Glandeuse Pinéale
- Inscrit
- 28/2/10
- Messages
- 120
I tend not to get back here much, but I'm sure that a few of you have been following my campaign for our freedoms.
I'm back at it again. This time, we are moving into the endgame...
There is a facebook page set up for this fundraiser. In the 36 hours since going live I have been simply overwhelmed by the response I've received. Nearly 100 have pledged support, with over 60 maybes. This will happen and it will happen because people in the Entheogenic Community see the need and want to make it happen!
The fund raising is for an Australian space, but I encourage everyone to donate, as doing so will demonstrate that we are a genuine spiritual community and not the "druggies" that we are so often made out to be.
Indigogo Fundraising - LEGALLY Munching Magic Mushrooms in Marvelous Melbourne!!
Raising $33,333.33 as initial funding for a community space for the Australian Entheogenic community and as a space where people in Victoria can LEGALLY experience journeys into the Divine Consciousness using Transcendent Compounds.
*Transcendent Compounds are those Entheogens that are non-addictive, non-toxic and psychologically safe in an appropriate dose, set and setting. The term is important, both for legal reasons and because it does what it says on the label.
This is an audacious event that, if successful will change the status of Transcendent Compounds within Australia and perhaps even around the world and bring the community of users into the perceptions of the mainstream community in a positive way. It will need the full support of people all over the globe if it is to have any hope of succeeding.
We have a week before commencement. In that time I need everybody who cares about our future to spread the word. Invite your friends to this event. Post on forums that you frequent. Get the news out there that the world is changing and that the change is starting with the passion of 10,000 repressed voices!
Ask yourself: "How much are my freedoms worth to me?" and donate accordingly.
My guess is that the freedom to openly express your spirituality, share the wisdom and spread the healing without harassment, persecution and the overwhelming sense of fear that pervades our every move should easily be worth $100+ to most people with full time employment. Given that, I am hoping that this target is reached within a matter of weeks.
On 18 Jun 2013, I will be opening up a fund raising event on Indigogo. It will go for 60 days and while I estimate I will eventually need to raise $100,000, my initial target is a third of that: $33,333.33, which should be enough for initial operations.
The money will be used to rent a shopfront that can be used as a community space. This space will aim to provide several things both to the Entheogenic and broader community generally.
1. It will be a space where we can gather and meet like minded people and where new people can find entry into our wonderful community. It will be a place from which we can visibly launch our healing work into the community and demonstrate to the general population that we are a valuable addition to society and not a menace.
2. Many people in society exist in a state of existential crisis. There is simply nowhere for them to go if they wish to discuss issues of meaning, purpose and existence, without having someone's dogma forced down their throats. This will provide such a location. It will be a space where anybody can come to discuss and explore meaning of life issues, such as purpose, destiny and metaphysics. It will hopefully become a philosophical wonderland. Discussion will be governed by the "Principles" on which Community of Infinite Colour is founded ( The first of these is that "There is no TRUTH". Each person needs to figure life and meaning out for themselves and Community is about building a society where gurus and dogmas are obsolete and the recognition is that "The First Disciple is always the First Heretic". Discussions become discussions among equals where everyone commits to being both teacher and student (and yes, I admit I do sometimes have difficulty with the latter!).
The philosophy is based on an intersection of Philosophical Rationalism, Scientific Rationalism and Mysticism. Personally, I don't do conspiracy theories, Astrology, or fairly much any of the New Age stuff, but I respect the views of those who do (although I will challenge you every step of the way - don't worry, I'm just as hard on myself!).
I know that some will not support me because of this, preferring that their pet theories got star billing, but until someone else has the courage to go down a similar path, I'm the only dog in the show and not supporting me because of something like this will only make things harder for us all, should I fail.
3. It will be a space where people who are experiencing difficulties in their lives can receive pastoral care and an escape from isolation. This will be provided by myself (scheduled around my own work commitments until enough funding is raised to pay me a living wage). I am a trained and experienced counsellor, but have been unable to find work in this area for for three years because of my drug law reform work. This will provide the perfect space for me to put my talents to use and allow me to do what I am best at: Helping people.
4. Anyone who has been following my activities for the last three years will know that I have a nearly watertight legal argument to the effect that Transcendent Compounds ARE LEGAL WITHIN THE STATE OF VICTORIA FOR SPIRITUAL AND RELIGIOUS PURPOSES!
