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MDMA, can it kill you fast?

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Alpiniste Kundalini
Alright, I keep seeing on the internet of people taking one ecstasy pill and dying? That is absurd.. They also try to tell 5th graders at the elementary school I went to that "pot will make you grow hair on your tongue". But I am pretty sure this is bullshit, but can someone tell me straight up? I have never done x before and I am looking into trying it sometime this week.

The people who died taking MDMA and allegedly died from "overheating" 1st of all were:
1. At a rave for 6 hours +
2. Drank no water
3. Took something like 15+ pills (What the fuck?!)

The only deaths that ever occured from MDMA were from overdoses.

You will not over dose with less than 5 pills ever. Just drink water when you are thirsty, don't drink TOO much water... Nuff said.

People get freaked out they are overheating and try to just down gallons, which is just stupid. MDMA is not a "crazy" drug.



MDMA is not something to be scared of, especially pure MDMA. It's not going to hurt you, harm you, or anything like that.

YOU WILL BE FINE. Just go take some x and love everyone :mrgreen:
Haha, oxycodone has alot.. But don't they GIVE oxycodone at emergency rooms? Haha, but anyways,, Yea maybe someone was under the influence of marijuana when they got caught.. Haha well I mean obviously thats the case.. But yea it's just like I was fighting with this girl on facebook about abortion, and she said it was bad because it was against gods morals.. And I just am like "Who the fuck are you to speak for god?" What the fuck? Lol stupid people these days.. I mean I'm not christian and her argument was just to stand behind Christianity it was retarded.. But thanks dude. Will one pill suffice for first time? And I am thinking about snorting it.. I never really get my nose burn, and I kinda like the burn.. I mean I have done cocaine once.. Didn't really like it.. I don't like speeding though.. But anyways I have snorted all kinds of narcotics, and I kinda like the burn. Some hurt really bad, but I liked it.. I don't know.. Lol But yeah should I snort the one x pill or will popping it, suffice?
"Fine axons with small varicosities originate from the dorsal raphe nuclei, and beaded axons with large spherical varicosities arise from the median raphe nuclei. These two types of 5-HT-containing axon have different regional and laminar distributions and appear to be differentially sensitive to the neurotoxic effects of certain amphetamine derivatives, including 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), referred to more commonly as "ecstasy." The fine axons are much more sensitive to the neurotoxic effects than the beaded axons, and the loss of fine axons lasts for months and may be permanent. Beaded axons appear to be resistant and remain unaffected following neurotoxic treatment with MDMA. This finding may be relevant to human studies, which have indicated that individuals using MDMA as a recreational drug may be exposed to dosages approximating those shown to exhibit serotonin neurotoxicity in nonhuman primates. A 26% decrease in the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA was observed in the cerebrospinal fluid of MDMA users. This indirect evidence of a decrease in serotonin turnover in the brain perhaps reflects destruction or compromised function of this fine serotonin-containing axon system. Further studies of MDMA users seem warranted and could provide important information on the effects of selective loss of this fine axon system in humans. At present, the functional roles played by the fine and beaded axon systems and whether the functions are distinct or similar remain unclear. In serial section analysis of 5-HT terminals in the primate visual cortex, the fine and fat boutons appeared to coexist in the same axon, arguing against distinct 5-HT innervation of this brain region."

(from Ch. 10-Serotonin, "The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology", 8th Ed. Cooper, Bloom and Roth)

and that's just the neurotoxicity (yeah, even pure mdma is neurotoxic), this says nothing about the somatic physiological repercussions of the drug. don't fool yourself into thinking it's completely harmless, that sort of denial died in the late 90's.
in moderation, mdma may be as toxic as a night of hard drinking; but when it gets to frequent binging, you may as well huff solvents
overheating is a somatic side-effect from MDMA itself, not just impure pills
What is defined as an "Extasy user"

