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LSD for the first time. tips?

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Matrice Périnatale
so i resently got in contact with some crazy guy who's got an entire bottle full of LSD and decided that it was worth a try. its sounds kind of haphazard i know, but as a responsible person i did som checking around first to make sure i wasnt taking any chances. from what i have seen and heard i am very willing to give it a try.

however as stated before it is an entire bottle of acid! and seeing as i am a newbie and it is liquid i am unsure of method and dosage. should i take it indirectly or directly? and how can i manage the dosage within a comfortable limit?

as for the setting i have several places where i can snuggle up without fear of someone disturbing me or anything like that. going outside is out of the question tough since my country during wintertime is dreary and depressive place(even taking a spliff right outside my house is an endeavor that requires very many layers of clothing)

i also heard that if you're going to do it in the first place then it is best to trip balls with at least one other person. i only know of this one dude who's going to do it but that is a week from now. should i wait? i'm kind of impatient, tough that is no excuse i guess. i'm also kind of scared that i might not be able to control myself during the trip. i am usually a very calm and controlled person but i don't have any first hand experience with anything other that cannabis and alcohol. so anyway... tips?

sorry in advance if TL:DR lol
1 drop should be enough.

tripping with someone else is better than tripping alone.
tripping with a sober person present is even better.
how would i go about getting it in my system? apply one drop directly to the tongue?
Yup, that's common, make sure you don't put more than one drop by mistake on your tongue.

And +1 for having a sober trip-sitter, eventhough that can be hard to find.
i actually have this friend who was interested in coming along just out of curiosity. anything i should tell him to watch out for?

also: when i meant apply it directly to the tongue if was kinda thinking of me holding vial of acid over my mouth and tapping gently on it, but that kinda sounds like a retarded accident waiting to happen. can you put a drop on something else and lick of it? like a small dinner plate or something in that order?
Yeah, you can do that, will work just as well.

Will your friend be taking LSD?
no, this friend is only coming along out of curiosity, though he will be smoking j's as the time passes.
Yes, having a friend present is great.

Just tell him to relax and respect your process, you don't need interrogation or someone pushing random buttons, you don't need him to entertain you. Tell him that if you say you aren't feeling so well that he helps you out by giving you what you need (drinking some juice can be hard to think off but can make a world of difference), etc. etc.

Drop the acid on the back of your hand and lick it off. Don't accidentaly drop 4-5 drops in your mouth by banging the vial over your open mouth. You can always take more, but never less.
laugh a lot, explore your senses, listen to music, do something creative if you can. first time your emotions will be greatly heightened. if you feel tension now and then don't fight it, think of it as an opportunity to learn something.

and don't worry about losing control.
Oh, I'm surely going to get punched for saying this, but having a few beers during the coming down is one of the things I like the most with LSD (as long as I'm with friends, of course), tons of laughs each times.
me too actually. i know some people find tasting anything during a trip to be complete sensory overload but I quite enjoy having a drink or maybe two...but not just that, taste in general. it's so much fun to explore the senses on acid. sort of like the opening in the movie ratatouille where the rat starts tasting food and little bits of psychedelic art representing the flavors start popping up everywhere. last time i was tripping i mixed up and fried some spices and made a curry and it actually turned out pretty good.. :D
Something important, do you or anyone in your familly have any mental issues?
a lot of good advice here :D i appreciate it a lot. especially since i heard that having a good mindset really helps. apparently the acid is only half of the work lol.

concerning mental issues? well to be sure i don't know. i have never had any sort of analysis from psychologist or anything like that so i cant be sure that there is nothing bubbling in my sub conscience. but my friends and family consider me a very cool and controlled person. never had any psychological breakdowns or anything of that sort. my brother is kind of sensitive but thats mostly from a troubled childhood. my parents are fucked up for sure, but thats only because they are hardcore alcoholics, but that isn't a baggage i have carried with me.
Just go with the flow and enjoy it :)

This is what I listen to during my trips:

I open up with The Beatles, then once it starts kicking in, I switch to Pink Floyd (you will be amazed), and if you want to hear heavenly sounds, and go on some mind-numbing trances put some psychill on (Shpongle, Bluetech, Tripswitch)

If you're with good friends, in a comfortable place, I think you will have a blast.. I did on my first time :D (and I knew nothing about it)

Set & Setting my friend, is all that matters.

PS: About alcohol, I guess to each his own.. but from experience, maybe don't mix too much .. I had mixed some wine, with weed and hash, and it gave me a terrible headache for the last couple hours of the trip.. which totally annoyed me until I could sleep it off.
Hey, welcome and believe me this is all excellent advice.

