phenylalanine (assumedly as a precursor to norepinephrine and dopamine) isn't recommended as a means of enhancing pleasurable dopaminergic activity. The inevitably enhanced norepinephrine activity is almost unavoidably going to generate anxiety and a persistent alertness. Such supplementation might contribute to a negative experience, or 'immediate crash'.

6. Repeated exposure to the enzymatic inhibitors present in grapefruit juice will be counterproductive in the days prior to an MDMA experience. This wont serve to inhibit the activity of these enzymes; rather, the enzymes will undergo a process known as enzyme induction, and will be produced in higher quantities. This means that more of the MDMA will be metabolized into biologically inert molecules, with no enjoyable psychoactivity. This probably isn't a viable method of enhancing sensitivity to MDMA, but it will indeed render an individual a more effective metabolizer of MDMA - which will reduce the overal potency of the chemical at the brain.

Aside from those points, the B-6 is likely a good idea to prevent painful muscle cramps after the experience. The routine 5-HTP administration during the 'Preloading' days is questionable in its efficacy, as excess serotonin wont necessarily lead to a more enjoyable overall experience.

Intéressant, c'est une bonne manière de maximiser les effets j'y ajouterai le thé vert.

tu arrêtes le 5-htp une semaine avant par crainte d'un syndrome sérotonergique?
En fait c'est pas du 5-htp que je prends mais du l-tryptophane et de la vitamine b6, le l-trypto va devenir du 5-htp qui va devenir de la serotonine avec la b6. Le complement alimentaire pas cher que je prends contient aussi du magnesium. J'ai lu également sur ce forum que la vitamine b3 facilitait le passage de la barrière encephalique.

étant plus adepte des psilos et du lsd, je suis plus à l'abri des neurotoxines (dopamine oxydée à la place de serotonine, dans les textes de Guigz) et vais donc me servir du tryptophane pour récupérer. Mais j'ai remarqué que mes dernières prises de prods (essayé 3 fois md, lsd et psilos aprés trypto récemment), précédées de petites prises de trypto les jours anterieurs, ont eu des effets plus positifs que d'habitude au début mais qui ne cessaient de s'intensifier, fortement. Je conclue personellement que c'est du au trypto, bien que je ne craigne pas de syndrome serotoninergique avec trypto + lsd ou psilocine, je me méfie quand même pour ne pas avoir d'effets trops forts. Donc une semaine de break avec le trypto par mesure de sécurité oui.
mdr ton programme spatial guigz

alala si jme faisait autant chier .
Je vais m essayer à ton programme.
Peux tu me donner précisément tes doses
et ton organisation?
Nan mais moi j'me casse pas les couilles avec ces trucs, le monsieur demande, je lui répond.
De toute façon je ne consomme pas de MDMA, methylone.

IRSS, plus de 5h après la prise. Pas avant, pas pendant.