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Lucid Dreaming, is it possible?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nanosage
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Yea lol the thing is and I dunno if I explained this before but.. When your blown and your laying there trying to fall asleep, you honestly can't tell if your dreaming or if its just the weed.. Plus I always have that weird falling feeling if I lay down.. But they say weed isn't addictive.. But honestly not gonna lie, I think I am addicted to it.. I mean cigarettes I smoked like 200 before I got addicted.. Well truely addicted.. But I quit those :D But weed dude.. I have smoked almost every day for the past year in a half, and if I quit I don't feel good.. But I have gone 3 weeks before.. I just give up on quitting weed.. So now the longest I go is 2 weeks if I'm broke..
And dude.. Like Dreaming and weed definitely don't mix.. It's fun to just be high and be adventurous you know? I mean yea sometimes its cool just to sit down.. But most of the time, I like to go places.. Me and a few of my friends on cinco de mayo, we went to see alice in wonderland on shrooms, and then went to a restaurant near our houses called vista grande. And we sat down and ate.. And we walked and walked.. And it was probably the best day of my life.. I of course offered buying some acid for us.. But for some reason there is this gay kid who I hate and no body else does lol.. But he has been telling everyone I know that acid you can overdose on really easy.. I don't really care just cuz I hate the kid.. But just the stupidity.. Jesus.. Lol well anyways no drama man.. But yea that was a truly exiting day.. And I haven't been sticking to my point.. Lol.. Being high is like dreaming while awake. And if you mix that with actual dreaming its fucked up.. I guess thats why they don't advise lacing weed with DMT. But maybe thats just remembrance issues..
Because no one would probably tell you this i''ll do it, beware of the dangers you are confronting right now. You still 15 years old, and maybe it sounds stupid but it is one of the most important ages of your live. If i where you i would do my very best at school and quit with weed, because weed makes you lazy and worthless, especially if you get depended on it. So yeah, weed is somehow little addicted. Not addicted like cigarettes or other drugs like coke etc. In the end its easy to quite, but you probably need some will power.

You see entheogens as a way to fuck yourself up. But in fact it are tools that are very useful to learn but you have to use them in the right way! Abuse is probably one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Again i warn you, i read that you have done DXM, which is really Dangerous! Now think about your live, wait till you are a little older and start to see the real purpose of entheogens.

I don''t want to sound like you parents probably do, but your on a high down to madness, so grow up take life more serious and do what you supposed to do. You not the first one who losses his mind before he became even a adult! I say this just because i have seen kids like you before, and its such a pity to see them failing growing up.

Greets and Love,
Lol dude I think that I am fine. I make good grades and everything.. I have my priorities.. Like I have been saying. But weed.. It's just I don't know. Weed dude.. I honestly just think that itslike part of me.. I don't know.. I don't let any of that shit getin my school stuff.. And like I said I makegoodgrades, I don't brag about it.. I showrespect,andYou know don't brag about it at all.. So dude like I reallydon't want to quit. I just.. I don't know.. I don't know what to do with my life, but I still think whatever I do I know that it will be what "I wantto do" You know? I would say that my ego was more like the "Time to pretend" By"MGMT" Lyric.. But now.. I don't know its still kinda like that.. Exept for the whole moving to paris and shooting up or something lol
HermesTrismegistus a dit:
That's why I love San Pedro in a big dose, with closed eyes it's a translucent dream with a lot of sedation and still the connection with every outer nerve of the body.

I also experienced this with 2cb, although the 2cb decided what sort visions i had, i still could control a lot. But what do you mean with amanita?

Cinnamon bought at he funfair, that's what 2CB feels like to me. Even though it corresponds with a classical psychedelic experience, it doesn't feel natural and comes with muscle contraction without getting energetic. But nothing near a dream, actually quite sober if you want to be as it is easy to alter a bee trip into your favour. It's very funny though, making the patterns yourself wih closed eyes, try that with LSD or mushrooms and you'll surrender. :lol:

I meant Amanita Muscaria, which has similar effects as deliriants that block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine with a real seeming delirium/dream as a result. But A. Muscaria in it's dried form (kills its toxicity) actually accelerates the activity of acetylcholine (it's an anti-dote for tropane intoxination and vice versa) and it's not a killer unlike substances that block acetylcholine.

Amanita Muscaria is known for lucid dream-like effects, I haven't used it ... yet.
Also Hermes, again, thank you for the concern. Like I have said before. It makes me happy that you actually care although I have only had small talk with you..... But honestly.. I don't know. I think that I have my life well on its course you know. I mean seriously though thank you for caring like I'm not kidding.. And just you know.. Don't treat me like a kid ya know.. I mean I'm sure you hear this all the time from kids my age.. Almost every adult does.. But seriously.. I think I'm a little grown up at least, and now that I know what all this is like.. Its to late you know. Yes I am very lucky I didn't fail growing up like you said, but I didn't and thats all I can say. I am not into the whole opiate and meth thing or even speed. I mainly stick too hallucinogens and weed. I will admit the DxM And the speeding that I have done was Terribly retarded to say the least.. But thank you man.. You really care about youths don't you?
Don't treat me like a kid ya know.. I mean I'm sure you hear this all the time from kids my age.. Almost every adult does.. But seriously..

