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manuscripts of love part 1


this is the first 20 pages of my book i just finished. i edited it myself so for so it might be confusing. but a trip can be confusing at first as well. you must read the whole thing to see reality I'm painting. i will post some more tomorrow. enjoy!!!!! and happy travels.

Manuscripts of love
By Jeffrey R. Ketcham?
Jeffrey R Ketcham
my mind
my mind is open is yours
the box can be very big or very small
go ask Alice when she’s ten feet tall she’s right down the hall
some will find their way to the fall some may not want to go at all
it’s a transcendental process that were slipping and sliding but somehow were still stomping around
everything comes from one and one comes from all
the randomness of chaos is bliss
the thought process is to a mist
I see the powers persist so we must think amongst the mist
Teacher teacher I’m really pissed why does it always have to be like this
Dose it, No why should it have to be like this
That’s it no more being like this just do it, is what the t.v say today.
Be a man take it as you can
Way back deep into the brain
You are in control, it is your mind, is it, yes it is, it’s my mind
You are running the show right because if you’re not tilting the bridge nether am I
We all can move we all can think and we are all in control
The mind, to unwind the mind, your mind, my mind, who mind, you mind, lou mind, blue mind.
A mystical place a vengeful place a peaceful place
The mind.

A revelation of a life time
By Jeffrey R. Ketcham

Lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D) is in many ways a revelation of a revelation, of a fractal, of a pretty cool roller coaster ride though ones psyche. Many people have described it in many different ways; Ken Kaisey said it was like a journey to the top of a mountain. If you hike there and then someone else takes a helicopter there it’s going to be the same view on the top. Mediation is like hiking to the top of a mountain, L.S.D is like taking a helicopter up there. Then there’s something that one of my friends said and I’ve heard this before too, L.S.D is like a bomb, it goes off in your mind and the trip is the aftermath and reformation of you mind. Then in that essence, can’t we argue that a revelation is like a bomb also in the respects that a revelation can change everything as well, because it essentially changes how you think and it changes how one perceives things.
L.S.D is a miracle without a doubt it has the power to open someone’s mind quicker and wider than anything else. All the things I have learned and the revelations I have had from an experience or in a experience are all better focused and more developed because of what I have learned from my verities of L.S.D experience. All the thoughts I’ve had are ripples off of a L.S.D experience, I also think I would of learned everything I have learned, and be on the same path one way or another with or without L.S.D. Frankly L.S.D is very interesting and tantalizing to the senses, as well as just a whole lot of fun, it also helps you to understand how to keep balance. However it is also a means and necessity to further evolve and spiritually understand in order to grow, Problem, SOLOUTION. I was in a situation that was going to end in me in jail for 5 years but I saw it coming and got out. That situation lasted a year of my life and put me in jail for a mouth and a half. I feel and think I was going to catch a big jail term if I did not get out. So why and how did I see it coming, well I just had a revelation one day and that’s because I was open to all possibility’s. That year also happened to be the only year that I didn’t really do drugs, that’s why it took me so long to have that revelation.
I have also had a revelation about that situation since, I believe they needed my help (however this could just be a fabrication of the mind to help myself coupe) to save their house and get them though a rough time and money to keep on our feet and keep their house and family together. I provided that and that made way for new life they had a beautiful baby girl and new life is very imported. I’m doing well I’m in school, writing this book and using my understandings of these intellectual insights for good. In reflection of that situation I think it Kind of sucks how it happened because I lost a friend but it was for the greater good.
So one of the big things that make humans, human is intelligent thought and identity, how we form that identity and make ours unique, the formation is from influence from when we where growing up and then all the experiences we have though out life. Everything goes into how we form a thought, and little bits of our thoughts go into our identity and how it’s formed. L.S.D makes experiences out of nothing and let me tell you nothing is beautiful. So if we can learn the same thing from different experiences should we have be able to choice how we go about learning it. Say isn’t it much better to chill in a field or golf course or where ever you like to trip and enjoy the show. Then come to the same revelations about your life that you would of 10 or 20 years down the road but boom you now have those years to live and make what you want yours and contribute to the growth, advancement, and evolution of the human species. Because we are humans and the body does die, I want all the time I can get so I can make the best contribution I can.
So there are three main paths to enlightenment 1. Mediation, 2. Learning through life or, 3. Lsd or other hallucinogenic drugs, these in my opinion don’t kill the soul or sprit. Mediations is very good and very healthy for the mind and body, but most don’t have the time or enough of a want to explore meditation enough to get to the point of true and open enlightenment. Life is a bitch and it takes too much time to learn through life’s hardships so the quickest way is drugs and the funniest to.
I must add you can get so much higher and more enlightened then any drug with meditation.
Religion is essentially just a guide and forms of control in tell and if you ever reach a sense of understanding enlightenment. Then you will have a revelation about that to. Today we have so much outer influence, that it is hard to think for ourselves and not just fellow others. So that is part of why there needs to be a system of control and guidance, but is that guidance and control good, right, and just, that’s one thing you must find out for yourself. I have and I live my own just and righteous life. Of course I have to appear conformed in front of authority and there are some things you can’t talk about around some people. but I do things that are for a greater good or to be just, moral, and righteous in my ways.

