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Let's talk about DXM

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Ive had some very profound and beautiful experiances on dxm.

that beeing said, it feels like death. its like beeing way to drunk and kinda shroom trippin.

700 mg and some strong bud will put you in a good place
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Music is weird. Sometimes it's enhanced greatly and other times it sounds tinny and far away.
Do those Ziacam bottles really have 504mgdxm? I though it was at least half that.

I don't think that's quite accurate, at least from my experiments with sound and DXM. I found, unlike some other drugs, you are still somewhat sensitive to volume and active listening can be practiced. But aside from the MAJOR chorno-distortion music (especially complex genres) can sound two dimensional and flat. Even with great quality headphones.

I remember listening to some intense Judas Priest songs and somehow the "edge" of it had disappeared, like it may as well been any other music in intensity. Odd isn't it?
honestly, it's different every time for me. I once thought there was something wrong with my headphones because as the trip intensified the music started to loose quality and I noticed the volume sounded really low, even though it was set to maximum which I would otherwise find uncomfortably loud. I later realized there was nothing wrong with my headphones, of course. I find it quite intriguing, really. Language, for example becomes incomprehensible. I was once watching television while on a high dose and all I heard was noise coming out of people. It did not sound like english. It sounded more like an alien dialect. it also seemed as though sentences were spoken very fast, followed by long pauses in between. and special effects i.e. explosions and whatnot sounded comically cheesy. like they were made by someone blowing into a cheap microphone.

with music, sometimes (usually right before I puke my guts up) I get very intense music euphoria and music sounds amazing. afterward it's usually it's distorted, especially with complex genres like you said. I find repetitive natural/acoustic music goes best with dxm.

my correction on the dosage in zicam i'm not sure what the exact dose is but it's definitely between 350-400 mg. I remember calculating before that two bottles was equal to something in the 700mg range.