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MDMA , The Day After

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OK so i just got my hands on some but I've never tried it before and ofcourse I'm very eager to.
So i've read alot about it and most sources say it's 'possible' to have quite a hangover the next day but i'd like to hear from your experiences and if so, do vitamin C help?
MDMA fucks with your serotonin like a motherfucker, I'd doubt there's much to do against the hangover from that. I don't have any experience (sadly) to back this up but i think this is the general idea about MDMA.
I've done MDMA for numerous times now.

Every time i felt really active, like king off the world, really psychedelic as well.
You should try to play with it in your head. Try to visualize things that are not there and play with it.
Dance around, listen to music,..
But I got to say, MDMA is really exhausting, for your mind and your body.
So when it's extinghuising you're gonna feel exhausted and a bitt sad in your head etc, all I did then was taking the last sip off the bag and go to bed, take a GOOD rest, wake up, take a warm bath, listen to music, do everything on it's ease and then you're fine, no hangover or whatever..

Have fun..
Yeah the hangover is a pay in the ass sometimes.

But the best thing you can do is eat alot of fruit (bananas are good for your sterotine level) and vitamin C is also good for recovering from a MDMA night.

5htp wile also help with your sterotine level build up,
you can get those online or at your local smartshop.

With only mdma I don`t really have a hangover, more an afterglow.
I`m still feeling fine in my head the next day. only phisically not in a to great shape :- )

my hang overs of mdm always last for about 2 weeks, but that is more of a depresion than a hanover. the day after a mdma experience I have more of an after glow, espesialy if I eat some choco.
I read more of those arguments of eating bananas and taking 5-htp capsules.
But in %'s how much do they really fill up the loss of serotonine in your brains?
I wonder, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's just about a few single %'s.
But maybe this could also work as a placebo :?: who knows :)

Also I'm having this afterglow which actually doesn't feel bad, and it also makes me feel really relaxed.
But the worst comes after the 2nd or 3rd day, when I start to feel a little depressed, worn out and back on my job feeling like the only junkie out there :D
It kind of leaves a lonely feeling as well, which makes you want to be with the same people who you had taken the Mdma with.
Djones a dit:
I read more of those arguments of eating bananas and taking 5-htp capsules.
But in %'s how much do they really fill up the loss of serotonine in your brains?
I wonder, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's just about a few single %'s.

I have now idea to be onest, but i do noticed that it helps and the 2nd and 3rd day are less fucked up then :lol:

But you serotine level needs like 6 months to fully recover from a MDMA experience and even then it wont be like 100%.
But all those media hypes about mdma fucks up your brains is bull..
I always experienced hangovers from mdma but since I am on a complete healthy diet, the hangover is just a slight feeling of 'ah, I did mdma last night'. Compared to a friend who did it at the same time (same dose), he was wasted the entire following day.

I also drink a lot of fruit juice during a session and make sure I get a balanced and nutritious breakfast the next morning.

About the serotoning fuck up -> as with everything, use it balanced, don't abuse it and you will be fine ;)
I think your right heartcore about taking care of your body.
And i think its the way you use it that determines your state the next day.
For example if you party all night long you can bet that you feel empty/exhaused the next days, but if you use properly sleep enough/eat good, you may not even have a hangover. thats what i noticed myself :D
If you only use MDMA (from a good source), and you drink water, get enough sleep, eat a good and healthy breakfast the day after, take your vitamins, eat some fruit, then the next day I don't really have a hangover.
If I drink 10 beer in one night, the next day I'm twice as f*ed up compared to MDMA.

But as heartcore says: with everything, use it balanced, don't abuse it

In my opinion the biggest danger with MDMA is the level of addiction. But if you use it too many times, it becomes boring because your trying to squeeze the last few drops of serotonin out :P. It's more fun to wait a couple of months and blow your mind :mrgreen:!
Entheonaut a dit:
If you only use MDMA (from a good source), and you drink water, get enough sleep, eat a good and healthy breakfast the day after, take your vitamins, eat some fruit, then the next day I don't really have a hangover.
If I drink 10 beer in one night, the next day I'm twice as f*ed up compared to MDMA.

But as heartcore says: with everything, use it balanced, don't abuse it

In my opinion the biggest danger with MDMA is the level of addiction. But if you use it too many times, it becomes boring because your trying to squeeze the last few drops of serotonin out :P. It's more fun to wait a couple of months and blow your mind :mrgreen:!

All is said :)

I usually have almost no hang-over... I mean I feel a bit down in the first hours after i wake up the day after, but after eating a big and complete breakfast with a big glass of orange juice I feel much better and usually I feel normal again before the end of the day.... except I am a bit fucked up in my brain for a week, but that's not something I can notice, it's like, someone talks to me, I want to answer him but can't make the sentence in my head, socializing is a bit more difficult...
Psychoid a dit:
except I am a bit fucked up in my brain for a week, but that's not something I can notice, it's like, someone talks to me, I want to answer him but can't make the sentence in my head, socializing is a bit more difficult...

I experience this mainly with bad xtc, or after a weekend of too much speed. It can get pretty freaky... I've seen people lose the ability to speak in a normal / understandable way. (I'm talking about the long-term effect!)
Thanks for all the feedback !

So here's the plan; I'm gonna throw a bbq with some friends and in the early evening drop MD and just chillout with some good music. I'll make sure i got lots fruit and drink plenty of water. this should offer a good time, no? :lol:
*can't wait*
I have never ever had a hangover or whatsoever after using mdma
mostly I feel better then ever for weeks or months
because it has such a strong impact on your state of mind ..
that you don't notice any depletion on serotonins
that's what I think is the greatest thing about mdma
I`m talking about pure white or clear mdma crystals here ofcorse
The next day a lovely feeling of freedom and satisfaction remained and lasted up till the 2nd day, I experienced sleepyness and slowness. The 3rd day was a pain in the ass always, no motivation or any feeling of happiness. Even though the experience itself could compensate a lot when I looked back.

I always had a lot of pasta carbs after and before and good Omega 3 fats. And of course vitamines and casei protein. Though I made sure that my last meal was completely gone before I'd take the E. Mdma crystal form.
Tims rule;

Set and setting...

Nutrition falls under set, along with contents of the unconscious mind, so it's a valid area.

With X, setting isn't as critical as LSD and the tryptamines, but its still important. These are 50 year old guidelines that have been laid out to assist people just entering this world. (set and setting)

I want to point out something overlooked here, and its a topic many of you have heard from me already...





These are the 3 most common chemicals marketed as 'ecstasy'

They are all called, generically, ecstasy.

This makes for confusion. Lets clear it up.

MDA gives you a monster hangover. Feels like a BIG truck ran over you the day after.

MDMA has NO hangover, generally. The people you hear talking about an 'afterglow'????

They did MDMA.

MDEA is basically MDMA-Lite.

Hope this helps.
Heartvcore-I guess it comes down to what you call a hangover. I associate the word 'hangover' with negative things and effects/feelings.

Of course MDMA has residual effects. I'm not implying otherwise. But taking MDMA recreationally, with proper preparation and moderation, does not lead to what L personally classify as a hangover.

The window of residual effects remain open for some time with this drug. I do not feel that they are in any way negative, though, and this is why I hesitate to classify it as a 'hangover'... more like a 'floatover',
if anything.

Many people I know say the same, that they feel no negative effects after....