turns out the vial contained 10 drops and not 3 as the guy first said. i also consumed the whole thing. having never tripped before i really didn't know what feelings the lsd was about to provoke so i felt kind of ripped of when i didn't trip balls like i had envisioned it. so i called the guy up and bitched about it and got two pure drops for free. as the day went on more of my friends either got bored or had to head on home so i figured i'd call it a day and head on home myself. when i finally sat down on the couch at home the acid hit me like a huge sack of bricks. i was in a massive trance for like several hours. when i finally got back i looked at the clock: 22:00 and considered going to bed. as i was contemplating i looked at the clock again: 06:00 :?: WTF