I view L.S.D as a safe and respectable tool for certain people of a capable mantel capacity. As long as you respect its power it can help you, show yourself, your amazing insights, and come to profound and intelligent realizations’ and revelations about importance in life choices and experiences, as well as importance in living life. Yes it can be very wonderful in the right hands and very horrible in the wrong hands. That is why it should stay illegal. sorry guys but I have had two very bad trips and when I say that I mean horrible and it can leave an impression, on a footprint in your mind. but on the other hand it helps you take a step back and look at your life in a different perspective to make sure one is on the right path. If you are on the wrong path it can show you how to get on the right path and if you don't get on the right path something will happen to kick your ass until you get a hint about your life.
That’s what happened to me I forgot I was tripping, if you forget your tripping you can get lost in a bad thought path. you can fall down that path and enter an acute state of paranoia, that's why I recommend the buddy system but they should be good people in your mind. Set and setting are the two most important things in your mind and base camp (where you chill or come back to after the trip or In the trip) are very important I can't stress this enough, this tool is a intensifier of feelings, emotions, and senses, it speeds up activity in the brain, breaks down barriers and is like a self therapy plus it inspires creativity.
I thinks it Is like you are at a circus with all your thoughts in cages and concisely only a few are out performing at a time, but LSD is the master key and lets them all out into the mist so you can't find them and one can easily suck you down. You must be strong-minded to navigate these waters but you can get good over time. After one masters their mind you master your life and then you can have fun with it. After awhile it can be like there’s a hallway in the back of your mind and every door is a thought and you can open any one, jump in and if you can swim you can jump out and choose another door it's exegetically. There is also some kind of connection with others that are tripping and whether it has anything to do with telepathy, I don't know but I believe it may. Also you can sense who has tripped and who's on the same wave length as you, it's some kind of heightened awareness in a sense. It breaks down everything and it all falls back together so you look at things in kind of a new light. I think it takes up our every thought and every way, in which one dose things and puts them all in to light. it's kind of like going through old photos and asking yourself why about each one, I should note that all trips are different.
The trips vary from what you know, why you are taking it, and of course set and setting, and I highly advise against dropping without giving a good thought, I have done this it turned out horribly, but why not, my mind is not the same as your mind, so you could have fun. In my opinion it helps you to see what is true and what is true beauty, truly good, and truly real, L.S.D makes it so that you can get a better view and understanding of choices you make. the impact it can have on your life, I think it can help you make good choices for yourself it also shows or help you see what's really going on. It kind of gives you a sense of understanding so you can notice what's going wrong and what the morality in the dynamics of a situation are. I believe this is why it is so illegal and because it changes thinking patterns and reprograms directions of thought, actions, and social interactional behavior. L.S.D also teaches you to do your own thing and question authority and everything else.

