Hi dudes !
Finally the report, it will go quick (or not) :
We split the gram in 8x125 mg, we were 4 taking it. we started with 1 cap diluted in a 33cl coke, shared it each other to start easily. The "salt powder" was starting to kick in smoothly on the parking. We entered the gig, got some beers, then around midnight I took my cap of 125mg. Lasers, techno, fumes, crazyness, enjoying it like a kid ahaha ! a proper time warping effect indeed. you're nowhere, 5 mins feels like an hour, and the opposite lol.
We did 2 other shared drinks during the night, everything was perfectly fine I had the gig of my life in there : enjoying techno a way I never had before, intense, deep, and fucking happying "dude it's so sool" effect it was like a gigantic attraction parc in there ! A-ma-zing stuff.
I met some blond german girl -from my town (!)- in there pfff we had so much fun, she was on pills, she was so coooool
! Nope seriously I enjoyed it naturally with the good vibe flowing everywhere, we were like 14years old kids in schoolyard running everywhere right
and we still run in paris clubs everyweek now
In the morning around 8, we took the last cap me and a friend, flying smoothly again, because the party was ending at 2 in the afternoon so we had time left.
(NB: we spent all night drinking and smoking dutch herbs like shit, but the topic here is about mdma moments only...)
I decided to go to the bar and grab some whiskey because I felt so fiiiine ! Good vibe, rock n' roll baby the party of my life ahaha ! I took one shot plus a glass of whiskey coke, then started a 50 cl buck of beer.
Everything was fine...till 10 in the morning ! suddenly, like a magical dark spell hitting me
I took everything in my head, one shot; direct blast no return, high as shit, and was so so so fucked up I was seeing duplicated people, couldnt make a proper focus with my eyes, was hoping to go down a lil bit but even smoking hash didn't do nothing ahaha !
I was saturated by drugs, I've never felt that before, like my head was properly open in two pieces, empty brainbox I felt dumb as a cow lol, it took me 12 hours to come back to my normal state again, couldn't sleep ahah !
So, I'll never mix MDMA powder with uncontrolled amounts of alcohol, Or, stop when the morning comes and just do thc after 12h of rolling, its enough for me!
But the last word is I like MDMA, with the right people (nice smart people), in the right place (techno gigs) !
the bad point is its a way more artificial feeling than mushrooms imo, when you think back at it, it's like a plastic love pill you know, chemical smiley med that technically pushes the "be happy" button...but I quite like it sometimes !
Cheers...and yes the mdma powder in paris is really good these days, grab your gram for 60-70 euro bucks and go dance or hang arround ! :wink: