Interview with 'The God Delusion' author Richard Dawkins

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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I agree with Misery and GOD. now i've seen it...GEE! i'd love to put them together in a closed room (the Pope and Dawkins)...they'll end up loving eachother if they don't kill themselves first...

For GOD, actually i'm no Q'ran expert...dammit!...(but i read the Q'ran) and you are right when you say that it isn't "filled" but the reason why i asked you if you read it is that a strong sense of "these are instructions to manipulate your mind from a higher positon" comes through, and as it has been demonstrated people who follow the Q'ran closely tend to be easily manipulated and are indeed aggressive due to the message of violence that lingers between it's VERY (i must say) poetic words.
it is not a message of forgiveness, as in the gospel, not the one edited and interpreted by the Church, is a message of "Do what you are told or ELSE", and that else is often rather gruesome...I mean, Mohammed wrote it ad hoc to rule his kingdom in peace. and he did that creating a rather stressful sense of paranoia between his followers...dunno if you've ever seen how muslims act when they are together and how they act when alone in a rather relaxing situation in the middle of infidels (just for you to know i lived my life in the middle of "fidels" and "infidels"...tho i'd rather have been with Fidel. HAHA! excuse the comic relief i think it's funny, tho most won't agree)...