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MDMA or Acid

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion toogoodforyou
  • Date de début Date de début
Not an accurate list, it should be:

Street Methadone

True, it's not anaccurate list... I don't think cannabis is more dangerous than MDMA. And tobacco is worse than alcohol. But well it also depends on their criteria...

And thanks for the link!
Yeah that is strange, considering far more deaths are attributed to tobacco.

On the other hand I guess tobacco tends to relax people. Alcohol tends to turn some people into bigger assholes than even cocaine does. Wandering down the main drag after closing hours always reminds me of this... And combine this with a ton of metal on the freeway moving at 50mph... (Meanwhile still basically zero deaths attributed to cannabis..)

Anyway I'm much like the OP in what substances i tend to usually do.. but will probably be trying mdma at some point, looking forward to it!
If I remeber right, there has been a discussion over the very same list on this forum :)

I even think it's the third time....

the list makes sence imo
Entheonaut a dit:
Meduzz a dit:
Atanga a dit:
I believe that a lsd can even help you to recover from mdma , because lsd can help you to stabilize your seretonin levels.
Taking LSD to recover from MDMA is just plain stupid imho

Yes indeed. Being exhousted, and with low serotinin levels thats a guarantee for me for a very uncomfortable trip.

I did a candyflip once where I decided to take the acid only after ingesting the MDMA, still waited for a couple of hours and had some joints on the way. I experienced no comedown. Man, I'm still high. It is a bad reason to take acid, though. You should take acid because you want to, not to counter something else, because then it will kick you in the nuts.
recent research has shown mdma has no long term effects at all
I would very much like to believe that.. it would definately be a relief for me.. do you maybe have a scource, Drugless?
I have been pretty depressed from mild abuse for quite a few months!
But that can probably be put under short-term effects
It's pretty much back to normal now I suppose, also notable: after an ayahuasca experience recovery was boosted quite a bit
I don't recommend abusing mdma to anybody though, depression for a few months is not very much fun..
Take it easy with the stuff is my advice
^Makes sense, ayahuasca is known to balance the serotonin system (production and uptake) in the brain. Don't know the source, may look for it later...
Bastiaan a dit:
recent research has shown mdma has no long term effects at all
I would very much like to believe that.. it would definately be a relief for me.. do you maybe have a scource, Drugless?
I have been pretty depressed from mild abuse for quite a few months!
But that can probably be put under short-term effects
It's pretty much back to normal now I suppose, also notable: after an ayahuasca experience recovery was boosted quite a bit
I don't recommend abusing mdma to anybody though, depression for a few months is not very much fun..
Take it easy with the stuff is my advice

the study which produced the above list. the list only refers to UK figures and is part of the largest survey undertaken in UK involving the largest number of professionals
who cares about all that stuff your debating? it doesnt matter if you cant get hold of either of them? were do you all get lsd from? pm me and help me out!!
Wake up people . The charts has lots of pretty colours but its absolute shit . Heroin is not harmfull when its pure , it doesnt destroy lives and doesnt stop people working . The reason that its on the top of the list is because of the social concequencys = because its illegal . Another criteria is if a substance causes adiction . Whos to say that adiction is "harmfull" ??? How many coffee adicts do you know ? Are they critisised ? Here there is a project giving long term no hope junkys pure heroin . When they get it all their social and health problems dissapear . Some of them get jobs and start to lead a constructive life others finaly give up their adiction .
Psychoid a dit:
True, it's not anaccurate list... I don't think cannabis is more dangerous than MDMA. And tobacco is worse than alcohol. But well it also depends on their criteria...

The criteria of my list was purely based on the development of addiction. Nothing else.

I placed tobacco so high because the user never experiences any side effects apart from the thought 'oh they say it's unhealthy'. Once they are getting their very 1st 'side effect', it's often readily terminal. While all others substances may have already given many signals that they are crossing a line BEFORE their use even gets close to a fatal end.

Also, many addicts who managed to quite their cocaine and heroin abuse, have lost the battle against tobacco.

Opiods such as Heroin and Methadon are not harmful.

Give an addict an unlimited amount of heroin, if he never overdoses, consumes healthy foods and the assurance of lodging, he may turn 100.