Community of Infinite Colour is a spiritual organisation (although for legal reasons it will be kept unincorporated, thereby ensuring that I bear sole legal responsibility for all of its activities) and as part of this I will be providing the opportunity for ordinary folk to use Transcendent Compounds. Initially, this will be quite limited and only symbolic, so as to give the Government time to adjust and so that if any arrests are made not too many people are caught up in it.
While it is not the main purpose of the space, the existence of an an actual spiritual organisation, Community of Infinite Colour, will force the Government to accept our validity as a spiritual community and abide by the provisions of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act (2006). Of course, they could arrest me and drag me through the High Court of Australia, where they will inevitably lose: I will pack the court with so much science and so many expert witnesses that they will rue the day they ever sought to demonise and persecute such ancient and wise teachers.
Finally, they could alter the wording of the Charter to remove our rights, but in doing so they would be admitting that their position is based purely on bigotry and ignorance, rather than the decades of science that I have thus far used to avoid arrest.
The Victorian Parliament knows they do not have a leg to stand on with this. I have publically tripped three times on the steps of parliament without being bothered. I have even twice gone into a police station, told them about my use of sacred compounds and invited them to arrest me. On both times I walked out free.
It is my goal to force this issue this year, so that by 2014, everyone in Victoria (and by extension the ACT, because the Victorian act is based on theirs) has the legally recognised right to use Transcendent Compounds as part of their spiritual practice. This will not mean that your activities must go through Community of Infinite Colour to be legal. Both the Victorian and ACT acts give you the right to practice your religion (legal term) as an individual, if you choose.
My (probably highly optimistic) estimate of annual costs is $100,000 and this is the eventual target. This would allow me to be present at the site on a full time basis, perhaps relying on some volunteer assistance. For the moment, however, I am seeking enough to get the operation underway and to give the authorities the opportunity to respond however they wish. I have not yet determined a location, but my initial preference is for Camberwell, as this is the demographic centre of Melbourne and has excellent public transport and road access options.
I am committed to open accounting and it is my intention that all financial details and expenses will be made fully public on the internet within 60-90 days of them occurring. You will know how much we receive and what it all gets spent on - hopefully down to the last pen!
This needs to be done!
I don't have official figures, but I guess that we are the largest growing spiritual community in many parts of the world, including Australia.
Despite this, I regularly encounter two things when speaking with members of the Entheogenic Community. Whenever I speak to people, they cry out for the need for a space that they can call their own; where they can meet and exchange ideas with those on a similar journey.
The second thing I regularly encounter is FEAR. I experience it myself (as I type this, I feel it sitting like a lump of dead coal in my chest) and it robs far too many of us of our vitality. We hide who we are and we lie to those we love, for fear of losing our families, jobs, friends and loved ones. If we are to ever thrive as a community and as individuals, we need to throw off the chains that bind us and make the firm decision that we, as a community, are going to be the authors of our own destinies.
The legal argument is as solid as it is ever going to be. If we don't act now, we risk missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Similarly, I feel that there is now a critical mass for change within the Entheogenic Community. Entheogenesis Australis (EGA), who so courageously led the way are now more than a decade old. Each year sees a profusion of books and research and a greater profusion of evidence that our path is not only safe and sacred, but highly beneficial to those with the courage to make the journey.
I fully acknowledge that this action will produce a backlash amongst the more fanatical and intolerant members of our society. But this backlash is coming one way, or another. In a decade EGA went from a handful of people in a community room to nearly seven hundred at a four day outdoor conference in the Strathbogie Ranges. With this kind of growth it will only be a few more years before we fall victim to the hatreds of other and I firmly believe that our best hope lies in taking the initiative and demonstrating to our fellow citizens that we are not "druggies", but are instead worthwhile and contributing members of society.
Solid support will make it clear to the politicians that we are a genuine community and not to be taken lightly.
I tend not to get back here much, but I'm sure that a few of you have been following my campaign for our freedoms.
I'm back at it again. This time, we are moving into the endgame...

There is a facebook page set up for this fundraiser. In the 36 hours since going live I have been simply overwhelmed by the response I've received. Nearly 100 have pledged support, with over 60 maybes. This will happen and it will happen because people in the Entheogenic Community see the need and want to make it happen!
The fund raising is for an Australian space, but I encourage everyone to donate, as doing so will demonstrate that we are a genuine spiritual community and not the "druggies" that we are so often made out to be.