Short cut from me to me

I do not really remember the first time I dropped out (took L.S.D) Or the next few. I was 13 or 14 when I first dropped, I do remember that pretty much nothing happened or I don't remember it the first time. One of my earliest memories of an experience was when I was probably 13. I was at the Mont behind the basketball courts and we were standing around in a little circle well my friend divided up some acid. This blotter was called pink elephants, and someone said to my friend you should give pill face one, then he dropped one on the ground and said you can have that one, and I don’t think he meant to drop it. So I ate it, all I really remember from that night was that I was standing outside and just cracking jokes and this girl Melissa my friends girlfriend was cracking up, she could not stop laughing. Another memory of this interesting experience was at the basketball courts in wolly, my friend was dancing over me and I was laying in a crucifix pose on the courts. After that I don't really remember any other time for a while.
I took L.S.D once and me and some friends walked to the beach, I only remember a few things from that night. I remember one of my friends flipping out because I spilled dog water on his back pack. He started hitting me with a hockey stick. Then I remember we were sitting against a fence. I thought we had been sitting for a few hours but we had only been sitting for a few minutes. After that I remember being told to go get a beer that my friends hid on the pouch that we were chilling on. So I tried to find it, I was tripping balls by this time. I got to the porch and could not find the beer, and then I got lost trying to find my way home. So I walked back to my friends and I was crying because I could not find my way home. So they had to walk me home, that is when we were sitting next to the fence. Then I remember my mom picking me up at blockbuster. When we got home I had a long conversation with her. I also patched up a smile face I got from a lighter, of course my mom asked about it and I tried to make up a long, elaborate story of how I fell and there was something hot on the rocks. I doubt it worked and my mom fucked with me I’m sure. I was 15 or 16 when L.S.D went away, as it does.
Then a few years later when I was 20 it came back around. Now one of my closest brothers had informed me on how to use it correctly. I learned that I needed to let go and I could be shown the path through the muddy Waters of My mind. When you're thrown through the door you must not be afraid “DON’T PANIC” and act accordingly.
The first time after a while I dropped four I remember laying in the closet listening to Pink Floyd, my eyes were closed and I remember seeing flashing light and I remember it being like people were looking down a hole at me with a flash light. I remember following a spiral of kaleidoscopic shapes and cosmic colors, which were introduced to me, which are parts of the image that are really bright colors. The next day I ending up sleeping for 17 hours, it takes a lot out of you after so long of not doing it.
That summer I tripped almost weekly most the time alone, which now I am more experienced and I realized that it is a bad idea for ill experienced people to trip alone. Due to the fact that it is very easy to get lost and wonder down the wrong path and forget you are tripping, but I'll explain that later. I feel my senses are sharper due to that summer. I became very close with a very good friend who I consider a brother. See if one trips with a friend it brings you closer together in a bond, naturally and all the time it brings you closer. I believe our mind waves become intertwined when you trip together and a profound friendship can come of it. the second time I dropped that summer I dropped six and it only half kicked in, thankfully we had some Salvia, I took a hit of that and it kicked me in the ass. I remember when I came back enough to my senses, I had slouched over on the couch and I watched myself jump off the door like I was a little elf. I felt like I was fully in a dream (I was shot through the door.). 2001 a space Odyssey was on and the music was leading me to my peak and my trip got more intense as the music did. (When the planets all line up in the movie.). Then I noticed it seemed like the room was huge and I was very small. We took the dog for a walk and the houses were breathing and as my friend walked in front of me waves of light were coming off him as like some kind of cosmic colored wake off a boat.

Here are some more memories of parts of epic trips. Me and my brother jim would walk the dog and I would see the bricks shift into faces of great musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, everyone in Pink Floyd, and so on. I remember my brother saying that state Street, where we walk the dog was like our little piece of earth. The trees always have had a kaleidoscopic effect to them and you are able to think clearer and pay attention to detail the more I notice in reflection of thought. This is quite a remarkable drug and causes no damage to the brain or body, very little if any. The lowest concentration of the LSD is found in the brain, that fact is most likely from a study of the brain and body on a person who was induced at the time. I think this because of the fact that it is gone almost as soon as you take it or definitely in the next few days.)

