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MDMA , The Day After

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Pringle
  • Date de début Date de début
Last time when I did it with a friend, I had residual effect, no hangover and I 'blamed' that on my new healthy lifestyle and the fact I took a lot of vitamins. My friend was really WASTED the entire day after....

Edit: MAYBE my friend is just a sissy though ;)
When I had the pure stuff, crystals, I noticed other areas of it were intensified in a way thats hard to explain. Much more psychedelic-y...
and less stimulant-like....very laid back, but intense.

I'm pretty sure most of the commercial pills I've tried lately have caffeine in them...
spice a dit:
When I had the pure stuff, crystals, I noticed other areas of it were intensified in a way thats hard to explain. Much more psychedelic-y...
and less stimulant-like....very laid back, but intense.

I'm pretty sure most of the commercial pills I've tried lately have caffeine in them...

Got the pure stuff, crystals ;)
spice a dit:
I'm pretty sure most of the commercial pills I've tried lately have caffeine in them...

Dutch pills sometimes have amphetamines in them

Edit: speed like amphetamine besides to the mdma I mean
i'm having a MDMA "hangover" right now

what do i feel?
total boredom, it's hard to have fun, tired, ...

but i haven't slept since i took the pills because i was at dour festival and i just got home this morning.

taking the train, walking with backpacks, standing in line for a bus,...
not much fun having a MDMA hangover.
From my single experience with MDMA, the only downside were the 30 minutes after the trip kinda stopped...

I went so high that it was impossible for me not to feel a bit sad I think...

...anyway, after those 30 minutes, I get a hold of me again, and went back on the dancefloor with a huge smile on my face, and I totally enjoyed the end of the goa, even without any effects...

Then during the few next days, I felt a bit dreamy, constantly happy... I became more social, made new friends, and it was really cool...

EDIT : I'm talking about pure MDMA, not pills... Wouldn't want to try those, that's for sure...

EDIT 2 :

spice a dit:
The people you hear talking about an 'afterglow'????

They did MDMA.

That's exactly what I've felt !
Tiax a dit:
EDIT : I'm talking about pure MDMA, not pills... Wouldn't want to try those, that's for sure...
