Hullo !
I'd like to have a discussion regarding the MDMA trip.
During the last few months, I've began to disregard this psychoactive more and more, considering it to produce a deceptive trip.
I'm not a heavy user, I must have made like 5 trips in my whole life (the first one was three years ago), and MDMA never really pushed me to do/tell things I regreted later.
Lately there's been a lot of topics regarding its effects, but none concerned directly the "authenticity" of the trip, hencefore my question :
Do you believe that the "you" who's tripping under MDMA is the "real" you, who's now without fear, without inhibitions and who says things that you would say yourself without those usual social restrictions ? Or do you think (as I tend to do) that MDMA only turns you into some sort of light minded fool, who's exagerating everything (especially his love towards his friends) and who's made to believe things that are untrue ?
As much as I tend to opt for the latter approach, something I read lately made me reconsider the authenticity of the effects. MDMA isn't a euphorisant (damn, not sure this word exists, well, you see what I mean) but a mood stimulator. I've also realised that while tripping under MDMA, I still think that some people that I don't like in my everyday life deserves a big slap in their face.
Put in an extremely basic way, and if I'm not mistaken, MDMA only's action is to stimulate the production of serotonin, so actually we're not feeling the effect's of MDMA but the serotonin's ones. Does someone knows how exactly this substance influence us in our everyday lives ? I know that I could just go on wikipedia and have a look, but I feel this subject would be more interesting to discuss with you, as I don't think that a definitive answer can be given
I'd like to have a discussion regarding the MDMA trip.
During the last few months, I've began to disregard this psychoactive more and more, considering it to produce a deceptive trip.
I'm not a heavy user, I must have made like 5 trips in my whole life (the first one was three years ago), and MDMA never really pushed me to do/tell things I regreted later.
Lately there's been a lot of topics regarding its effects, but none concerned directly the "authenticity" of the trip, hencefore my question :
Do you believe that the "you" who's tripping under MDMA is the "real" you, who's now without fear, without inhibitions and who says things that you would say yourself without those usual social restrictions ? Or do you think (as I tend to do) that MDMA only turns you into some sort of light minded fool, who's exagerating everything (especially his love towards his friends) and who's made to believe things that are untrue ?
As much as I tend to opt for the latter approach, something I read lately made me reconsider the authenticity of the effects. MDMA isn't a euphorisant (damn, not sure this word exists, well, you see what I mean) but a mood stimulator. I've also realised that while tripping under MDMA, I still think that some people that I don't like in my everyday life deserves a big slap in their face.
Put in an extremely basic way, and if I'm not mistaken, MDMA only's action is to stimulate the production of serotonin, so actually we're not feeling the effect's of MDMA but the serotonin's ones. Does someone knows how exactly this substance influence us in our everyday lives ? I know that I could just go on wikipedia and have a look, but I feel this subject would be more interesting to discuss with you, as I don't think that a definitive answer can be given