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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Introduction thread

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Hi its Herbal101 im into many things and just wanted to say hi to all members, I wont bore you but thanks for letting me join.
yo psychos!

the name is pseudoscience - the 40000th member of this forum :D

I'm looking for information about cultivation (and consumption) of various interesting plants. currently I have only two little heimia s., but would like to spend more (quality) time for gardening (tripping) this year. my english and time difference can be obstacles in communication but nothing in this world is impossible, right.
Hi everybody

I am here as a researcher in comparative religion, doing a project with the University of Bergen where I ask basically how people use entheogens in spiritual contexts and what consequences this has for life, spirituality, mental health and so on. I want to know where you come from (existentially and in terms of background), what you are doing in your entheogen-practice and what this practice does for you in the long term.

If you or anyone would like to participate, I have a simple homemade website for the study at entheogenstudy.org, and you can reach me at [email protected].

I have no hidden agenda with this, except maybe the following: I suspect that there are many people out there who have a genuine spiritual relationship with entheogenic drugs, and who are able to use such drugs in a balanced and fruitful way that enhances their lives. If the academic world knew more about such people (right now almost nothing is known), a lot would probably change for the better in society.

So please get in touch if you have a story to tell. (Note that the above 'suspicion' will not stop me from asking critical questions!)
With an anonymous webmail account, we can communicate while your real-world identity remains completely unknown to me - so there should be no big risk of any kind.

(This post is a rewrite of a post I wrote in the "How did psychedelic changed you" thread.)
Hi all, and blessings for 2015! ❤️

I've joined this forum to meet likeminded people and to get more information and support on DMT.

Having read some of your posts I'm even more excited than before.

hi everyone, im 27yo guy from Milton Keynes, England, have been tempted to try dmt for a long while, i hope to find friends and like minded people.
And who knows maybe people in my area have the same goals....
Anyone close by msg me!!!
Hello. No, this place is not for buying or selling any products. You should have read the rules. Bye bye.
Hi all, lee from newcastle, uk here, found this site while looking for a way into using psychedelics to help further myself and explore myself a bit more than I've been able to do without the help of psychedelics, look forward to hopefully speaking to and learning from anyone who cares to share their knowledge, if there's anyone informed in the north east or newcastle I'd love to buy you a coffee and pick your brain, cheers guys
Hi everybody.

My target is to reach OOBE (Out Of Body Experiences) through lucid dreaming (already experimented it, but cant replicate), so I came here to ask for help in the use of natural substances.
At the moment I'm struggling with restrictions being forced on me even where I should be able to actually participate, but I hope I'll be soon allowed to tell my experiences with some of those substances and ask for hints to improve them. =)

Thank you.
Ciao ragazzi sono nuova del forum ma vi seguo da sempre! Ho iniziato il viaggio da poco e già ho trovato la sua fine...con la salvia...poi racconterò tutto in un post.mi è successo tante di quelle cose strane che spero che qualcuno mi possa illuminare
lorens87 a dit:
Ciao ragazzi sono nuova del forum ma vi seguo da sempre! Ho iniziato il viaggio da poco e già ho trovato la sua fine...con la salvia...poi racconterò tutto in un post.mi è successo tante di quelle cose strane che spero che qualcuno mi possa illuminare

Non per demoralizzarti già il primo giorno, ma ti sei presentata nella sezione sbagliata. Questo forum è diviso per lingue, perciò, se hai intenzione di postare in lingua italiana, ti consiglio di farlo in questo thread.

Inoltre, ogni sezione/lingua ha un suo set di regole specifiche, perciò dovresti andare a leggerle in questo post.


PS for staff: sorry, I know this is the english section; I'm just telling her she should present herself in the right language-section.
Hi there, I'm a 24 year old female from the UK. I wrote a dissertation on ayahuasca tourism after spending time in Peru last year, which will be published next month (exciting). I'm writing my next dissertation on our right to psychedelics, and would like to ask how many of you do not identify as 'religious', or belong to a religious group, but do use psychedelics for 'spiritual' purposes.

