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MDMA, can it kill you fast?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nanosage
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Lol that's what I got it from too.. I didn't even know you could until I read that book... .06mg/kg Haha, thats how much I would do, but only if I knew how to measure mg/kg, which I don't lol
IJC, I believe the chemical known as rat poison is Warfarin and is used in medical application to thin the blood. Hence why some manufacturers add it to there pill's, Thinner blood, Stronger effect.

DMT injected was Strassmans preferd method of administration, But the enviroment for the subject must of been a little intimidating to say the least... lol

0.6mg/kg - Simply means for every killo you weigh you need 0.6mg. So for the average american male weighing 86.6 kg (Sourced from Wikipedia) you would need 51.96mg of DMT and I would say at IV levels thats pretty high and not advisable.
It seems Strassman used 0.4mg/kg, Thats 34.64mg for the average american male. Something stands out to me about them figures 34.64??.. But not sure what :lol:, But seems like a lot more sensible figure.
I dont see a problem with injecting dmt. This isnt a junkie sleeping in a back alley with a needle sticking out of his arm type situation. You can safly inject drugs easily using common medical practices of sterile tecnique.

Although now that i think about it, and as sticki said, the environment that the spirit molocule took place in, would NOT have been one i would have enjoyed. I could never trip in something like a hospital environment, and especally not on dmt, and especally not when its being injected. Not that i have a fear of needles or anything, but im allready anxious when it comes to trying dmt as it is. let alone in a way where the slightest miscaculation of dose would eff you in the ay. :ANAL:
the real danger is you dont know what some organised criminal syndicate puts in those pills.
mdma by itself is one of the safest drugs there is but thanks to prohibition it's controlled by organised crime and they usually mix it like this 80 mg mdma and 20 mg methamphetamine
methamphetamine can sure kill you.
a good way to sort of judge if it is a methbomb is to crush the pill up and smell it meth made from p2p has a floral odor mdma has a slight rootbeer odor if you smell something floral it's likely phenylacetic acid left as an artifact of meth production.
this is just a general way sometimes neither has an odor. but most of the time it does because mass produced drugs are'nt scrupulously purified.
mdma by itself is practically harmless taken in the right dose.
and it has a wide safety margin you have to eat 7 grams at once to die.
i have eaten 4 grams in one day the most i've ever done.
permanent brain damage nah i don't think so.
i would be retarded by now if that were the case.
take 4 grams every weekend. i guarantee, you won't be the sharpest knife in the drawer.
MDMA is neurotoxic, period... and it can do permanent damage. it's no longer a theory, it's backed by evidence. human evidence.
hmm your probably telling the truth do you have references to these studies??
i did notice it played on my memory and executive functioning so your probably right.
i posted a textbook ref in page 1.
decrease of 5-HIAA in spinal fluid in humans indicates some depletion of serotonin or damaged function of serotonin reuptake. that's no surprise... what was surprising was the erosion of fine axons in the raphi nuclei. with casual use, the brain can automatically repair this... but frequent (ab)use may cause permanent damage.
you're right, MDMA does have a fairly wide safety margin (assuming you don't get overheated), but it's not completely safe. fortunately, your brain can do damage control, if you let it.
you're sure right because i would roll for as much as a month every day.
i don't feel as quick as i used to, that may be the cause.
benzyme a dit:
take 4 grams every weekend. i guarantee, you won't be the sharpest knife in the drawer.
MDMA is neurotoxic, period... and it can do permanent damage. it's no longer a theory, it's backed by evidence. human evidence.

i used to do 1g every weekend for half a year, then a break, then intermittent off and on for 8 years after that. i went through a period where my emotions where hard to control and my memory was noticeably hindered. i made a full recovery within a few months, then was jaded to almost everything for about half a year. all in all, i think i have actually benefited from it all. chalk it up to life experience. i have more motivation than ever, my concentration is better than ever (except now i'm coming off opiates), and i have a feeling of having lived life to the fullest. no regrets. i'm not dead, neither is spisshak, neither is spice. we're all still here.

polydrug use is much more dangerous than strictly mdma use. problem with taking pills is, who knows what's in them and you might be doing multiple drugs you never planned on taking. i've accidentally taken large dose of ketamine on one occasion and a large dose of pcp on one occassion by popping multiple untested pills at the same time (trusted the source) and.... wooops.... not mdma! that type of situation is far more dangerous than any mdma pill. mdma isn't benign like strike said, it's something to treat with respect but having said that, i think that mdma is very safe for people who aren't mixing drugs and are in at least some type of decent general health.
mdma is sort of like meth, in that it's excitotoxic; what meth does to the dopamine system, mdma will do to the serotonin system (and to a lesser extent, the dopamine system indirectly). letting the brain take a rest is key, some people are obvious casualties. burnt-out veterans who aren't all there. they're not dead, just a mere glimmer of who they once were.
how does excitotoxcity work?
i thought it was a free radical mechanism.
maybe excitotoxicity isn't the word for it, that's more glutamate-related... overfiring of neurons resulting in neuronal death.
mdma and meth block the respective reuptake transporters for serotonin and dopamine, resulting in depleted concentrations (note:adderall does this too).