actually, yes i do ;) And you know what, ones i thought just like you. Maybe i do recognise a part of my old self in you. I really care about the youth, especially kids at your age. I know because i have experienced it myself, that the next following 7 to 8 years are going to be a big rollercoaster, and everything will turn out to be a BIT different then you would have expected it to be. Your at a age that you start with developing a personality which will be very important for the years after you really have become an adult. It's not that i want to say you whats wrong and what's not, but what i really want to say is becareful. For example the DXM story, i know that you wanted to try something and because you couldnt find the real stuff and where impatiently you decided to take DXM. You have to know that you still have a whole lifetime to go, so being impatiently can get you end up with some real trouble. But if you do have some more patience, you will finally find the real stuff. Just take the time, because if you really think about it you still have probaly 50 to 70 years time to take psychedelics :D

Anyway, i realise that you do have your own responsibility's and i won't say anything about it anymore, as you have to find out your own lessons. Just like did! But i think that the most of us here would agree, that maybe a little more patience and being more conscious of psychedelics your playing with, would be a wise thing to do! Oh and one fun thing, now your thinking hmmm another adults. But when you become older and wiser, you probably are going to say the same things as i do. Even if you now think you will not, i promise you that time will come! :) Goodluck mate, your right, i really do care about the youth and every living being on this planet.

Greets and Love,
Maybe if i will find the time for it, i going to try some peyote. All the reports i read about it, do make it really worth, to give it chance.

Cinnamon bought at he funfair, that's what 2CB feels like to me.

I can't find better words to describe 2cb :D

Amanita Muscaria is known for lucid dream-like effects, I haven't used it ... yet.

From what i have read the amanita seems not to work for anyone. Would there be a special way for preparing it?
Haha Hermes.. I know I will be like that.. I pretty much stopped arguing with adults if I knew their side of the story and if I knew that I would do it too when I was an adult.. I know where your coming from.. I pretty much figured out the whole point of view thing a few years ago.. Now I really don't fight with anyone without reasoning. Or if I'm pissed off (Usually for a reason) But sometimes I get a little out of hand. And the thing that makes me more mad about the whole mad thing is that when I get mad at nothing.. I see the naive inside of me.. And I hate it.. I still feel like a child sometimes.. But mostly, I think that I am mature about most things.. Except for people.. Some people just rub me the wrong way.. Lol I'm sure you have those people too.. And I know.. Can someone explain their experience on peyote, and how long it lasts and everything.. I read about this a very very long time ago, and am really pursuing it. But its hard too get psychedelics where I am except for mushrooms every once in awhile.. But still I love them. But I know peyote is in tea yes? And how long does it last? Its dosages for first time users.. Al the good stuff Please.. Lol Thanks.
nano, concerning lucid dreaming (and all around quality of sleep):

i recommend that you eat healthy for an entire week, dont smoke weed (except for maybe once a day if you "cant quit". but NOT at any time in the evening, it will cloud your dream, and fuck your dream recall) drink alot of water (your supposed to drink a gallon a day as a healthy human being) and over the course of that time, read and learn as much as you possibly can about lucid dreaming. i think with a "ritual" sort of timespan like that leading up to you attempting lucidity is key. it MUST be on your mind constantly, just randomely popping into your head as a sincere desire (not like, oh shit i forgot to think about lucid dreaming today, that wont happen to you if you truely care about it), or else you will never have a quality lucid dream, on purpose. at the end of this week, you should feel very energetic, healthy, and prepared. if you're having trouble falling asleep once you are in this rhythm, it will be because you haven't burned enough energy throughout that day, so you will need some sort of excercise to counteract all the energy you will have, and THIS, this only, will be the best, most natural, most cost-efficient as well as all around healthy way to do it, and if you prepare properly, not taking ANY shortcuts, then you will find yourself having lucid dreams very often, and should not need to take any supplements, or special foods to induce these dreams. i train for mixed martial arts and when im really solid into my routine, i find that they occur very often, without too much "effort" if you will.

point is, you have to align as many variables as you can as far as your health goes before you can even consider having healthy sleep, which from personal experience is THE ONLY CONSISTENT, RELIABLE WAY to even have the opportunity to have a lucid dream. you cant cheat or else it WIll manifest itself in terms of the quality of your sleep, and the quality of your lucid dream, if you do manage to have one. remember, these rules are not strict laws that MUST be followed OR ELSE, but if you sincerely desire to do it the right way, then following them fairly closely should not be hard for you. good luck, cant wait to hear from you
In my experience, lucid dreaming is can occur spontaneously, or be bought on through an awareness of your waking life that you bring into the dream state.

I honestly don't know whether diet, or exersice helps and agree with those who say that mind altering substances are an inhibitor. What I have found to work is to go through the day with an awareness of the reality of the existence around you. By this I mean be aware of things like the fact that writing stays the same when you look at it and that people's clothes don't suddenly change.