All things in moderation.
Well I really don't even have a RELIABLE dealer as of now.. But as soon as I get one.. It's really hard to get drugs other than weed here in Missouri.. It is just ridiculous.. But yeah, as soon as I get a good dealer, I can definitely get some x. But also I wouldn't be doing it all the time.. I just want to experiment.. But does MDMA have mescaline in it? Also, I am looking for some pure mescaline ills, the cacti is impossible out here.. But yeah how much would a pure mescaline and ecstasy cost? Like heard x was 10 a pill, and mescaline.. I have no idea.. But yea looking forward to experimenting! Thanks! Hah But still will one pill for my first time suffice? And can I snort it?
Don't snort it, but you can. Pure MDMA can range from 10-30$ a pill. but since your in the deep south, expect to pay 20 for pure mdma. How you're going to tell if it is, ain't really possible till you do it.

No it doesn't contain mescaline. Mescaline is a psychodelic from a cactus. MDMA is made in some mother's basement by her creepy son from a tree that comes from cambodia. They aren't even chemically similar, nor do they effect neurology the same at all.

Mescaline is expensive. Nobody really makes synthetic mescaline (why not, I can't say) but it's just not availble. You should just take a road trip across the nation to the arid regions. Find a stick of san pedro, cut it up, boil it down, drink it. Check out the CACTI section for more information on mescaline and the like.
"Don't snort it, but I can"? Lol okay, I guess that is just advice. I won't. So one pill I will be good? And alright I will sneak one on fourth of july and do shrooms and that at the same time. Unless I am not ready. I have done 2 grams of shrooms once.. I was fine.. I could control and everything, but I don't know we are thinking about taking 3 grams each, and x will put me over the top? I don't know I will do it alone without shrooms and with someone sitting me.. Hehe.. I will have my girlfriend sit me.. I heard what ecstasy makes feel better specifically ;)
Benzyme is correct;

and that's just the neurotoxicity (yeah, even pure mdma is neurotoxic), this says nothing about the somatic physiological repercussions of the drug. don't fool yourself into thinking it's completely harmless, that sort of denial died in the late 90's.
in moderation, mdma may be as toxic as a night of hard drinking; but when it gets to frequent binging, you may as well huff solvents
overheating is a somatic side-effect from MDMA itself, not just impure pills

Here's some extra advice.

1.) Pills take a LONG time to start working properly, sometimes hours. So don't take more until you've given them three hours or so to do something. Especially if it's your first time, since you can't judge how strong they are by taste or their initial effects yet. If you eat more, you could catapult yourself into being sick.

2.) I would suggest you don't mix drugs until you've tried them both separately.

3.) Drinking too much water while you're sitting still can be as bad as drinking too little when dancing. If you're sitting down or just wandering around a bit, you'll only need a can of coke or something every two hours or so, just like normal.

4.) The drug will entirely wipe out your sense of hunger for 12-18h, along with your sense of thirst and ability to fall asleep. It's an extremely powerful effect that you just won't experience in normal life. You'll have to force yourself to eat and drink.

5.) If you start feeling shitty after 6h plus, it's probably because you've forgotten to have something to eat or drink. Force yourself to eat something. Swallowing dry food will be hard, so something slippery and easy to swallow is good, e.g. jelly, yogurt or something like that. Your body will also be getting tired if you've kept it awake all night and into the next day, so that can create negative feelings.

6.) Try to eat and drink things that are sugary, because you won't want to eat or drink much at all. E.g. cans of coke, fruit juice, sweets. I don't like energy drinks on it myself, they feel all nasty and chemically.

7.) DO NOT DRINK BEERS. This not only counteracts the point of taking the drug, it can make you feel EXTREMELY shitty. Some users will drink when the effects start wearing off, but being drunk before they start is a BAD plan.

8.) DO NOT take it if you're on anti-depressants or any other form of psychiatric medication. Or any prescription medicine for that matter. A lot of medicines, anti-depressants in particular, will block the pathways that break down the drug and the recycling of neurotransmitters. That sounds like a good thing, but it's not. It can either leave you feeling fucking terrible or hospitalize you.