If you have a sober sitter you will be A-ok, sure sign of a good trip, just make sure to tell him to stick around, and it could be a while - but a friend will do it.

Yes, try and make a playlist, express your feelings, don't fear getting lost - you'll come back out, take comfort that LSD has been done by possibly hundreds of thousands of people, (millions??!)

Good tripping, try to make a drawing or write in a journal -

The drop on the back of the hand 1+, wait an hour and a half before taking more if you don't feel anything.

Look forward to how it went if you choose to come back!

the deal is done. a small vial of three drops for the coming Saturday. and i will be posting on my experiences for those who care.

how long does it take for liquid lsd in a vial to deteriorate by the way? i kept it on the my drawer next to me over the night and it was around 20+ or so celsius. should i be worried? its now in a cold dark place of course.
not at all. I carried some blotters with me for at least a week when cycling around at ~27°celsius and they still were pretty good.

I wish you a whole lot of fun and everything else that's significant for a good trip ;)
if you have a quality airtight seal on the container, it should be viable for around a year, very possibly even longer if you go the extra mile on storage methods. the sky's the limit when it comes to storing things.

careful with the sober guy.. does he know the information that you do about lsd, or is he simply a curious guy? my only stance being that you don't want him to encourage negative thoughts, ESPECIALLY if/when you start kind of dozing off into trance states.
my friend had a (mushroom)trip recently, and she took way too much and didn't realize until, WHAM! she was tripping balls, and never done that much before, and neither had her sitter (who was also tripping too, but was "just fine") well anyways my friend started to think maybe she was stopping breathing (in and out of a trancelike state), then once she expressed this to the sitter, sitter began to take "preventative measures" ASSUMING relative to a lethal dose was taken by the girl, clearly not knowing what one was, or how much they'd even taken in the first place (chocolates):cry: . so naturally, the girl thought something horribly wrong had happened(poisoned, etc) but i personally tested them later, and concluded that they'd only eaten relative to an 8th, and just didn't know what to expect... now she says she'll never eat mushrooms again... :evil: and the shitty thing is, she should have just had ME there, because i just KNOW things would have been different. her friend was panicking, and made everything go to shit. i could have calmed her very easily, as i've known her for around 6 years now, and she knew the sitter maybe 6 months...

but the moral is, make sure your sitter doesn't interfere with your conscious too much. i dont want to scare you off, but just tell them what to do beforehand and you should be gravy. YOU ARENT GOING TO DIE. period. not off one drop.

they shouldn't be actively engaging you the entire time, cause you might feel overwhelmed at times(sensory overload), and during those times, the last thing you wanna hear is someone rambling, especially with a negative undertone AT ALL on their voice. checking on you every now and then is ok, but not every ten minutes.. basically, don't be afraid to tell them to shut up, and remember, you can always leave the room for a moment if you don't feel like being social. just tell them your ok, and remember that you will be ok. don't be afraid to just lay down with closed eyes for a while either. good luck, and best wishes :D
ophiuchus a dit:
if you have a quality airtight seal on the container, it should be viable for around a year, very possibly even longer if you go the extra mile on storage methods. the sky's the limit when it comes to storing things.

Make a decade of that at least if it's stored in a dark freezer and if the acid is kept in it's original vacuum vial, as well as dissoluted in the proper solvent. (Which I assume a chemist will know and do). Liquid form has a faster come up in my experience (10-20 minutes), but it's no different than other forms. Greats amounts at once can be taken. Never ever remove the spout or open the bottle for whatever reason, those few mililiters of a new bottle are containing over 10.000 ug's.
You're thing will be fine - if they were fine to begin with.

Keep 'em in a light-tight and in the fridge container though for the weekend.

ophiuchus: I remember after the feeling "I'm going to die, I've been poisoned" how big of a relief it was to 1. hear someone's voice, and 2. what they said was the best advice I could have ever encountered at the time: People have done more, you know.. alot more.

It made me feel so foolish, so dumb. Of course, then I started thinking then the mushrooms must have been poisened!! lol

Ahhh paranoia at its best.

:D Just remember, you'll hit ground safely, like we all do, and just make sure your friend knows it will be a while and you WILL be OK. If you start getting nervous your friend should tell you how you will be OK, not ask what he should do to help. Just tell him prior to tripping that you might get scared, but in the end everything will be fine.

Both of you just be confident you will be ok :) :) It will be fun after coming down, trust me.