With practice, you can carry this awareness into a dream, in much the same way as you carry any real life experience into a dream. Once you've done this, you'll begin to realise when the dreaming inconsistencies occur an this can alert your conscious mind to the fact that it is dreaming.

Once you have this awareness, you can gently take control over the dream and enjoy it, if only for a few seconds. As was mentioned by another poster, it is easy to get too excited and to bring yourself into a state of full wakening. Even if I avoid this, I generally find that most lucid dreaming states last only a short time, as my conscousness falls back into deeper sleep, although I'm sure that additional practice would overcome this.
on diet and excercise; i dont know if i made it clear enough before..

i meant more along the line of thinking that, diet and excercise are related to the quality of energy you can have throughout the day, which, if used properly, would directly translate to (and greatly increase) the quality of ones sleep. diet and excercise alone will not give you lucid dreams (not that you are implying that), it's just the aspect of actively trying new things in improving ones health and life, essentially the NEW aspect of it all, is what will help create the sponteneity/vivacity and clarity necessary to remember those dreams by making them more fresh and bold. being healthy should also just get you stoked on life period, making this entire process just that much easier/effortless for your (happier)mind to keep trying at it. all of these techniques can be used to help mark ones progress too, to add to greg's post. basically once you start making a habit out of trying it, and enjoying what steps you are taking towards it, it will become easier for you. it will take time though, dont get in the habit of thinking of it like its a matter "patience", just keep at it and it will happen. best of luck
Ok, whatever the answer is.. Tonight is the night! I am going to do this tonight.. I have been trying for weeks, and for some reason I feel that tonight is going to be worth it. I am very exited too go to bed. I don't care if it is for 5 hours, I don't care if it is for 4 seconds.. I just want to accomplish it. Which hopefully I will. I just have a feeling. But I must ask, I guess I will learn, but, is going lucid, is it more of a playground type feeling, or like a hallucinogenic nirvana, like DMT or something?
it can be either, or, any, and all. there literally are no limits. infinity reflecting on the meaning of infinity.

i had a dream about a year ago that was me tripping on salvia. my head entered my body through my belly button, and once i completely flipped my body inside out through this process, i saw the beautiful playscape of patterned formations of colors and felt the most profound sense of bliss. actually reflecting back now, it was probably more like a dmt trip, or maybe a combination.

keep at it. keep researching to maintain it's freshness in your mind. the more you learn about the fundamentals, especially the same point of view, simply from different sources, can have an entirely different and possibly more powerful meaning to you.
Ok, I have gathered tons of info off of everything.. Lol, but I started a dream journal, I have like 3 or 4 entries, and I will make this happen sometime! Even as a little little kid, because I guess to all you guys, I still am a little kid.. But anyway to put this easier.. Before I even knew what lucid dreaming was, I really wanted it too happen, and that is primarily what got me started on psychedelics to begin with, I am very interested in the whole "Dreaming" thing.. I always wanted to control myself in them, and hopefully I will be able too sometime in the near future, I am starting to even remember 2-3 dreams a night.. Or I guess they aren't really spaced out, it just seems like it, but yea, I am trying my best... But anyway ever since I started the journal, I have 3 entries from last night, and 1 from the nigh before lol.. Also, does my age have anything to do with it? Like will my brain obviously not being fully developed like alter this at all?
I've always found the simplest method of lucid dreaming is a combination of meditation and smoking Cannabis with Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris). It's a shame that it can't be used regularly as it seems an immunity builds up after the first night sleep. When I first did this my dreams were extremely vivid, completely controllable.

I tried Calea Zacatechichi in quite a high dose orally, but found it produced an intense loop of nightmarish dreams reminding me of a fever induced delusional state I was in as a child. Mugwort seems far more pleasant and agreeable imho.
"Also, does my age have anything to do with it? Like will my brain obviously not being fully developed like alter this at all?"

i used to have MORE lucid dreams when i was younger. dreams like telekinesis and being able to defy physics. probably because i had no knowledge of mind altering substances back then (aka didn't smoke weed), so i would have no problem recalling dreams or experiencing the vivacity. makes me want to go back :heart:
memories shouldn't be envied by the experiencer :) but I, of course, wish the same.

I haven't had a lucid dream in a long time... :(
you are right. given the choice i probably would not go back to that time period, if the dreams were well documented though, i could go back and relive them every day... oh well. that's why i now keep a dream journal :D
Wow.. See you guys are all wishing that you were 15 again, and I'm sitting here wishing that I was about 3-4.. Like even when I was about 7 I would always say to my mom, or anybody.. "I feel like I'm 3 today...) No joke.. I said that. But the thing is that since I am always so drawn to psychoactives, that if they give me the same ate up nieve feeling that babies feel. obody could really tell, I mean babies act high all the time, and I remember when I was 3 how I loved the smell of the air, I felt so awesome just all the time because everything was new. So I guess it isn't a matter of euphoria, I just like the whole "Everything is new" Feeling. I guess my mind was just mature enough to notice and process my thoughts about things.. But what about before that... I don't know.. Just everything I'm thinking about today is just weird..