9.) If you're diabetic, you need to take serious care with your food and insulin, or you'll forget and mess up your blood sugars.

10.) There are a small percentage of people who can't breakdown MDx, so the levels get too high in their bloodstream, making them feel very sick and effectively 'overdose' on normal amounts. It's normal to feel a little sick in the first hour or two of eating the drug, but it shouldn't last for six hours. If it does, don't take anymore.

11.) If it is the correct drug and you've eaten any significant amount of it, your pupils will look like saucers and you'll look like an alien. People will be able to see it, e.g. your parents.

11 a, section 12, subheading f.) If you're not on medication, aren't one of those few people who can't break it down and aren't diabetic, it's reasonably difficult to actually kill yourself by accident. You'd have to eat around ten times more than most people can manage. Which WILL make you throw up. A lot of people who end up in hospital as suspect overdoses aren't going to die, they're just going to be sick. And a dealer isn't going to sell you ten times more than normal for the same price, you can be sure of that.

11, another bit.) A common negative side effect of amphetamine based drugs (which MDMA belongs to) is jaw clenching. If you've taken enough, you'll end up chewing the inside of your mouth and tongue, which can make it very sore the next day. Your jaw can also end up aching for a day or two from clenching your teeth together. Try chewing gum or putting something between your teeth. I used to stick the tip of my tongue between my front teeth a lot. Your brain will still sense the tip of your tongue is getting squashed too much, so it'll stop clenching your jaw so much.

11, the edit.) Eating less drugs is a good idea until you've done it a few times and can deal with any sick feelings, because it's a reasonably expensive and trickier to find drug. So taking too much and throwing it up (like alcohol) is a waste (unlike alcohol).

11, an edit after others have replied.) KEEP YOUR CHEEKS OUT FROM BETWEEN YOUR BACK TEETH. You'll subconsciously do it and they'll end up looking like a mental patients. E.g. bite on them. Suck on a lollipop, stick a pencil or pen between them or something to make sure your teeth can't bite together. Or use the tongue trick in public.

12.) The drug will make you get very friendly, trusting and sexually charged up. Try to take care.
11.) If it is the correct drug and you've eaten any significant amount of it, your pupils will look like saucers and you'll look like an alien. People will be able to see it, e.g. your parents.

Laughed my ass off, so true.
Haha, it is true. See me and my friend were obsessed with mirrors, this time that we were consecutively tripping on DxM for 3 days straight.. Lol every night at like one in the morning. And then his mom lets us smoke, and then me and him were pretty ate, or I mean VERY ATE, so we decided to let some hash relax us... So we sat there, rolled a fat one, and we just sat there and gazed into the mirror, watching our pupils get bigger and bigger.. We thought it was magical ;) We also made a band together.. Just the two of us.. But the problem is he doesn't play an instrument, I try to teach him some stuff but he never takes the time.. Lol but the band is called "mirror" and all the writing on anything on anything about our band, you have to look into a mirror to read it.. Lol pretty gay right? Our first album was gonna be called "High epiphanistic mirror". Haha dude that whole idea is just awesome, but gay at the same time lol.. But sorry lol my posts always end up being longer than they should..
There are 4 main ways that people can die from consuming XTC as far as I am aware, Dehydration, Drowning, Allergic Reaction and In the most RARE CASES - Overdose.

Sip a pint or 2 of water over a 6-8 hour period, If dancing probably the same but look for something that can replenish salt. Most people when taking XTC think they need water just but in reality the body is also losing salt. Too much water = Drowning. I wouldnt advise licking salt when on XTC either as it will prob make you sick :mrgreen:

I would not advise eating on XTC out of personal experience, Plus it was made by Merck all them years ago as a slimming drug before it was recognised for its effects on the mind. However, Each to thier own and I have heard of people eating good amounts while under the influence.

The Come Down is usually the negative feeling you start to get at the end of the session and can go on to the next day but some people claim not to get them with correct dosage and by not abusing XTC.