not sure if mdma metabolism produces free-radicals (does it?)
umm not mdma metabolism directly the old theory was that serotonin depletion leads to excess dopamine in the serotanergic vesicles the deficiet allowed for dopamine to enter the synapses and the enzymes present there metabolised dopamine somehow generating free radicals.
i'm not to keen on biochemistry.
i have heard of glutamate excitotoxicity in mental illness in cases of psychosis and the end result was apotosis (celluar death) but i'm vauge on the details.
Damn, you guys know a lot about chemistry.. I'm gonna be getting into it and psychology here in a couple years for this reason.. But I guess every other 17 year old is doing the same thing right? Lol
yes it's true my voice just recently deepened and i noticed some small pubes growing down there i'm coming of age.
yes, mdma creates alot of free radicals in the brain which is just another word for oxidative stress ...that is a proven medical fact...however, the free-radicals can be destroyed by loading up on Vitamin C (take long acting vitamin C ester, vitamin C ester is nonacidic so it does not burn the stomach and also by taking a low dose of alpha-lipoic acid. Both supplements are available at wallyworld. Vitamin C also has been shown to decrease tolerance signficantly. mdma hangs around in the body for a whole day and a half, it has a very long half life. The good news is that animal studies show that mdma induced neurotoxicity can be prevented by keeping your dose low and taking Vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid along with it. Nothing could be simpler than following those two golden rules: 1) don't go overboard ie keep your dose to a single dose and 2)take vitamin C at least. vitamin C combined with vitamin E (another powerful antioxidant) causes both antioxidants to regenerate, so that the effects last longer (the eating up/destroying of the free radical scavengers). No mdma will not kill you unless you possibly take it with an maoi or take it with other drugs such as amphetamines, or if you are 1 in the million people who is allergic to it (highly unlikely). Ecstasy has the potential to leave long lasting benefits to your personality, relief from depression, as an aid to spiritual development & insight, inner person & creativity.

Don't even think about taking mdma unless you plan to take a long acting form (vitamin C ester) of 1000mg vitamin C and 400 i.u. of vitamin E at some time before or shortly after the dosing (30 minutes later). Follow up by taking the same dose again the next day, and then again on day two...remember mdma stays in the body for whole day and a half (very long half life). Both supplements are available at your local grocery store or wallyworld. Do you like to drink tea or eat blueberries or eat prunes? If so you are in luck, because prunes have more natural antioxidants than any other fruit. Tea and blueberries are also very high in them. Taking care of your body and brain is something that you should give priority to...try to eat right, workout with weights, run or walk a dog a few times a week, get some sunshine by going swimming. Getting and staying healthy is a lifelong commitment not just something to do for two weeks or so.

viamin C protects: http://www.mdma.net/protect/index.html

Ascorbic acid prevents 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-induced hydroxyl radical formation and the behavioral and neurochemical consequences of the depletion of brain 5-HT.

alpha-lipoic acid: http://www.mdma.net/alphalip.html

Alpha-lipoic acid prevents 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)-induced neurotoxicity
"taking anti-oxidants seems to have no effect on anti-cancer, or other ill-health consequences recently discovered from free-radicals"
Dude I do all of that all ready. I am very active, and take vitamins. And I just happen too LOVE blueberries, and tea!!! Lol tea, is because I used to be a big soda drinker, and the tea gives me that caffeine buzz and doesn't make me feel like absolute shit all the time.. And then the caffeine makes me go out and run around in the woods on trails and go swimming and all that with my friends, regardless of if we are high or not. But thanks for the information. But what was MDMA developed for in the first place?Was it supposed to be an antidepressant or what?
Nanosage a dit:
Dude I do all of that all ready. I am very active, and take vitamins. And I just happen too LOVE blueberries, and tea!!! Lol tea, is because I used to be a big soda drinker, and the tea gives me that caffeine buzz and doesn't make me feel like absolute shit all the time.. And then the caffeine makes me go out and run around in the woods on trails and go swimming and all that with my friends, regardless of if we are high or not. But thanks for the information. But what was MDMA developed for in the first place?Was it supposed to be an antidepressant or what?

it was first developed for weight loss. burns fat and takes away hunger entirely/ psychoactive effects weren't really noted until much later
Wow, how could the psychoactive effects not be noted? Did they only give people like ADHD patients, low dosages like 10-20mg for them to concentrate?