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luck and coincidence

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i had been thinking somehwat about this subject and i thought it'd be interesting to hear what you guys think about that stuff.
i am not sure what it really is, apart from being a concept often used for a lack of a better explanation of a event or a series of events .... maybe it's just giving the latter a positive or negative attributing... who knows ??

what you think about luck? is it fair that some people have more of it than others or could that also be because these peope can positively influence their luck? well maybe the term luck is a bit unclear and has a different meaning for everyone... there have also been many books and stuff which say you can influence your "luck" and stuff so probably many people have a very different mindset on that than many other people and for a lot of them its just a matter of belief anyway ...

if you want we can discuss the matter of luck only for like cardgames or so but i guess you could apply the general idea of luck to other contexts as well... however the whole luck thing seems to be quite subjective anyways so it should be interesting.

ok and then there's coincidence... you could say it is a part of luck as luck could be defined as a sequence of coincidences with cause and effect playing their role. but apart from that what is it ? they only thing the word says is that something unprobable or unusual happened...

what you think??


If you think you're lucky, you most likely will become lucky.
If you think you're cursed or unlucky, then things might go bad.

Nothing more or less i guess.
Intention is one supermassive tool.
In astrology luck is related to the 5th and especially the 9th house. When these houses are very strong, the person will have good luck throughout life, often through weird coincidences. The two are definitely related.
so you too think luck is influencable just by intention and positive thinking? maybe you can explain to me how exactly i can do it! that would be cool!

I don't believe in coincidences.

Luck is an interesting subject, but people using the word, just as the word coincidences have a limited perspective. I think that what people think of as luck is just a way of dealing with the external world that is in harmony with it, while unluck (if that's even a word) is trying to impose a personal belief on reality.
can you explain what u mean fork i cant understand?

i dont see also that people who use the word luck have a limited perspective?? i mean its a common word and everyone uses it so whats that ?? so everybody is limited in his or her perspective but well thats fact anyways...

and what has the harmony thing to do with luck??

peace :weedman:
What I'm trying to get across is that you can either try to withstand the natural process of things and get 'unlucky' or you can go with the flow and be 'lucky'.
hence luck = happiness?
I guess so. If you strictly define those terms according to my point of view. :wink:
what is when you dont like the flow would you still be lucky when you went with it ? this all makes not much sense for me
If you don't like the flow, you're resisting it, aren't you?
and thats the standard precondition to getting "unlucky"? can you explain your theory so it does make sense or can you not ? i am interested!

p.s. i have read the eckkhart tolle book as well so please explain it with ur own words so i can be sure to understand.
No, it's not the precondition to getting unlucky, getting unlucky happens as soon as you deny yourself the right to existence, instead of letting it be, as it is part of the infinitely creative universe. When you deny that you are that and think that you are somehow limited and or bad and or stupid and or ugly, you resist the whole world, your self-image included. You pretend that you are different from your environment, ego is born, you dislike your self because it means the ego has to die. You identify with the ego and then you end up being the unluckiest person in the world because everyone else seems to be perfectly fine with who they are. Well, they are not, they are just as insecure and unenlightened as you and they don't know shit, so just listen to what your own heart says, instead of all the bullshit programming you into existence.

Maybe if you have questions I can be more clear. This was a failed attempt at being clear.
flow = determinism?

uuuh Fork....you really are oldfashioned, determinism is out since Sartre :P

L'existence précede l'essence? No?

I'd rather...say...just as a spontanous, not really ripe answer, that you are unlucky (unhappy) when you are not making the flow yourself, but the flow is...pushed on you.
I don't believe in determinism, you have read me against the grain. I agree with:

you are unlucky (unhappy) when you are not making the flow yourself, but the flow is...pushed on you.

but would say it like this:

you are unlucky/unhappy when you are not the flow yourself, but resist it and pretend it is pushed onto you.
but I'd love you to be oldfashioned :(

No, serious, determinism was the wrong word but when you say "flow", I read something you cannot changed/a pre-condition, you called it the natural process of things. "natural" imposes, that if you try to change them, you do something un-natural, hence a form of, say, determinism of nature.
you are unlucky/unhappy when you are not the flow yourself, but resist it and pretend it is pushed onto you.
Well, of course you can push something you are unlucky with onto you. Our mind is, say at least, fucking complex and utilitarism is just not the way our mind works ("uh that girl looks better than the other I marry that one").

I realize I was too fast to adapt your vocabulary, meaning, the word "flow". I'd rather say: If (if !) you are consciously clear about what you want, you can work on your mind to get it straight and be happy. With hard work you can get yourself be whatever you like (it's hard). If you are too lazy/weak (which you can also change!) you will not get what you want and get unlucky. Often it is you yourself standing in the way. So, there is no "flow" in that way.

Coincidence does not exist in a mathematical way, but as we are humans we cannot calculate everything. But what I really believe is, that our mind can manipulate these mathematical processes (synchronity). It really happens too often that when you unconsciously (!!!) conjure a person, this person will appear.
so they are right when they say it's all a matter of belief?
When I was around 17 one of my friends said to me: "It's really weird that you're always lucky, and I always have bad fortune." And I could see what he meant. Somehow I had a tendency to be at the right time at the right place, expecting good things to happen, and he didn't.
There is a natural way in which the flow changes: by vision, intention and creativity.

Things are just traces of novelty, clinging to memories, resorting to habitual emptiness.
They are both correct.

If you choose to believe in luck, it surely exists, whether it goes your way or not.

If you choose to believe in coincidence, you are a bit confused, but still correct. Coincidence isn't random chance that something just "happened to happen" - coincidence is exactly how everything was suppose to happen, in its rightful way.

These are only governed by psychology, nothing else, and both can exist, but not simultaneously.