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lucid dreaming.

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:lol: dreams are great

wow that dream you had, kcar, it's like you were really into it because you wondered why those people were in your room instead of just accepting things like normal, (maybe the herb does this?), or are you like very oblivious in your dreams like me? :lol: I dream the craziest things and just ONCE I realized I was in dream land, sometimes it's like my mind tests me if I can tell.

Yesterday I was surfing trough streets in a dish :lol:
And I was good at it :)
until now, just like space, I didn't notice any of the effects of calea. Tonight I will give it another shot. I usually mix it with tobacco and hash and/or weed. The taste seems to penetrate my tongue in some way, very very strong and bittersweet. I never tasted anything like it. the first time I smoked it I didn't like the taste at all, but after smoking it a few times I started to get used to it and even like it :)

Well, I'll let you guys now if something spectacular happens tonight :D
I wouldn't use tobacco as it gets your blood pumping and heart racing. Would be sort of annoying to sleep like that. I smoked a calea joint and then drank the tea.
calea has the most bitter taste of all the herbs i've tried, both smoked or drunk. even sinicuichi tea boiled to 50ml hasn't got that awful bitter taste. i never got used to it. but it works, alright...you have to smoke until you feel a little stoned, but with this peculiar magical feeling. it passes, and when you fall asleep, ZANG! (my eulogy to hunter s thompson)
In my cannabis break last year I had the most vivid and nonsense dreams ever. Some pretty weird stuff, like once I was sitting in the middle of a forest with 2 friends, and we were rolling joints. Nothing special you will say? This is because you don't know what we were putting in them :lol:

Chicken slices :lol:

And we were high after smoking them lol

And that was one very sane and down-to-earth dream compared to others I had :P

The kind of dream you wake up and think "OMG, I must be totally insane for imagining such nonsense things"

Cannabis really fucks with my dream : When I take some regularly, I either stop dreaming or don't remember them. When I stop, I have vivid and crazy dreams.
ive split this topic :)
please stay ontopic and keep a positive vibe. the old posts are degraded to the lounge
Maybe you allready talked about it, but i'm not gonna waste half an hour to read all of the posts trying to see if I can find what i'm looking for. So...:
What drug is there to use for lucid dreaming. I remember reading about it once, but i forgot.

Erowid says something about Calea zacatechichi. Never heard of that..
Well Calea can bring you very vivid dreams, but in order to achieve lucid dreams you can practice some things to train it.
You can also try and find or order the book: The Lucid Dreamer by Malcolm Godwin
# ISBN-10: 0671872486
# ISBN-13: 978-0671872489

But if you think half an hour to find what your looking for is a waste of time, then maybe lucid dreaming is not for you :roll:
Mchl a dit:
Maybe you allready talked about it, but i'm not gonna waste half an hour to read all of the posts trying to see if I can find what i'm looking for. So...:
What drug is there to use for lucid dreaming. I remember reading about it once, but i forgot.

Erowid says something about Calea zacatechichi. Never heard of that..
Ive heard that Silene capensis works pretty well for lucid dreaming. A friend had tried this stuff. He offered me some, but when I took it, it didn't work at all...

but in order to achieve lucid dreams you can practice some things to train it
Had more result for me than S. capensis had. I actually had a few lucid dreams(without S. capensis), probably because of those reality tests. But every time when I'm aware of my dreaming state I get so exited I wake up.. :(
I've had my first moment of lucidity again (although terribly short) last night!
I've cut down on my Ganja habbits (haven't smoked for over a week) and my dreams are getting more vivid.
Yesterday, Random (from the forum) gave me the URL to Dream Views
A site and forum dedicated to lucid dreaming.
So I decided to set my alarm clock pretty early, so I could wake up and go to sleep again and hopefully wake up after or during the REM phase.
(actually was aiming at waking up during one of the REM phases, but it took me longer to fall asleep then anticipated)

This morning I had my first entry into my dream journal again :D
It wasn't that interesting (at least probably not for you guys to read) and it wasn't that much, but I haven't recalled dreams this clear in quite some time.

Also a good technique for recalling is going backwards from the last thing you experienced, like asking yourself:"What did I do before that happend?"
It worked for me, although I did lose a lot, not as much as when I smoke Cannabis everyday :P

But, I have this Dream Sign (signs that can let you know that you are dreaming)
Through the years I've always had dreams where I would be in a high place, last night that was a tree.
I'm kinda scared and I always fall and wake up.
But this time I suddenly was aware that I was dreaming so I thought to myself: I must be dreaming, there is nothing to worry about.
And suddenly the whole scenery changed.
Then I was so distracted that I lost my lucidity again, but I didn't fall and I didn't wake up, so this feels like a victory for me :D

So, I'll get back here as soon as I have some nice dreams to share.
Hopefully this can also be the dream topic, not just the lucid dream topic :roll:
I'll be writing my journal and if I have a cool or weird dream, I'll post it here ;)


Well, i've had some lucid dreams, pretty short once though, before. But they don't come so often. Even when I was practicing it. So I guessed, maybe there is a short cut. It's always good to see the goal before, isn't it.
Also nice to mention: LD4ALL, website about lucid dreaming, with a very active forum and chat place (there is also a forum in Dutch). Lucid dreaming really is fun. Some of my lucid dreams have been awesome experiences :D . But be prepared to invest some energy, before you have lucid dreams (regularly), and before they can be nicely controlled :)
http://www.advancedld.com/f/Pharmacolog ... Dreams.pdf

For Lucid dreaming, take a look at the above link... Tom Yushak, July of 2007

Galantamine is available over the counter, on the net (Google) and it is very, very helpful in inducing lucid dreaming. Stephen LeBerge has patented a methodology involving Galantamine for the induction of lucid dreams as well.

If you check Wikipedia for Galantamine you can find what you want to know...it is extremely gentle but the results are undisputed. Myself and several others have worked with this.

Eat well, get about 6hours of sleep, take a couple of pills, go back to sleep and see what happens... very reliable, enough to eventually train yourself to do it without the drug. Definitely a valuable resource.
i find that i have best dreams during the weeks after going on a huge bender,
but mostly tend to have dreams that almost terrify me to the point of turning on the tv just so im nit in complete darkness.
its amazing how your mind can make things so real.
they say that when we see our brain is in an extreme state of hallucinating and that psychadelics just intensify what we are already experiencing