I remember another trip, me and 2 friends were up on the golf course listening to tool and I started to see light like water at the edge of the sky.I sat up that morning and watched the sunrise as I did from time to time.
We went up on the golf course a lot, I remember as we were walking down the hill I got the feel of no one in the world was around except me and the ones I'm tripping with. Then as I walked past a tree I thought a black man in disguise was crouched behind the tree ready to jump out. Which changed my thought path immediately and I jumped into defense stance as I approached the tree. but it was a shadow of the tree and nothing. Before that I got a ghost like feeling and I started laughing uncontrollably when asked what, I told them I said I am excepting a Hummer to roll up and someone to get out and yell oh my God you guys are still alive, come on their taken over and the world got taken over by zombies. Well we were on the Hill tripping and that would be a fucked up trip.
(I've always thought about that what if you dropped and the whole world got fucked up while you were in your room tripping. would you be able to tell when you woke up, and there was massive destruction around I'd bet you would try to go back to sleep, I would.) (This is unlikely for one thing it is most likely out of your body by the time you wake up, second it would be a fucked up coincidence if the world got fucked up the same night you dropped, and three, I doubt it would happen overnight.)
I had a really bad trip in the end of 2007, and I swore I would never take acid again. Then in the summer of 2009 guess what came back around, I took a tab And a half, it was a low dose for me, usually at least 2 too 3 are recommended for a good trip. But it had been a while and I was a little wary of dropping out. That night was good and we dropped around five or six in the afternoon, we went into Boston to the gardens to chill and play Frisbee and I felt a sense and started feeling as like you do when you empty out your head to a loved one. getting a bunch of shit off your chest, and I felt a sense of clarity, and watched the clouds and saw them change into all different faces of famous kings and princes or musicians and they were all connected within a big shape that will make a incredible whole back tattoo. There was also double helix that was making the frame up and crisscross throughout it at the bottom, (which I must note the double helix is one of the most significant findings to the medical world since and still, in health community. That was discovered by a doctor who had experimented with L.S.D.) Like I said it was a week dose so I could not tell the threshold between the comings up or peek but I liked it I was tripping, but not that hard.
We walked around the garden and learned a lot about the trees that are there, we watched an old Chinese guy center his chee and made jokes and laughed so hard for so long. (That’s another thing your mind becomes more creative and more spontaneous with being creative and of course your imagination is more vivid.) There was also this guy that his wife dropped the kids off with him and he was sitting down at the end of the path on another batch. He must've seen us smoking a bowl because when he started following the kids around and they started to wander over to us. (the little girl said something to us about her younger brother looking out for him not sure what was said. Then as the kids walked away and as he turned to walk away he turned back and said anyone want to trade, jokingly he also said “have a good evening gentleman”. Then we started playing Frisbee but the Frisbee playing was not working. It was a shitty Frisbee and I could see massive trails off the Frisbee so we ventured off to get another Frisbee. Time seems to lose meaning; if five hours can seem like five minutes then five minutes can seem like five hours.
The next weekend I and a friend each ate five and we went into Boston. We got on the T to go into Boston and ran into a kid my friend knew. My friend talked to him and I thought the kid said he was trying to become a cop, so that got my thoughts of paranoia racing. We got off the T at Park Street and walked over to the tree we were at the week before. There were two squires on the tree and I didn’t want to fuck with them so we sat on the bench. We smoked a bowl and I said lets go back to my house and he said why. I said I don’t know and he just ignored it, I didn’t dare tell him I thought I was bugging out. You never talk about fight club. My thoughts in my head were racing and time was dragged out, I could tell it was going to be one of those nights. I kept thinking just don’t think about it, but if you try not to think about it, then you’ll think about it, then it will become what and that’s a whole new set of questions. Fuck stop thinking about it, and the adrenalin and feeling of bugging out were taken over my mind. There were Thoughts upon thoughts contributing to my ever growing paranoia that SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN, OH NO. I must of said lets go back to my house a bunch of times. Then I said I have to piss so my boy said I’ll show you a great spot. He took me to a brick back alley it reminded me of allays that jack the ripper roamed. It’s the begin of hell when I looked down and saw My piss has turned to stone, sink lacks, its black goo your tripping and remember.
I felt like people were brought in after me and I ran around a corner, my boy grabbed me and said there is a crowd. I hear music let's fellow I said we should go home again, he said why, I said I don't know okay we followed walked and walked into a 103.3 Flag Day concert. Holey shit it was pretty cool and all I started to worry of it all even more when we were on a bridge, and if you aren’t shacking and waving the bridge as if in hurricanes like the first suspension bridge but not I. We walked into the crowd and I just followed my boy around. he realized everyone was a lot older than us, Then he decided to go smoke a bowl so we walked off the path on the side of the Charles River at the half shell where those paths are. As we were walking a bum asked for a light and started talking to us. I hate it when this happens. (I thought, I hate when you're trying to have a good trip and a weirdo starts to talk to you). be aware to try to get out of conversations like that as quick and seamlessly as possible. (trip with a good trusted friends it is not cool to ever tell anyone outside a circle of trusted trustees your tripping and tell parents only if you have to and make sure they know what to do before that is a options). But the bum started it all and went on some tangent.
than we sat on the grass and I felt like a riot was about to break out and we were both aware of authority types, fuck them and their law but no brawl. Then the show let out and made mad people come out so we watched a few cars pull out on the path and we joked about more people. we said fuck it and pushed through the crowd to the bridge. Then he said we can go right back to the T. or we can find another way I said fuck it lets venture so we did. well it was more like he had to talk me into it in my mind I was just thinking okay let it go but I can't let it go because I'm thinking I need to let it go so I'm lost while I'm lost kind of so on the other hand I’m just going to fellow him because it looks like he knows what he's doing and that was the first time I really tripped with him.
