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LSD and macabre interests, horror and machavellian sorceries....

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion omera
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"Don't be a pussy, just take the fucking hit" -What I tell every crackhead whose too afraid to try LSD.

Hello community.

I'm a Grade A occultist with a grade A occult agenda. I'm not to be confused with any sort of pagan although I probably have a more pagan outlook than any of these White Rabit sorts, and I don't follow a WHITE rabbit. I've recently got a good connection to LSD, and the stuff is bitter. On some reading, I've speculated it certainly isn't DoC. I've done three hits at once, although I should've taken the third with the first two for the full effect. The next time I make an adventure I'm going to drop a full five, and still have plenty left. Now heres where I want to orientate my trip to a specific goal.

I'm completely obsessed with the macabre, obsessed with horror and psychology and have been indulging the most morbid thoughts of my life with Hannibal. I don't find that horror is unattractive during a trip. I don't feel a need to have a sitter, etc etc. So far I've been able to endure several trips on my own.

I think the best way to circumnavigate the LSD globe is to prepare my ideas for the set and setting. A machiavellian mental playground can be established with medieval artwork, books on the psychology of power (48 laws of power, 33 strategies of war, The Prince, etc). I might even call for a stereo system, devise an appropriate playlist. My only worry is that through all this preparation I'll find my interest to have immediately shifted during the trip- constantly. Do any psychonauts here in particular have experience? I'd rather not 'ask my friends'. Dark sided tripping doesn't seem to be anybody's forte here.
Hi omera.
I do not think i understand your post. Your question is a bit confusing to me.

What is it you want? And why do you want it? I mean what is the point?
You want to tske LSD to orientate yourself on your obsession about the macabre? So how may this work?
Take LSD and think about macabre stuff?
You want to have a horror trip sort of like a ride trough a ghost house at the local amusement park?

What has machavelli have to do with all of this? What has the fact that you call yourself a occultist have to do with the rest. Do you plan on doing an occult ritual?

Personally i think the best psychedelics for exploring the darkside are mushrooms and ayahuasca.
The darkside for me has to do with fear.

Dark and light are two sides of the same coin. Sometimes you go into the darkside and sometimes into the light. Why try to control it?
Just let it flow. Seek inner peace, harmony, health happyness balance and inner strenght. That, s how i look at it. But ofcourse i am not a occultist. I look upon it in a more taoist way. Well that, s my thing i guess. Have fun.
I'm agree with the Finarfin for the last affirmation.

However, i guess his kind of thought. He wants to be "a friend of horror".
But don't forger how "Apocalypse Now" ends and the destiny of Charles Manson.

But nevermind ;) ...
omera a dit:
"Don't be a pussy, just take the fucking hit" -What I tell every crackhead whose too afraid to try LSD.

Hello community.

I'm a Grade A occultist with a grade A occult agenda. I'm not to be confused with any sort of pagan although I probably have a more pagan outlook than any of these White Rabit sorts, and I don't follow a WHITE rabbit. I've recently got a good connection to LSD, and the stuff is bitter. On some reading, I've speculated it certainly isn't DoC. I've done three hits at once, although I should've taken the third with the first two for the full effect. The next time I make an adventure I'm going to drop a full five, and still have plenty left. Now heres where I want to orientate my trip to a specific goal.

I'm completely obsessed with the macabre, obsessed with horror and psychology and have been indulging the most morbid thoughts of my life with Hannibal. I don't find that horror is unattractive during a trip. I don't feel a need to have a sitter, etc etc. So far I've been able to endure several trips on my own.

I think the best way to circumnavigate the LSD globe is to prepare my ideas for the set and setting. A machiavellian mental playground can be established with medieval artwork, books on the psychology of power (48 laws of power, 33 strategies of war, The Prince, etc). I might even call for a stereo system, devise an appropriate playlist. My only worry is that through all this preparation I'll find my interest to have immediately shifted during the trip- constantly. Do any psychonauts here in particular have experience? I'd rather not 'ask my friends'. Dark sided tripping doesn't seem to be anybody's forte here.

Omera, s post is confusing to me.
He writes : don, t be a pussy.. ect.
This tough guy attitude is just his ego.
It says nothing about the crackheads and it says a lot about his own big ego.

I am a grade A occultist with a grade A occult agenda.
Calling yourself grade A? Ego again?

The meaning of the word occult is hidden knowledge. An occultist is someone who is intressted in hidden knowledge or someone who hides knowledge. To occult means to hide. So when you have a grade A occult agenda your agenda is to hide information. (I do not believe there is much hidden knowledge left today)

What does he mean? What is this occult agenda?

Next he starts to write about the macabre. Psychology and horror? And how he is obssesed by these topics.
Then he starts to write about machiavelli and medievel artwork.
He writes about how these things are the focus of his lsd trip and how he does not need a sitter ect.

I find this all very confusing. I do not understand what it is he wants to get out of his trip and why.
I think it may be a ego game.

If you find your attention shifting during a trip, the problem seems to be a lack of focus or concentration.
If you want to focus during a trip. Practice meditation, yoga, or tai chi or something. Do martial arts. Try to practice and cultivate attention and focus.
If you practice being mindfull every day you will find it much easier to relax and to focus during a trip.