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Keeping the blotters

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Akatosh86
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Matrice Périnatale
Well, I'm new in this forum and definitely relatively inexperienced in matters of acid, but I am very excited about it after trying it three times for the past week. Now, I feel I have to wait for the tolerance to build up , but at the same time I want to keep the blotters I still have for the next use. What are the rules of packing them so that that magic substance on the paper is kept intact?
Welcome to psychonaut!

airtight, dark, cool. For example in a plastic sealbag wrapped in aluminium foil in the fridge.

As for tolerance, I think you mean that you have a high tolerance right now after extensive use in the last week and that your body needs to readjust so that you can experience the same effects again.
I had kept my blotters in the past stored the way Fork said but just at room temprature, and with 2 hot summers passed and they were still very decent.

Microdots seemed less vulnerable since I kept these even longer than 3 years and they seemed not to have lost any potency.

It's very important to keep acid away from temprature change. If you want to be sure, put it in the freezer but make sure your acid is covered with a lot of tight plastic bags, many foil to avoid the absorption of moisture.
Welcome to Psychonaut Akatosh86, Lots of usefull info here so act like a sponge and absorb :lol:

I think the best way to keep LSD would be in a Cold, Dark, Dry place. The fridge or freezer is cold and not alot of light in there but as menchend make sure you seal the blotters well so moisture doesnt get in. A locking jar in a cool dark cupboard would also be ok. Also 3 trips in a week is all good fun and that, But dont over do it mate. Give yourself a week or 2 and then have double the dose you first had and you'll have a pretty good experience Id imagine 8)
cheers, my friends. your comments are very helpful indeed...

just several things to clarify. the dose - what is the usual "full-blown trip" standard in micrograms? how much of acid does an average blotter in the late 2000s contain? I guess I should do 2 or 3, because my very first one with just 1 blotter was quite a mild experience (even though it was definitely something exciting) and only on the second day when I took 2,5 , I can say for sure that I had a real trip. I reside in Prague, Czech Republic and these psychedelic substances are just flooding this place...
the only real way to know is to send your blotter off to a lab to get it tested. which i've never done, because blotter is f'n hard to come by where i am so when i'm lucky enough to find a couple hits i don't want to mail them away. also everyone seems to have a different tolerance level depending on their experience, body, etc

the first time i dropped, i took one hit and it absolutely blew my mind. time completely stopping, people freezing in their tracks, objects melting..meanwhile everyone else who was more experienced was complaining about how weak the acid was =)

i'm sure there are those on the board who can give you an answer from experience, but generally from what i've read anyway a light dose is around 50 mics pretty much going up from there, a strong dose being ~150mics and up. every blotter i have run into has been very, very different. a half hit of good rolling stones blotter had me tripping hard for 12 hours. two hits of street blotter hardly did anything at all on the other hand