We found our way to get back to the T. and headed back to Quincy. we went around and then back to the gardens and through the Boston Commons. We walked down towards Copley first and then back. We got on the T and headed back to our town we got off and walked the way we always do. Past McDonalds behind the Laundromat and past behind paunra bread down to welcome young ( a big field). and we chilled and smoked a bowl and then we walked to the house and put on some tool. I remembered I went outside and just looking at the trees at first the branches seemed kind of blurry and bunched at the ends. Kind of like pedals like those in Pink Floyd's the wall, from the flowers they were waving around. I thought now I can relax and I looked over at the houses, to the other trees they were kind of breathing and leafs were crumbling and growling into themselves. This was Kind of like watching a bunch of flowers blooming real quick, Kind of beautiful, all the tops of the trees off in the distance in front of his house had a kind of ripple about themselves on the top of the trees like water kind of fucked kind of cool. My friend came out and we smoked the last bowl. We started talking about tool and how the song vicarious was too obvious and kind of in-your-face kind of mind numbing. I said he made it that way on purpose because that's how all this shit is in his mind.(i.e media, news, so-called news, TV, everyone’s not living life to the fullest, there living vicariously through others and so on.) I said I know where his mindset was when he wrote that song. Dude was like holy should you just blew my mind, he said I don't think that's where his mind was at all when he wrote that song, but you just blew my mind that was awesome. I went to take a piss at the bottom of the stairs outside and looked in the basement window of the neighbor’s house, the light was on and then I let my mind wander. I started thinking of Fucked up shit in the window for a few and looked away so my mind won't wander too much. This is a scary possibility and the movie 1408 poppet into my head and I said no get the hell out of here and it was gone. (1408 is just like a bug out mindset especially with the time, with it starting all over again very good movie.) Then I came up and we got into it about L.S.D and he was saying some rumors that a lot of people believe, like it stays in your back, permanent trips, shit like that. The truth is it’s completely out of your body if not within 24 hours from the point you ingested it, then defiantly a few days after. It does not cause and cannot cause (it is the lasting emotional effect that can cause within a L.S.D experience) any permanent trips. It brings to light a change of nothing then again we are always changing. this is a intensifier just a intensifier and it just brings regular old change in environment, and then the mix is with all your thoughts and imaginations and put them all together and throws them in front of your eyes. Then argumentatively, all stances of contradiction within itself could be wrong because nothing is intense. Also very ironically there is gain of beautiful intelligence, so wonderful a gift.
(Yes I mean it can be used stupidly and someone can have a really bad reaction. That would leave a full conference of a bad situational footprint of emotional printing on your memory of the situation. But then again any bad situation would leave a footprint on you. If it was intense enough, so just don't have a bad situation in the first place, and there is no need to worry about the footprint because if you have a good situation, you will have a good situational footprint. So you just do your homework on what you’ve heard about anything that you plain to put in your body.
This is a completely amazing chemical compound and a lot of chemical compounds are held to its standards. So respect it and one will have an amazing trip. I went on my little rant and there is a whole chapter of little rants shell I get back to this one again later.)
(I also talked about nothingness which he also mentioned and brought up so he also wandered and wanted to learn about this, not being, it's just nice for analysts. who would think that one could sell their mind and do whatever you want as their slaves, when you trip you go on a trip to nothingness and back to you, within you, throughout you, And you can bring yourself back whenever you open your eyes, just completely amazed. Whenever you want you can close your eyes and go to a shell of life and whatever is in your head.)
Than he played modern warfare and got in the zone, just ran school on people and killed mad people, got like 15 kills in a row. Then he put on Nirvana acoustic, some profound thoughts right after that. I now have a newfound respect for Nirvana.
(There was a thought about the whole year of my life which involved someone who called upon me. the process of actions of that year really sucked, it was good but it sucked, because it was really a shitty painful thing that had to happened; what the most likely thing and probably did happen, was in my mind I thought of trickery and of being brainwashed. I thought I was being used. But I have had some more profound thoughts about that since I wrote this.)
Some more nirvana came on it was fucking awesome. Some more I realized a sense came to view and I realized that everybody grows up one way or another, there is always a critical point for a choice one way or another to be made. Some learn better than others, some have many of these critical points to change the path many different ways and that comes with wisdom. I have a friend who is well over the age of transcendent experience and he still has not been able to grasp this knowledge. Well he has in his own way, he has not grown up. But you get it, everybody gets it, they always do one way or another everybody does. The age of transcendental experience is probably in the range 18 to 27.
I think most life changing experiences fall in that range. L.S.D makes this age irrelevant.
Around 18 is when the brain starts changing from adolescent mindset to a more adult mindset. For this instance, I have a friend who is a little order then the age range. One of my friends, and he's got a very solid head and strong, well, and strong mind, he never touched LSD or any psychedelics except weed but he does not smoke weed anymore.( press play for next scene, said that I'm trying to explain so everyone transcends. Whether you're ready or not here it comes, its fucked.) So that friend transcended and he was ready because he has a strong mind and was brought up right (he would have something to say about that) maybe.
So what I came to realize is that the mind is essentially your ocean and at first you get a rowboat, if you're lucky and you stay within your thoughts which are in this row boat, but if you can excel fast enough you get a speedboat, or even better a teleporter, you can go anywhere to any time and through any thought and then back again in your mind. Then you learn the best way to get to your destination or a land mass, which represents a base mass. All of ideas and creative thought that can be used to better one and surroundings, or just one's self. this is up to you this is the choice. But there will always be crucial points, he said I'll try waste your time, you must choose wisely or you might hit a iceberg.
Then if you pay attention you can seem to feel the right choice, the insight into why it's the right choice and how it will affect your future in a positive way. The wrong choices, they are easy to see, but sometimes if one has individual feelings that are strong that it's for what is best. You got to do what you got to do. Then you can get sucked into a life of morally wrong and bad karma, bad chaos, which leads to where we don't realize that this is happening until it's too late.
Then we may end up trapped in a bad choice this is dense, but realize anything can be due to the chaodickness, you might miss all the everyday life events and never forget to stop and smell the roses. This is why me and my brother and I'm sure quite a few of you people believe and understand that LSD is kind of a personal cleansing, it brings things to light for therapeutic thought of the intertwined thoughts in all the message, between the message, between, and within the design of the message. It shows good to bad, right to wrong; it is in a sense as a friend put it on a trip a secret serum one of the greatest discoveries of men kind, in time.
I would like to do some more research on this whole subject and I hope to one day. Okay real quick to sum up the whole thought of growing up, and transfer into another how it may be. some people find it on their own through the hardship of life, maybe through meditation, or self guided age evaluation or reflection which in essence is a form of meditation. One way or another and maybe it is shown to Some by a series of odd events some by chance maybe. Timothy Larry said "chaos is beautiful" I say life is chaos and life is beautiful so therefore the chaotic events of life are ironically beautiful.


