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MDMA experience

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ultima
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meh, it was ok. actually you can delete this thread. i originally posted something that i really dont want to share at the moment
Aww come on man, no ones going to judge you here. You should tell us what happened.
hehe.. well ill tell you guys a bit of what happend. i popped a couple pure mdma pills with the gf, and chilled for about 45 min. then we went out to blaze a couple dubs and some oil. once we were actually rolling we had a 3 hour sex session, where at the end i couldnt even finish. then i started thinking about it, and after last night i dont even know if i find women to be attractive. like, im not gay. i dont find guys to be the least bit attractive, but at the moment i really dont find women to be attractive either. hrmm.. this is why i didnt really want to post. im kind of worried.
Man don't worry, MDMA messes with your libido, I had similar experiences after high doses of XTC, it usually doesn't last more than a few days.

off-topic: kind-of funny :P as english isn't my native language, I don't know of all the abbreviations. When I first saw "gf", I thought you meant grandfather :lol:
hehe nice. yeah.. pretty much iv been sleeping all day. i went to banff today, which was awesome, but i ended up falling asleep on the drive there and back. iv been blazing a LOT today, i think iv already gone through about 6-7grams of kush today.

thanks for the info too. i wasa actually going to break up with the girl today because i didnt think i saw it going anywhere. (i think ill wait a couple days before i do anything)

mescaline is WAY better then mdma in my oppinion. you get a much more "amazing" high that just keeps flowing. where as with mdma, its a good high for maybe 5 hours, then you get too sketched to do anything. the girl today has done absolutly nothing. she has spent the day inside sleeping and watching tv. (shes a mother who has responsibilities) so i dont think were going to use this much. i told her about ayahausca but once she saw that theres a good chance to puke, she ruled that out. so im thinking a good dose of peyote might be in order. although i may want to completly stop doing substances with women, because i see them more as an object then a companion. i dunno. im still extremely sketched out at the moment, so i think im going to blaze and go to bed. later
i told her about ayahausca but once she saw that theres a good chance to puke, she ruled that out.

I did not read much about mescaline, but i read a report where a guy was also puking after ingesting mescaline. In his report he told that he was forgotten that when you ingest good mescaline you also gonna puke.

Ultima a dit:
then i started thinking about it, and after last night i dont even know if i find women to be attractive. like, im not gay. i dont find guys to be the least bit attractive, but at the moment i really dont find women to be attractive either. hrmm.. this is why i didnt really want to post. im kind of worried.

Sounds like serotonin depletion, you'll be just fine in a couple of days. Eat some bananas to make sure you don't run out of tryptophane either.

Yeah, mdma can give you a really bad depression for a day or two.

That's why I like mescaline much better as well. It's about as euphoric as mdma, but somehow it makes you feel great afterwards, just like other psychedelics (shrooms for example)
mysticwarrior a dit:
i told her about ayahausca but once she saw that theres a good chance to puke, she ruled that out.

I did not read much about mescaline, but i read a report where a guy was also puking after ingesting mescaline. In his report he told that he was forgotten that when you ingest good mescaline you also gonna puke.


That's because the nutrition aspects, preparation of the stomach are so critical that hardly anyone begins with it.

Stomach cramps are normal, but puking means one did not prepare himself long enough.

Mesca = partylike joyfull and ultra psychedelic. It belongs in the category DMT.

It makes me feel like the ground I'm standing on is a pillow so soft that I have to walk gentle to avoid hurting it. Baby like love. Diamonds that vanishe in trails.
Damn, you make me want to try mescaline! :O

Peyote is legal here, I just don't know where to buy one... I guess I,m gonna start to search :P
Brugmansia a dit:
That's because the nutrition aspects, preparation of the stomach are so critical that hardly anyone begins with it.

Stomach cramps are normal, but puking means one did not prepare himself long enough.

Mesca = partylike joyfull and ultra psychedelic. It belongs in the category DMT.

It makes me feel like the ground I'm standing on is a pillow so soft that I have to walk gentle to avoid hurting it. Baby like love. Diamonds that vanishe in trails.

Sounds interesting, i just had 2 days ago my first mdma trip and i felt as of i was in peace with everything, it all was so nice en warm lovingly, comforting. So are the feelings well your hallucinating at the sametime, on mescaline comparable to the feelings of a mdma trip? But then maybe stronger?

i find that mescaline is by far the softest drug out there. itll get intense, but nothing you cant handle. it blows mdma out of the water. the feelings you get are compairable to taking 20+pills + amazing hallucinations that send you to places of amazment. i highly reccommend trying cacti if you havent yet.
mysticwarrior a dit:
Sounds interesting, i just had 2 days ago my first mdma trip and i felt as of i was in peace with everything, it all was so nice en warm lovingly, comforting. So are the feelings well your hallucinating at the sametime, on mescaline comparable to the feelings of a mdma trip? But then maybe stronger?

The MDMA's peace and intense joyness is purely chemical due to a release of serotonin. You can't give a direction to MDMA, it's just the euphoria, love, empathy and social comfort which comes over you. It is like 'the very modern' cacti.

Mesca feels much more real, articifial, moon-like, ancient, rawness as in the nature, extremly fresh and desert-like. The source of all this so naturally that the only after effect is ... society life... because our today's life has gravity. A stone around our necks.

I once became irritated that my house was build between the trees in my street, and around the grass. Who the hell would build such an ugly stone object in the middle of this unique green realm? I taught me that we're prisoniars of death.
Hey man... Yeah don't worry if your feeling down at all, even if it seems like its real, its just the dopamine and serotonin down time after mdma... It basically just squeezes it all out like hey what the fuck, here ya go have a fun time, you got no choice heh.

Other psychadelics are just like, here, take this... Use it, learn from it, love it!

But yeah.. I've been having chronic bad trips, so, I think I'm closing off the psychadelic door for a while... I'm just not very accepting of much right now, that's just me :roll:

Have fun man, keep posting.
What you said about that women are getting less and less attractive, i also have this problem!
Im not homosexual, im not bisexual!
But, its getting hard to find a women that im interested in!
I wonder if im to picky, i tend to be really open minded!
(And no, i dont do Mdma)
I do believe myself that within the deepest fields there's no such thing as pairs like men and women. My presence is just an awareness, wherever it may have come from. All the rest came next.

I'm living with that thought after experiences with dimitri which have devastated me. It felt like an escape from something from which I was never authorized to escape from.
i really dont know right now. its been a few days, and i still dont find her to be attractive. im still talking and hanging out with her, but i think im going to break up with her soon. meh, stupid MDMA:P

i have some mimosa hostilis coming soon, so maybe a trip to hyperspace is in need. ill keep ya informed