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But that was the problem . Even he said that . That people didnt think about what he said they just twisted it for their own ends . But i think he helped a lot . He should have made it clear , and also have told them to stick the 78 rollers up their arses .

When he was asked by one of his disciples why he was living like a king instead of a sannyassin, he simply said: why not? Life is for living, right?

He did a lot of good work, but again it is the followers that turn into some kind of sect. A good teacher should screen his followers.
Bit like the alibi lyer ????????? I`ve never seen him go anywhere on the bus .
Karma per se does not exist, it is just a useful metaphor. We can't bother about the past because... where is the past? I don't like when people start bringing about past lives and to be lives and so on, I think they're missing the point of it.

I think I posted this already but it's oh so relevant...

Dude, stop falling in love with Alan Watts! :lol:
if i answer this thread i will effect my karma and yours. oops, too late.
wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! it didn't affect your karma.... you only thought it did.....

peace. :weedman:

edit: i hope it didn't affact my karma.... or at least that i only thought it did, if it did. :?
Forkbender a dit:
Dude, stop falling in love with Alan Watts! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I downloaded this torrent of CDs of him talking and I transferred the files to my cell phone so now I can hear them any time I want, like holes in my uni schedule :)
I believe in a natural balance of all there is. I think the universe only functions due to this balance. Karma is a way to personalize this balance on a human level.

And it is, as the universe, very funny, how balance is sought out to be restored.
Karma is something to be understood on different levels.
One level is religious doctrine
Another one is political level. This is what God is talking about.
Using karma to keep people down.
On the other hand there is the spiritual or I how like to call it energetic level to it.
I never use the word karma. When I am describing something like karma I always call it energy.
Everybody puts out energy. Karma yoga is a way to try and purify this energy.

I am sure you all are familiar with the bhagavadgita.
If you want to know about karma this is the best place to start.

Karma yoga is described as acting without attachment.
Acting without being attached to the fruits of the actions.

Karma has to do with reincarnation.
It's easy to see how this philosophy can easily be missused.
Reincarnation is a perfect way to keep people down.
Brahmanism has his own ugly side. In the gita for example there is this hostility towards woman
If someone who is good perceives you as good they will act that way towards you.

If someone who is evil perceives you as good they will take advantage.

Karma pretty much works but not in the religious sense. If people expect I am a liar, they will act differently than if they thought I was good.

People give away little tells, like in poker, that gives away their true nature - people pick up on these and often act accordingly. This, bad things do happen to bad people.

Over a long enough time frame, bad things and good things happen to everyone - but there are avoidable bad things that happen as a result of something bad you did.

I'm not saying that if you kick a kitten and a piano falls out of a window and breaks your foot that is karma. I'm saying the foot you step on today may be attached to the ass you need to kiss tomorrow.
psm a dit:
I believe in a natural balance of all there is. I think the universe only functions due to this balance. Karma is a way to personalize this balance on a human level.

universal homeostasis!
???????? a dit:
psm a dit:
I believe in a natural balance of all there is. I think the universe only functions due to this balance. Karma is a way to personalize this balance on a human level.

universal homeostasis!

yeah, something like that, but still a little bit different.
a homeostasis would not evolve. It would keep the status quo. While the balance in the universe is based on two very contradicting forces, the point where they form the balance creates. and exactly that point of connection between these two powers is what I would refer to as god.
although in the classical jewish idea the different names of god describe each of the powers and the "unknown" name is the moment of intercourse between them.
It's the cosmic big O... shiva and vishnu and all that...
I think I believe in karma...

It's based on manichaeism though -> do good=get good, do bad=get bad. And I tend to think manichaeism is total bullshit, there is no good or bad, or right or wrong. But perhaps karma comes from within, thus if you do something which you yourself do not consider as a benevolent action, your mind might punish yourself...

Either that or it's total bullshit, it's great way to get people to behave in a more decent and moral fashion tho :lol:
you reap what you sow, yet it mostly remains unclear what it is, what you sow, until you see it flowering.
maybe the so called universe and all of its implications is the "universal" processor of one's karma and all the day-to-day changes of the karma, too, obviously.
If "good Karma" only serves the purpose to make myself feel good about myself - why not?

In the end I think it always comes down to what Nietzsche said that there are no altruistic deeds at all and even the seemingly most altruistic things are done out of pure egoism - because helping others makes yourself feel good and special.
I'm -as always- too lazy to backup with scientific quotes, read On the Genealogy of Morals, it must be somewhere in there (I think ;) )
you formulate with the words of your choice, however.... you can't deny the reality of karma.

lol somehow it's ridiulous saying karma is egoistic, because it rewards you with a good and special feeling.....

but somehow it seems to be true .... nietzsche seems to have understood that....

morality seems to be quite important for karmic influence, also.... but then i ask myself why morality dictates people's behaviour...

well the answer would be easy... because they are egoistic and want to get "rewards" from the karma....

fucking greedy humans!!!!!!!!!!! :weedman:
BrainEater a dit:
well the answer would be easy... because they are egoistic and want to get "rewards" from the karma....

fucking greedy humans!!!!!!!!!!! :weedman:

just like doing good deeds to go to heaven
funny, that.
karma according to the Tibetans is very much based on the butterfly effect. every action has an effect no mater how insignificant the action. there for the ideal way of existing is to do nothing. to have no karma. its the only way to free yourself from the cycle of death/rebirth.