GOD a dit:
You could make a mushroom tea , filter it through a coffee filter and fix it with a 200ml syrynge into your jugular vein . Or make a mixture of 100 grams of dry mushrooms with 100 grams of chilli powder and 1 liter of vasaline or cooking oil and aply as an enema . Then you will definately get a full blown trip that will give you something to do for the whole week ,
"You cant always get what you want ,
oh no you cant always get what you want ,
but you can try sometime ,
and you might find ,
you get what you need......
I mean if you are going to inject, so not inject mushrooms or anything into you jugular, iving into your jugular vein is the most dangerous way of injecting, as it creates an extremely high risk of a clot to the brain.There is also a massive artery right beside it just like the groin.
If you are so desperate to inject, so it in the arms, but why anyway would want to inject a mushroom infusion is beyond me. I mean just drink the tea, your tolernace will be long gone, it dissapears to normal after three days without tripping. Hell you will even get a good trip after two days if you slghtly increase the dose of hallucinogen.
Also, the alkaloids in mushrooms can seriously harm you if injected straight into the bloodstream, there is tonnes of alkaloids present in certain mushrooms simply not suitable for iv injection , hence why researchers isolted the psilocin, psilocybin for injection in patients in the sixties.
Also what if the mushrooms were picked and there is toxins in there, and the maggots that come with picked mushrooms from the feild. Your stomach can eliminate a few poisonous mushrooms, and maggots, but you t=run the risk od bacterial endocarditis( infection of the heart , if you inject mushrooms that have been picked, or even mushrooms that have not been stored properly.
Do you really want to risk a heart infection or death for a high?? Don't inject the fusion, just drink or eat the shrooms.