L.S.D was first synthesized by Dr. Albert Hoffmann in 1938 along with other L.S.D derivatives that were synthesized from ergot. Ergot is a fungus that grows on rye. The search for a blood stimulant was underway and since ergot had been used in mid-wife practices for hundreds of years for aid in cervix dilatation, it was worth researching. L.S.D-25 did not show signs of producing intrigable properties and was stored away for possible future analyst.
Five years later on April 16, 1943 Dr Hoffmann was experimenting with the L.S.D-25 compound and a small amount soaked into his pores, feeling a bit ill he went home. He had the first acid trip, said to last just over 2 hours. 2 Days later on april-19 he ingested 250 micrograms. He started to feel a little ill again so he rode his bike home, on the way he watched as everything started changing like in the mirrors of a fun house. When he got home he took to his bed. the family called the family doctor but the doctor reported that he seemed fine. He lay back to watch an uninterrupted stream of colors and shapes changing.
There are full accounts of these events in the book ( L.S.D my problem child) wrote by Dr. Hoffmann.
When Sandoz became aware of the compounds effects on the mind and its potential interest started growing, especially in the psychology field. Testing started in mental hospitals. That went on for the next few decades; the biggest issue seemed to be that no one could explain how L.S.D worked.
When 1949 came around this catalyst jumped shores to the U.S.A, brought over b Dr. Max Rinkel., Research began within our medical community. Talks of this being a possible cure for alcoholism came of interest and research began with this in mind. The co-founder of A.A said “L.S.D was a cure for alcoholism. The research for use in treatment for alcoholic’s on both shores. It showed results with up to 80% success rate, as well as being used in treatment of mental disorders with helpful and promising results. There were many medical aspects, as we have covered but there is also social, creative, intellectual, artistic and spiritual interest as well. There were a lot of main players in this game. This little chemical has made the great GREATER and helped show the truth throughout the decades it has help people reach and make a new understanding of potential.