Abusing XTC leads to seratonin depletion and a general feeling of low mood which can become depression. There is a claim out there that by taking the supplement 5-HTP the body converts it into 5-HT (Serotonin) which can help restore depleted levels of 5-HT.

I hope this post has been informative and usefull to people :)

P.S. Smoking weed will not give you hairs on your tongue and how wrong for a school to give such misleading advise, Like they are conditioning kids for psychosis.... :rolleyes:
Benzyme- hang on here, don't go using absolute terminology. The guy you're quoting didn't.....

"may be permanent"

"This finding may be relevant to human studies"

"may be exposed to dosages approximating those shown to exhibit serotonin neurotoxicity in nonhuman primates"

Now they're reasoning by analogy, which CAN sometimes be relevant, but this isn't decisive, by a long shot

"This indirect evidence of a decrease in serotonin turnover in the brain perhaps reflects...."

that's not a very decisive way to state your position

"At present, the functional roles played by the fine and beaded axon systems and whether the functions are distinct or similar remain unclear"

Am I clear?
I wouldn't go for pills, fin some crystals instead, pills are usually mixed with a lot of nasty shit, rat poison isn't unussual.
This is no myth, it makes the effect more intense, it's also common is speed/amphetamin.

Plus the "hangover" is depressing to say the least, with crystals i have no problems with it.
I'm not a big believer of the crystals idea. It's easier to cut crystals than it is pills. I've had really strong and clean pills and crystals that do very little.

Personally, I judge whether or not it'll be a decent pill based on a.) how much it cost (pure MDMA isn't dirt cheap), b.) how big they are (you don't need massive lumps to get a decent amount of MDMA into one), c.) how strong and clear the plasticy synthetic taste is.

I'm also not sure about the rat poison stuff. Everything I've read (that I can remember) has not found it in pills. Or heroin (which is more expensive than MDMA and doesn't do anything similar). They are more commonly split with meth or ampethamine, or something like BZP, as they cost about ten times less than MDMA and give a rushyness that'll convince people who've never had pure MDMA before.

Even if you're used to pure MDMA, ampethamine isn't so bad. It's just not as deep and interesting as MDMA. Still beats bottles of alcopops.

In terms of eating... eating early on will kind of diminish the intensity of the effect, by slowing down how quickly it can get into your body. But after 8 hours or more, it starts becoming a more valid option. A lot of really bad come downs I expect are related to people not eating. Having something to eat as the effects wear off helps smooth things out. As does a dual king skin, 1/8th oz joint.

I'd suggest avoiding alcohol or joints on the come down unless you're seriously itching. If you can handle it without them, don't bother with it. A lot of the time, I'm fine coming down from things like that and actually quite like the come down provided I'm not the only one left awake, on my own. Days awake on amphetamine is when I start itching for it, when I start feeling like I want to cut my skin off. :P You'll be teaching your brain to expect big highs and lows and to only be happy when it's fucked on multiple substances.
id have to contradict the rat poison. sellers don't want their consumers dieing or getting sick via arsenic. And no, arsenic will in no way make you trip harder.
Eh, I am not gonna get into the amphetamines that much.. I mean I will do them.. Obviously.. Lol But I don't want to like inject pure meth or something.. If I ever did meth, I would snort it. I have gotten laced. And WOAH! That was fun, and that is what I am scared of.. I mean I occasionally pop some aderall and speed during school because I have trouble concentrating, and my mom thinks that I am just telling her that so that I can get drugs.. Which is retarded.. If there is one thing that I need, it is the aderall.. That shit works wonders.. So yeah, I mean I will try it. Not for awhile. I don't need to yet.. But I won't inject it, the way I see it, is the only drug worth injecting is DMT, but who knows, maybe injection is safe if you know what your doing.. But I just don't want to screw up and OD myself.. Not quite yet ;p Haha.. Just kidding.. But no I don't wanna die yet, and injecting meth I'm pretty sure is a fast way to do it.. Lol or is it? I don't really know anything about hardcores dude..
why the fuck would you inject DMT