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luck and coincidence

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
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ohh someone who knows everything please explain more! :P
There is a natural way in which the flow changes: by vision, intention and creativity.

Things are just traces of novelty, clinging to memories, resorting to habitual emptiness.
Argh...so we are saying the same once again...? Gosh.
Maybe it has to do with what i call the it.....
I dont know what it is, or if its just my imagination....but.
The it is the construct of reality, it is like a machine that knows all and moves all.
It does not speak, and its communication is heavy.
But maybe Luck is a channel through this, it.
And we just learned to coin a phenomena.

Or this is just bullshit.....
ima go with option number 2.

Maybe it is a phenomena, our language cannot express.
Maybe our basic methods of understanding not good enough or to alien.

Or maybe again its an illusion, or a set of mind.
Maybe read a lil bit in the evil wikipedia:

Might help.
jesus i was being serious!!...
ok sorry anyways but well i can formulate a specific question as well: what has it to do with what you choose to believe in ? why and how should that be so? can you explain? thanks =)

psyolopher i think our language could be indeed limited when it comes to explaining such phenomena.... our imagination might be limited too

mh the wikipedia link seems interesting there's really a lot of text there....

i will read everything later....

psyolopher you think there is such a machinelike "it" who controls everything underneath everything or so ??

peace :weedman:
Well i dont know.
I was in a weird state of mind.

But it was like a mechanical switch i saw in open air.
I felt its prescence was way to vast for me.
But it made the connection, because i made the observation(or sensed it.)

Later on, I decided many random events using a so called RING technique i learned.
Well, i made things happen.
I sense the flow of the whole thing, it is like this it gave me something.....
But i havent thought like this in some months....
And its startin to seem insanely crazy.

So lol, i dont really know man.
Maybe it was my own circle of reality.
I agree with Fork, or more safely put I agree with my interpretation of Fork's posts.

I also agree that coincidence is a very misleading term, because coincidences aren't the product of haphazard. Coincidences just seem random because there's often very little chance of them happening when you look at it mathematically, yet they are the result of the path that this 'flow' is directing you on. (coincidences that happen to me always seem like incredibly intelligently planned or designed events)

Anyway, what Fork means(or what I think he means) goes something like this: Imagine all forms of existence being water molecules in a river(hence the 'flow'). Animals and plants are very good 'flow-ers', they do not try to anticipate twines of the river and do not try to end at a specific destination, instead they just see where the flow takes them. We humans try to anticipate everything coming our way, and are always busy with reaching a destination(or reaching a certain goal). Now imagine a water molecule in a river trying to reach a certain goal, chances are slim of him getting there, because he'd have to go against the flow. Similarly if we try to reach certain goals or manipulate the flow, this will most likely fail, which we perceive as being unlucky. Whereas someone going with the flow does not set a certain goal, hence no failure can occur.

I guess I went against the flow because I just read what I typed and it is not really clearly put... Anyway, it comes down to 'Zen' buddhism if I am not mistaken.

Luck can only exist if you believe existence is a vast edifice of randomnity, which I personally don't.
If you believe in luck, you are disregarding the possibility of prediction.

Without prediction, you will have luck. However, when you find prediction, such as math and laws, you will see that there isn't luck - it is all set in stone, until you go as far down as you can to Q.M., where things seem to be "random" and have % chances of happening.

There is luck until you can predict it. I believe in the duality of psychology/science.

If you don't choose to predict it, it just happened, luckily.
If you choose to predict it, it happened logically.

Like schrodingers cat, if you can't see him, you cannot know what he's doing.

However, I believe everything CAN be predicted - thus ending luck. But luck will exist until we can do that.
I don't know what all this is about coincidence, but if you look at the meaning of the word, you have to recognize that a coincidence is just two (or more) INCIDENTS happening at the same time. That's it. No more. The rest is math. Coincidences sometimes appear incredulous because there was a very low mathematical chance, just as there is a mathematical chance of any 2 things coinciding (whether they be people brushing past each other or air molecules coinciding in space-time).

As for luck, I firmly believe that it is based on not so much happiness, but rather your acceptance of where you are in life. Seeing as how the only moment in time that exists is the present, which is where we all are, you can see how wanting to be elsewhere would be counterproductive to manipulating your current situation to your benefits. I feel that by wanting to be someone/somewhere else, you null your chances at luck, so to speak.

After all, don't we just view luck as accidents or chance, whether they be good ("good luck!") or bad ("getting into a car accident WOULD be my luck").

The fact that some people seem to have more good luck while others display more bad fortune says to me simply that people who are more aware and accepting and can make the most of their current situations are the ones that have what we term 'good luck'.