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Low-dose DXM and sleep


Elfe Mécanique
I first need to state that I have (ab)used DXM for a while, some months ago; this may be an important factor in what happened to me yesterday night. I also often have strong hypnagogic "hallucinations", but they never prevent me from falling asleep.

I am having a bad cold lately, and yesterday the coughing was bad enough that I drank cough syrup (with DXM and guaifenesin) twice over the day. I did not exceed the total recommend dose for a day, and I was feeling none of the effects caused by a recreational dose.

I went to sleep early because I was extremely tired (around 8:30, 9:00 maybe?), having not slept much the day before and being sick; maybe the DXM contributed in feeling drowsy, now that I think about it. So I put on some slow tibetan music, turned off the lights and layed down. I did not feel particularly restless at first, but sleep didn't come; then the music gradually got very annoying, and I turned it off. Soon after that I noticed that phosphenes were "up a notch", and that I was hearing lots of stuff; it's like racing thoughts, but passively, quite similar to a fever. I do not know how long it took before I actually fell asleep, but it felt extremely long.

I woke up this morning at the time I usually do (5:30-6:00), but unusually tired; I slept some more because I only have classes in the afternoon. It is now 9:00 AM at my place.

I thought I might share this with you guys, maybe as a warning to ex-DXM (ab)users: DXM, even in low doses, can fuck with your sleep a lot.

ps: Where is the sleep and dream-related forum? I can't find it!
I always feel cough cold medications when I take them too. I tend to save them for when I'm feeling so craptastic that at least it will let me get some sleep (better than none)

I'm not sure which kind you are using but there are a couple brands in that neck of the woods that have like twice the DXM per dose compared to other brands. enough that if you took a daily maximum recommended dose all at once you would be well above the minimum for a first plateau dose. (like ~120mg)
i can usually fall asleep fairly easy on dex, unless of course im on a 3rd plateau trip!
I fell asleep by accident on a 3rd plateau... (or maybe I'm sensitive and 750 mg produced a 4th plateau trip?). Fell asleep while I was coming up and woke up when I was coming down.
Actually I've had trouble sleeping yesterday night again (but not as much), and I didn't take any cough medication during the day... so maybe it's only fever. Or weirdass insomnia.

And I had little trouble falling asleep after recreational doses of DXM... it's probably because I was going to sleep at 3:00 in the morning, or because I was so dexed I didn't have any notion of time.
smoke some weed I also sleep bad during fevers. It helps to a) sleep and b) it reduces mucus production in the nose so this shit is not running down your throat either.