This drug became popular at cocktail parties and social gatherings of the upper class for a variety of sense tantalizing reason. It became popular amongst the intellectuals because it inspired new perspectives of thought and creativity and better understanding of everything. Also the next step of our evolution was and always is an interest and inert need and this drug much like its ancestors, the psychoactive plaints of the world is a catalyst. The help for us to get there, which was the understanding of this knowledge it is a rite of passage within itself a short cut in a sense. I call it one hell of a fun cut. That’s what it’s all about fun and you learn and gain understanding of knowledge as well. The popularity grew with artist because of the same reasons in artist aspect. As for the spiritual aspect, if you have ever had the awesome bliss of having a full on trip, you know why it’s loved by true spiritual gurus its HANDS DOWN PROOF OF GOD and its intrinsically beautiful.
The rounds were being made in the social circle and thoughts were growing within people.
Different scenes were getting bigger, it was totally intertwined in the music scene most other scenes as well. Dr. Timothy Leary, a Havred professor took it for research and found potential for global evolution.
He left harved, moved to Mexico, got kicked out and moved to upstate New York.
Dr. Richard Albert was Leary’s partner at harved, he went to Mexico to eat mushrooms with Leary but went back to harved to finish his term. He eventually went to Tibet to find his guru and became ram dass. Ken Kassiey wrote “one flew over the cockcoos nest” well on L.S.D when working nights at a mantel hospital. With money from that novel he bought a bus named it further and formed the band of merry pranksters. They painted the bus psychedelic colors and went around eating acid with anyone who would eat it with them, and fucking with everyone. They started the acid test which was a big acid ball and everyone wanted to know can you pass the acid test. Everyone was having a hell of a good time in tell people started putting L.S.D in unsuspecting peoples morning coffee. This got confusing this started, and this ushered in the age of mind spy games and began the downward spiral into acute paranoia and fear.
Then the stories and rumors started and fears and worry began to progress and project from person to person. People began to abuse its power and knowledge, control freaks like Charles Manson started to pop up and use this tool for their own goals. The bad thing about this is karmic justice, but it came with collateral damage. Ripples of fear and worry started taking over the ripples of bliss where one saw god they now imaged satin and hell in minds, these mindsets began to take over the public’s view. The sun was falling on the promise of beauty and bliss. What happened to all the happy wonderful thoughts? Just like in therapy or life in general there has to be a down before you get up, go through hell before you get to heaven, right. So since this brought about a social mindset that mindset must also hit a bottom to go back up to its full potential. That was what was happening, the fear and worry caused by our wonderful C.I.A and military testing started. This was the catalyst that started the downward spiral; I’ll bet it was a hell of a ride down. More people were ending up in ER rooms with states of acute paranoia. In 1966 it became illegal in California and in 1968 it got federally banned in the U.S.A. this action just made it go underground and real research in hospitals stopped. The next few decades were blurry but it held strong to almost everyone it touched.

