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medical complications with salvia

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion bighed213
  • Date de début Date de début


i was wondering, does anybody know if there are any medical complications with medicine? i am taking anti depressants and anti anxiety and anti seizure meds. any help would be greatly appreciated, i dont want to end up in the ER or anything. :?
Mine to . No offence ment but first solve the issues you have and then if you still want to try drugs .
If you are prescribed anti-anxiety meds, then you probably shouldn't fuck around with a plant that epitomizes anxiety.

What are you looking for in Salvia?
I heard salvia combines well with your medication but be sure to inject some heroin first and maybe take a few shots of good vodka.

I feel a darwin award coming up!
That was kind of a needless post, Faust.
Like everyone else said though I wouldn't suggest it if you are needing these meds, however I can't see any complications from them.
how long have you been on the meds for?
if its been a long time go to your doctor and see if you still need them
and if u dont, go ahead also get a second opinion

but better safe than sorry when it comes to such things
i'll likely try it anyways, since it isnt an MAOI or anything. im not planning on taking a heroic dose, but working my way up from each experience. besides, the trip is only 15 minutes, and i highly doubt its going to react that badly in the given time frame.
Not to be rude or something, but why even ask if you are likely going to try it anyways? Even when most reccoment not to. :roll:
bighed213 a dit:
i'll likely try it anyways, since it isnt an MAOI or anything. im not planning on taking a heroic dose, but working my way up from each experience. besides, the trip is only 15 minutes, and i highly doubt its going to react that badly in the given time frame.

How long does a panic attack last?

There may not be any complications with your medication but I highly doubt anyone with an anxiety disorder should be taking salvia.
Defomately not reccomended if your prone to Anxiety, in my opinion. I am, and salvia 40x certainly doesn't agree with me. Felt more paranoid/amxious than I have ever done before, although it didn't last long and parts of it was nice. I was able to laugh about it afterwards. It's rediculously strong stuff - dinately the most intense, but shortest, trip I've had to date. Not to be taken on a whim! I've tried it twice, and doubt I'd bother again - but am glad I've tried it.

As for mixing it with your medication. I have no idea, but be careful! All this bearing in mind I'm a fairly cautios person.

Peace! And have fun!

Be responsible and find out what you are going to combine. In my opinion, you should know the name of what you are taking and basic info about it anyways, don't leave all of the knowledge in your doctor's hands.

I have struggled with anxiety and depression as well, I don't know anything about Salvia (haven't tried it yet), but taking any entheogen with such head problems is really taking your life into your hands. I would recommend you just experiment with weed for a while; take every kind of dose and every form of ingestion possible, really get to know the plant/chemical. When you feel experienced with that (and perhaps by then you will have sorted out your anxiety?) then you should move on to something a little more advanced.

I also suggest you ask your doctor about getting blood tests done, anxiety isn't always caused psychologically, for me it was a chemical imbalance that is easily remedied with supplements. And the best cure for depression in my life has been mushies :wink:

Good luck!
Honestly, you shouldn't be messing around with Salvia. An MAOI, or SSRIs don't seem to have any affect on the Salvia trip (I tried, and it was just a normal trip, but I strongly recommend not mixing any drugs, I was merely curious as to what the effect may, or may not be). As for the anti-anxiety meds--- how long have you been taking (both) medication(s)?
Salvia is very intense and shouldn't be mixed with anything-- Cannabis, Alcohol; etc-- but an anti-anxiety pill might have reverse effects while under the influence of Salvia. Meaning, it may make you have an attack, or may just chill you out. I'm not sure. Honestly, I'd talk to a doctor about this if you're serious about trying Salvia. I know it may be hard to bring it up with a medical professional, but for the sake of your own health, and mental stability-- I'd really recommend you talk to someone if you're serious about trying any psychedelic.

On the flip-side, some studies show that Salvia may even 'help' depression and anxiety so it could be both a spiritual experience and a medical benefit for you. Still, I'd talk to a doctor.

Happy hunting. (:
I read also that saliva can be used as an anti-depressant. There is a success story about a girl using it this way on erowid.org. However I'm sure it was a very light amount, not enough to trip.
I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV :) but my opinion is that you probably won't have any trouble with the drugs interacting. Salvia seems to be very good about not reacting chemically with medications but it might aggravate the underlying condition. The four or five trips I've been on using Salvia have tended to be a bit anxiety laden. I haven't had any real panic attacks but there's an underlying sense of anxiety throughout the trip. If I had an anxiety disorder I'd be very cautious about using Salvia. Salvia is a very powerful hallucinogen and a bad trip on Salvia can be really bad. Salvia can also really screw up your sense of time. Although the trip may be short the experience might seem to take hours, days or even weeks subjectively. Now imagine a bad Salvia trip causing an anxiety attack that seems to last a week or more.
Its one of those situations where its hard to recommend a course of action, because of the possible risk in someone who is mentally unstable, and the difficulty of supporting anyone youve pointed to such an experience online.

Having said that, from SWIM's experience, Salvia has acted as a potent and long lasting anti depressant. SWIM would credit Salvia with kicking him out of a 20 year rut of moderate-mild depression with associated anxiety.

Traditionally Salvia has specifically been used for healing, and divination. Its not a recreational experience , its far too confrontational and bizarre. At high doses it can be like being thrown into a woodchipper. If you want to see what you really are, what you are a part of, what your responsibilities are, and what you are doing wrong, Salvia will show you these things in a blunt and often frighteningly literal way. It has none of the euphoria of tryptamines, and is often completely emotionally flat, as it spells out your sins and shows you possible alternate versions of this reality.

There is a real risk of existential vertigo for the initiate, but on the other hand, this existential shifting seem to be part of the plants power to cure.

If you try it, don't start with extracts. use plain leaf, or chew the leaves, upping the dose until you get effects. theres plenty of info online about methods.

You really have to take responsibility for your own health, and for your own actions. that in itself will be the first step on the path to being healthy and whole.