If you have anything to say on the topic, personal stories, anecdotes etc., I'd love to hear from you! PM me :)
MVT a dit:
Hi there, I'm a 24 year old female from the UK. I wrote a dissertation on ayahuasca tourism after spending time in Peru last year, which will be published next month (exciting). I'm writing my next dissertation on our right to psychedelics, and would like to ask how many of you do not identify as 'religious', or belong to a religious group, but do use psychedelics for 'spiritual' purposes.

If you have anything to say on the topic, personal stories, anecdotes etc., I'd love to hear from you! PM me :)

We wont be able to "pm" you for a while, at least until you get out of the *newbie amount of posts* (did you read forum rules?), thus.....you should try opening a thread on the topic where you're allowed to? For this isnt *it*.
A whole thread dedicated to your interests will bring you many more replies; this isnt a thread where people wander too often. Alas.

Welcome. ^.^
Hi, I'm new on the forum and I've to ask you a nooby question. In which section (and how) can I open a thread for my presentation? I've read the rules but i've not understood how to do.
You can't open a new thread right now. This is the good place to introduce yourself.
But I don't find any button in the page Introduce Yourself to open a new thread. I can only reply
You don't need to open a thread to introduce yourself. Here, it's good.
Hi all, I just signed up in search for other psychonauts hopefully near me.
I can't update my profile for some reason. So, my name's Kevin, I'm 27 from the Swansea Valleys in Wales. I've only taken mushrooms, lsd, and cannabis, but I'm looking to broaden my horizon and explore/expand my mind.
I like to think I've had a nice amount of experience with what I've taken, and believe I have a strong mind. If you're up for some adventures, get in touch.
Hi folks,

This is my first thread on here, but I have read through some of the forums already and it seems like Im with the right people.

Im actually seeking advice from some of the more experienced users on here. I have loved psychedelics since I was a teenager, even as cool as life itself once you adapt to the distractions that have been maliciously implemented upon us, I still like my 'own' place to go.

I have tried most psychedelics in my life, loved LSD and mushrooms marijuana, the latter being the only readily available product around my local area it seems. But within the last year I found DMT, I have no idea why I never crossed this path sooner but once I did the research knew I had to try some. To start with I have always loved to mix things, I appreciate that some people think it may be naive but I have never feared what I might see, only wanted to take it as far as I could.

I have been using DMT for a couple of months now, but using it through an electronic cigarette as the mechanics does a similar thing. The experience was amazing, I made sure I was charged off plently of beer and lots of weed before entering that reality. The best experience I had was, looking into a neon filled room, it was a very low ceiling and columns throughout. There was lots going on in this room, and the ayhuhasca meditation signs were everywhere. My friend sat next to me in his own hyperspace, and my girlfriend was supervising, she spoke and me and my friend both started giggling, this escalated into full intense laughter, it had nothing to do with the visuals I was having but the energy that had me at the time, told me it was not going to let me stop laughing until I had released all my emotion which I had been storing. I laughed so hard for around 10 minutes and it is an experience I will never forget.

It has not been the same recently however, I only look to do it once per week but time and again it was becoming less and less vibrant, often the entity was giving me a cold shoulder and then show me some nasty images of animal slaughter. I didnt freak out at this, nor was I bothered, but more confused as to why. I tried all troubleshooting, cleaned the E-cig and reloaded the chamber, nothing worked. I wonder if anybody else has experienced these 'misfires', was I abusing it at the time, or do I need to appreciate it in its highest form and get a proper vapourizer.

I have waited for a good few weeks now without using DMT, but I feel my mind is made up, stay positive, my life is good and my diet is good and feel healthy. So does anybody know what is a good solid vapourizer for DMT, also weed aswell. I have read lots of reviews of different products, and the more I look the more confusing it becomes. They are expensive and my budget is around £80, although it would be nice to save some of that.

Your advice and help is massively appreciated. Thanks people.

Hi bro'