Amphetamine, Meth, Cocaine, Crack, Alcohol (abuse) and Nicotine (abuse) are the most harmful.
I would do heroin if it were pure and I had the autonomy to be alone in my apartment or with someone I thrust.

hey GOD: what is it like? :twisted:
Mhhh I'd never do heroin :?
I think it's brave and very stupid.. the kind of brave that you don't want
I'd rather smoke some opium then.. isn't that pretty much the same kind of high but a lot less intense (and therefor less risk of addiction)?
Besides it's not an entheogen right? Just makes you feel good, no insights or anything
Not very interesting from a psychonautic point of view

it doesnt destroy lives
Not by itself it doesn't if thats what you mean.. but heroin can definately fuck your shit up IMO even though I have no experience with it myself I think with the things I've seen (and by that I don't just mean from the couch watching the mindfucker) I am qualified to state that it's serious shit
And by serious shit I mean you don't want to try serious.. IMHO
I got a lot more to lose then I sometimes think is the reason I give myself to not want to try it
Ofc I'm not trying to tell anyone he or she can't do something or that he or she would not be 'strong enough' to recreationally use heroin without any problems
I would never make heroin illegal if I were to decide the laws (wich would be good :P ) because I believe in personal freedom and responsibility
And even if I didn't I still wouldn't make it illegal because I know it would'nt help
The reason I think about it this way is because I'm worried
Bastiaan a dit:
Not by itself it doesn't if thats what you mean.. but heroin can definately fuck your shit up IMO even though I have no experience with it myself I think with the things I've seen (and by that I don't just mean from the couch watching the mindfucker) I am qualified to state that it's serious shit
And by serious shit I mean you don't want to try serious.. IMHO

The same could be said about cocaine... "drugs" are ultimately substances that ultimately come from nature [information is pure]; if you had a SERIOUS, trusty friend to do the extraction/tek to fix you with some good quality H wouldn't you do it? I mean ONCE to see how it is like. That's all.

I share the same area of interest with you on "drugs." But I don't hold dogmatic positions, I want to try [from reasonably safe scenarios] everything. Taste it with my own tongue. I can read all I want about altered states of consciousness from my comfy chair without altering my mind in the slightest.
It usualy starts up a bit dizzy and you get the feeling that your stomach shrinks . You relax and go into a sort of dream . Wich can be nice . Adiction takes time and maybe the difference between heroin and opium is the same difference between a cup of tea and a cup of very strong coffee . Sort of , if you see what i mean . Opium is more pukey because its mixed alkaloids . The thing about it is the dreams..... untill you get adicted , then they mostly stop , and the total body relaxation plus the getting away from the world = getting a distance between you and it . When you take it you think "hey whats the big deal" and thats whats dangerous .

Most of what is available on the streets isnt heroin but a mixed alkaloid extraction thats been cut to fuck with shity things . From sugar to paracetamol . And most of the opium is raw opium and not smoking / eating opium . Good opium is as hard as a brittle stone wich when you warm up in your hand goes softer .
Hehe, i was deciding between MDMA & Acid. You guys started discussing heroin :p

Anyway, my fiance & i finally dropped one hit of the blotter each. It was an amazing trip. We got ready with our ipods, speakers, the laptop and loads of water (plus some munchies which we could not taste).

We both smoked a little pot and lied down on the bed for 10mins before eating the paper.

We were watching 'Blow' for the intial 30mins when the effects began. At start we were slightly anxious but later we got more comfortable with it. We both listened to some good psychedelic music at start (chill out and ambient). It took us to various worlds. Then we took a break from the music and smoked up with a couple of friends and went to see the clouds. Hehe, there was a whirpool in the clouds. Headed back to the room & plugged into different psychedelic tracks (dark) and smiled throughout realising how beautiful this conciousness is. After the peak started coming down we went to the rooftop and stared at the clouds..... It was extremely beautiful looking at the clouds and trees. At one point we both wept a little thinking how glad we were to have each other. We waited there till the sun shone and headed down for a 1hour nap. Got ready and went for college classes :) Ahhh, the afterglow was great.

Great experience overall.... mindexpanding, refreshing and entertaining. Psychedelic music + Acid = Amazing experience. Need a more natural sorrounding though :)
:o that sounds so beautiful.. :heart:
I think you have made the right choice even though I have only taken MDMA quite some times, never acid
I'd love to give it a try though but it hasn't come on my path yet
It will soon I expect.. till then I'm just gonna have to enjoy these kinds of stories I suppose :P
I first experienced acid, then MDMA. I will never forget that first experience on acid. It's so much better than MDMA, especially for a young person.
That sounds like a great day buddy. I've vowed to never do X, or acid. As personnally know people who have been damaged by both, "Bunk" Acid made this guy a vegetable, nobody knows whether it was his phsych, or just poorly made acid (probably), and X a kid died here from over heating. It was very very sad.
I've done shrooms, and although I almost committed suicide, it was simply because I was not ready, I was simply not ready, and the amount I had taken was about 2 times what experienced users do...
I was going to give you some advice, but you had someone there with you, someone you loved and trusted, and thats the best preparedness you can get :).
Try DMT sometime, ayahuasca style!!
That's not damaging, and it is believed to be naturally made by the brain. Have fun guy, 'trip safe'!