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Magic Mushroom Growbox Kit

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion innerCartoon
  • Date de début Date de début
I start a grow kit of Mazatapec 11 of this month, 4 days later (today) i can see pretty clearly some mushrooms coming up!
I saw them yesterday bat i couldnt believe it, bat here they are and growing too!I will post some pictures maybe later today.
Any of you see that happen before?That is my 4 th time i grow mushrooms and is my first time.
Mushrooms starting to have some blackish spots on them and i am afraid i have cowbeb!!
Some help..?
1. seperate... ralphspore is one of the best for spores; western grow kits has very good prices on full kits
2. around $140 for a full kit, which will be 16 jars (1 pint each) and just grow at diff. times so you will always have fresh mushrooms
3. grow indoors. first phase, it needs to be very hot and dark (85*-95*) for 3-5 weeks, then fruiting stage high humidity, lower temp 80-90* and they will grow mushrooms from that point
4. best to grow as in easiness? for a good first time trip, look at golden teacher or B+. for growing... the latin american strains and some asian strains.
5. they will be a problem when you put the spore in the jar. many air borne bacterias will cause contamination without you knowing, you need to do everything away from the cats and keep them out of the growing room. lysol and rubbing alcohol will be your friend.
PM me for links
coucou dsl d' interrompre la discussion en cour mais voila je vient de recevoir mon 1er kit de golden teacher mais il on oublier le manuelle du comment faire pousser se champote quel qu' un peut m' expliquer svp? pour commencer j' ai déjà mis l' eau tiède dans le bac et refermé je doit bien le laisser imbibé 12H ? si oui c bon. ensuite j' aurai besoin du reste des explication svp.
Just be careful and try not getting yourself and your girlfriend too much smoked up..and yeah do share the experience as well.
salut a tous je suis nouveaux ici je crois m'avoir presenter si ce n'est pas le cas bah je m'apelle tristan j'ai 19 ans voila
je voudrais avoir vos avis concernant ma growbox de champi ce sont des cambodgien
je voudrais savoir si il y as des truc particulier pour pouvoir soit augmenter le rendement / qualité ect..
et si il y avait des risques si la culture ne soit vraiment pas super bien faite ?
et si vous avez simplement des conseils il sont les bienvenue merci d'avance:weed:
The links were copied from the website. They still work but if you want to know the first is Sporeology.com and the other is midwestgrowkits.com
Hi there,

I've just grown my first badge of shrooms using a ready-to-start grow kit with mycelium of golden teacher x cambodian. I've bought it at the local smartshop. After approximately 15 days they were ready for harvesting. The kit is now soaking again, getting ready for the next flight.

I have a simple question: where do you keep the harvested shrooms? I've put them in tupperware boxes en placed them in the refrigerator, next to the veggies ;)
Does anyone have tips for keeping them good for some time ?

:ninja:Hi there fellow Psychonauts!

I gave the B+ mushroomkit a try and everything went all right, till it didn't anymore. The shrooms grew in little groups the first two weeks with 2 or 3 growing a bit faster than the others. I left them to grow in my room with a temperature of approximately 25-30 degrees.

when I came back after two days of partying I was shocked by their growth. I harvested the really big ones immediately and left the small ones to grow a bit more, but some of them have a green colour.:Oo:

:?:Are the really big shrooms, with a black colour on the head still edible?
:?:And what about the small green-like shrooms, should i also harvest them and if so, to throw them away or are they also still edible?

first week: Voir la pièce jointe 13381

second week: Voir la pièce jointe 13382
day 24: Voir la pièce jointe 13383
still edible? Voir la pièce jointe 13384
What should I do with these?Voir la pièce jointe 13385

Many thanks in advance!:prayer:
legendary a dit:
1. seperate... ralphspore is one of the best for spores; western grow kits has very good prices on full kits
2. around $140 for a full kit, which will be 16 jars (1 pint each) and just grow at diff. times so you will always have fresh mushrooms
3. grow indoors. first phase, it needs to be very hot and dark (85*-95*) for 3-5 weeks, then fruiting stage high humidity, lower temp 80-90* and they will grow mushrooms from that point
4. best to grow as in easiness? for a good first time trip, look at golden teacher or B+. for growing... the latin american strains and some asian strains.
5. they will be a problem when you put the spore in the jar. many air borne bacterias will cause contamination without you knowing, you need to do everything away from the cats and keep them out of the growing room. lysol and rubbing alcohol will be your friend.
PM me for links
Thank u very much I found very usefull the information.
Yop Yop les coupains !
Je vais me lancer dans peu de temps dans la culture de mush (original hein ? ) et j'aimerais savoir si il existe une réelle différence surtout au niveau qualité entre les growbox toutes prêtes avec le sac plastique et tout, et les kit de culture necessitant une seringue de spore ?
Pis aussi, pour la température, vivant au Quebec et l'hiver approchant, ça le fait de mettre un chauffage electrique dans mon placard, genre tout en bas et ma box tout en haut pour être à la bonne température (25° je crois) ?

Voili voilou, je pense commander les Mc Kennai, en espérant que l'indice 'soucoupe volante' soit fiable xD Golden Teacher

bien, bonjours pour commencer tu as une partie français question champs ^^'. Pour ton mode de culture, il n'y a pas grande différences c'est juste suivant la préférence du cultivateur. Lorsque tu parle de seringue de spores on parle d'injection "intrasubstrat" ce qui veux dire que tu va injecter ta solution de spore dans ton support. Ici c'est applicable a tout ce qui es fabrication artisanale (PF-TEK etc...) et tout ce qui es mushbag. Pour une première culture, je te conseille de t'orienter vers un grow kit pour te faire la main ça t'évitera ainsi de potentielles contaminations et ainsi de casser d'emblée pour une première... C'est pas très encourageant de commencer sur un échec ;). En ce qui es chauffage, pas besoin de te ruiner, un tapis chauffant fera l'affaire tu peux en trouver dans différentes shop entre 15 et 25€ tu met ça sous ton grow kit et c'est partis! En plus tu n'en feras qu'une plus grosse récolte et pour finir ça consomme beaucoup moins qu'un chauffage électrique étant donné que la plupart de ces tapis ne consomment que 3W et ce branchent sur le secteur. Tu rajoute une petit lampe éco ou un néons que tu allume a peu près 3h/j (la lumière es juste à pour dire a tes copain de grandir vers le haut et pas dans tous les sens...) pense bien a mettre du papier aluminium autour de ton kit et respecte bien au minimum 12h d'obscurité continue ;).

has anyone grew mushies from a inner visions grow kit? im new at magic mushroom growing and was wondering if they are any good before i buy one. any review would be helpful thanks
"Give a man a kit prepared and he will grow once, teach a man the preparation of them and he will grow for life"

if I understood your ask, they are always and however mush, with the same % of psilo...
I found a grow kits solution----- no retailers please, write it if you want-------
I edited because we can't advertise. if you want write the proceedings ... (and please remove the link of truffles, I can't do it =D )
I have some doubts. It´s the first time I´m growing mushrooms.
Some mushrooms grow inside the kit itself without geting out and staying below the surface. Should I dig it and take them or just let them die?
Thanks in advance. Sorry for newby´s dumb question.