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jaguar tripping on ayahuasca

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GOD a dit:
Dolphines cant speak ?

they don't speak the same language like we, humans, do. But i'm sure they do communicate with each other.

for example: There was a documentary on Nat. Geographic in Space Week, a few months ago, in wich they claim that if aliens visit earth, they would first of all try to communicate with a type of whales... Cause those whales seem to have a much more complicated capacity of communication. They use more frequencies than we do.
I don't believe that from the aliens, cause when they visit earth they see all those buildings, so they will communicate with us i guess. But i do believe that many many more other animales can speak. We are not the only 'intelligent' animals on earth u know ;)
Shamanita a dit:
The link doesn't work anymore :(
Yes, it does, all the links work. But the John Lilly link referred to a PDF. Have you got Adobe Reader installed?

for example: There was a documentary on Nat. Geographic in Space Week, a few months ago, in wich they claim that if aliens visit earth, they would first of all try to communicate with a type of whales...
It's a nice idea, but it would only be true if those aliens were themselves aquatic. You don't need all those frequencies if you can communicate through the air and through technology. Perhaps we've already been contacted?

Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Shamanita a dit:
The link doesn't work anymore :(
Yes, it does, all the links work. But the John Lilly link referred to a PDF. Have you got Adobe Reader installed?

i have adobe :)

I mean the link in post one, i just get an empty white page when clicking on it... Didn't try the rest of the links yet though :p

edit: I just watched that bee-movie :p funny actually, all animals like drugs :) my cat likes valerian btw :p he rolls on the floor like he's crazy when i make a valerian tea

Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
for example: There was a documentary on Nat. Geographic in Space Week, a few months ago, in wich they claim that if aliens visit earth, they would first of all try to communicate with a type of whales...
It's a nice idea, but it would only be true if those aliens were themselves aquatic. You don't need all those frequencies if you can communicate through the air and through technology. Perhaps we've already been contacted?


That's true, i also said i didn't believe that part in the documentary, because when they come to visit earth and see all the buildings and lights, they would communicate to us i guess..

i don't think that grain circles are made by aliens, actually. I think it's really possible to make one complex circle in only a few hours (I watched another docu on Canvas (belgian TV) in which they did built a complex circle). It can be aliens work, but i don't believe it is ;)

But in fact, it can be that aliens are already here. If they're, for instance, really small or something.
Here's another link for the Jaguar video:

But in fact, it can be that aliens are already here. If they're, for instance, really small or something.
I'm sure you're familiar with this UFO footage:
Tunnelvision a dit:
how does a sober jaguar look like

is not rolling about on the floor? :)

i just remembered that people who consume yagé supposedly see imagery associated with jungle like stuff, like snakes and... jaguars. is this really so? do people who eat cacti get desert like associations too?
i can only speak for myself, but yes on a high dose of shrooms i got a vision of a green laserlike grid that was forming a tunnel around me and after that i got very clear visions of a jungle/forest/plants growing around me very fast