In the end it comes down to our lord and saviour jesus words "If you are not for us you are against us" = Either we are part of the answer or we are part of the problem . I`m part of the answer , the people who dont help are armchair philosiphers . In my opinion arnchair philosiphers are people who talk about legalisation , could help and dont do anything . People who dont help must have motives and the only ones i can think of are either because they are to dumb to understand , to egoistic to help or because they have financial interests in illegality/the situation as it is now .
No one thinks that there is a single silver bullet answer . Or that its going to be easy but we must start somewhere and have patience . At the moment most people are doing inefective things or unrealistic things that have never got us anywhere and never will . Like talk about churches , demos that dont work . petitions and referendums . We need to refine our tactics and get the optimal out of them . Its exactly like driving cars . At first there were no rules / no generaly agreed upon way to do it and that resulted in many acidents . Then some people sat down and talked about it and came up with a simple book with a sensible strategy in it so everyone could understand it , learn it and avoid acidents . When they were writing it they took the sensible bits from every existing strategy and united them , then they published it . We all use it now all over the world and when we stick to it there are very few acidents . How do groups like the hindus , the moslems , the christians , the jews , the british nation and the united states of america sucede and stay together for hundreds to thousands of years ? The hindus have the vedas , the muslims have the koran , the christians have the bile , the jews have the thora , the british nation had the magna carta , the usa has the bill of rights .
Another part of the info archive would be to collect legal verdicts and expert witness statements . Thats the ones that judges and people who are being tried apply for to prove evidence . So expert witnesses evidence . Theses can all be used to try to prove things in courts .
I think organising things like 2012 info and info on other subjects is a very good idea , but this thread should concentrate on what its about first . Lateral thinking is good but we dont want to come of the subject here , and thats solving drug problems .