The start of the 21st century also started up interest again in the medical community and in 2006 research was done and concluded L.S.D aided in treatment of cluster headaches. Interest in treatment for mental health disorders started to regain interest as well as interest in aid in treatment for addiction and a possible cure. In the September of 2009 research on L.S.D was started back at U.C.L.A and Harvard for mental illness and anxiety.


The year was 2006 and my life hit a wall it was a learning experience and it started with me in jail for 5 mouths and ended with me and my brother tripping and walking the dog. This year was also the start of something beautiful, of something awesome, I learned the basics for my journeys ahead. I also learned that L.S.D was something sacred and it is a catalyst of knowledge and psyche evolution, how to use that knowledge is the wisdom gained. The next few years were full of different life experiences with ups and downs and many, many trips.

With a first glance it would seem kind of arbitrary to be playing with something as fragile as my mind all the time but whatever I was doing, I was doing it, I was in the thick of it, and it was fun. I had many different paths to choose from and L.S.D was fun so I did that whenever I could, sort of a view through the looking glass of self therapy. I was told of its wonders that summer and in the end of the summer I got my hands on it and I was off and running. These are my accounts of my becoming and my experiences, to you I give. I hope you can get a glips of the other side through my eyes and whatever thoughts forum in your mind, have fun.

People can find this enlightenment on their own, this enlightenment is nothing, everything, something, and anything, the great corrector, some MAY call it. The new way you begin to view your perception is remarkably beautiful, as well as the connections between everything, it all becomes clearer.
Lets talk a little about past societies and civilizations in regards to some forum of rites of passage. Many has been used in different cultures for thousands of years and many of these retires used psychoactive substances, some used music and beets to enter a trance state others used any method to enter a trance state but it was all about transcending. Why should today in our world be any different? I propose L.S.D is one of our greatest modern rites of passage and it has been since the 60s.
According to encyclopedia Britannica and other sources, a rite of passage is “a ceremonial event existing in all historically known societies that marks the passage from one social or religious status to another”. Many native societies of the western hemisphere used plants contending psychedelic substances. Mushrooms of Mexico “godflesh” L.S.D which is in morning glory seed were both used by the Aztec. Peyote was used in other tribes, clans and belief systems, so with that being said could it be that there’s a reason for this. for one to have this experience, I think so. This is all about cleansing the mind in a sense L.S.D and other hallucinogenic substances could be and in my opinion is a rite of passage into whatever you get yourself into and you will see and learn some cool shit along the way. Even a bad trip can be good eventually I’ve had two.
This should be allowed, in fact encouraged if we want to have this kind of rite of passage we should be able to, look at all this wonderful creative aspect s to everything that in some way has been hugely impacted by the wonders of L.S.D and other hallucinogenic. Creative music creative minds with introspectively creative ideas, artistic minds, of course the intellectuals minds, were intrigued by something that could expand your conciseness. FRANCIS CRICK winner of the noble prize often used small amounts of L.S.D to boost thought and was on L.S.D when he solved the “secrets of life”.

I and others think it is our right and duty personnel and civil to ingest mind expanding drugs if one chooses to and at one point it was protected by the us constitution “in the pursuit of happiness” that protected all drugs. But there are good drugs and bad drugs the bad ones are addictive to a life interfering level. They can kill you and cause you to hurt others or yourself. The good ones inspire life and fun and the side effect is you learn things and learn to like learning. For the most part hallucinogenic can’t kill you. Of course there is two sides to every sword, I’ve had many good great and wonderful trips. but I’ve also had very paranoid trips that were great and I’ve had two bad trips, very bad trips so I know both sides, I have seen the greatest beauty but I’ve also faced the face of the beast. Both bad trips involved getting lost in thoughts the first one involved karma the second one kicked my ass back in line and got me back on track. However were the mind goes in a state of acute paranoia is very interesting, I have friends that are paranoid schizophrenic and you do enter that mindset of a paranoid schizophrenic mind set, so you find out what it’s really like to be mad “only one who has been mad can understand what mad is”.