Indigogo Fundraising - LEGALLY Munching Magic Mushrooms in Marvelous Melbourne!!
Raising $33,333.33 as initial funding for a community space for the Australian Entheogenic community and as a space where people in Victoria can LEGALLY experience journeys into the Divine Consciousness using Transcendent Compounds.
*Transcendent Compounds are those Entheogens that are non-addictive, non-toxic and psychologically safe in an appropriate dose, set and setting. The term is important, both for legal reasons and because it does what it says on the label.
This is an audacious event that, if successful will change the status of Transcendent Compounds within Australia and perhaps even around the world and bring the community of users into the perceptions of the mainstream community in a positive way. It will need the full support of people all over the globe if it is to have any hope of succeeding.
We have a week before commencement. In that time I need everybody who cares about our future to spread the word. Invite your friends to this event. Post on forums that you frequent. Get the news out there that the world is changing and that the change is starting with the passion of 10,000 repressed voices!
Ask yourself: "How much are my freedoms worth to me?" and donate accordingly.
My guess is that the freedom to openly express your spirituality, share the wisdom and spread the healing without harassment, persecution and the overwhelming sense of fear that pervades our every move should easily be worth $100+ to most people with full time employment. Given that, I am hoping that this target is reached within a matter of weeks.
On 18 Jun 2013, I will be opening up a fund raising event on Indigogo. It will go for 60 days and while I estimate I will eventually need to raise $100,000, my initial target is a third of that: $33,333.33, which should be enough for initial operations.
The money will be used to rent a shopfront that can be used as a community space. This space will aim to provide several things both to the Entheogenic and broader community generally.
1. It will be a space where we can gather and meet like minded people and where new people can find entry into our wonderful community. It will be a place from which we can visibly launch our healing work into the community and demonstrate to the general population that we are a valuable addition to society and not a menace.
2. Many people in society exist in a state of existential crisis. There is simply nowhere for them to go if they wish to discuss issues of meaning, purpose and existence, without having someone's dogma forced down their throats. This will provide such a location. It will be a space where anybody can come to discuss and explore meaning of life issues, such as purpose, destiny and metaphysics. It will hopefully become a philosophical wonderland. Discussion will be governed by the "Principles" on which Community of Infinite Colour is founded ( The first of these is that "There is no TRUTH". Each person needs to figure life and meaning out for themselves and Community is about building a society where gurus and dogmas are obsolete and the recognition is that "The First Disciple is always the First Heretic". Discussions become discussions among equals where everyone commits to being both teacher and student (and yes, I admit I do sometimes have difficulty with the latter!).
The philosophy is based on an intersection of Philosophical Rationalism, Scientific Rationalism and Mysticism. Personally, I don't do conspiracy theories, Astrology, or fairly much any of the New Age stuff, but I respect the views of those who do (although I will challenge you every step of the way - don't worry, I'm just as hard on myself!).
I know that some will not support me because of this, preferring that their pet theories got star billing, but until someone else has the courage to go down a similar path, I'm the only dog in the show and not supporting me because of something like this will only make things harder for us all, should I fail.
3. It will be a space where people who are experiencing difficulties in their lives can receive pastoral care and an escape from isolation. This will be provided by myself (scheduled around my own work commitments until enough funding is raised to pay me a living wage). I am a trained and experienced counsellor, but have been unable to find work in this area for for three years because of my drug law reform work. This will provide the perfect space for me to put my talents to use and allow me to do what I am best at: Helping people.
4. Anyone who has been following my activities for the last three years will know that I have a nearly watertight legal argument to the effect that Transcendent Compounds ARE LEGAL WITHIN THE STATE OF VICTORIA FOR SPIRITUAL AND RELIGIOUS PURPOSES!
Community of Infinite Colour is a spiritual organisation (although for legal reasons it will be kept unincorporated, thereby ensuring that I bear sole legal responsibility for all of its activities) and as part of this I will be providing the opportunity for ordinary folk to use Transcendent Compounds. Initially, this will be quite limited and only symbolic, so as to give the Government time to adjust and so that if any arrests are made not too many people are caught up in it.
While it is not the main purpose of the space, the existence of an an actual spiritual organisation, Community of Infinite Colour, will force the Government to accept our validity as a spiritual community and abide by the provisions of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act (2006). Of course, they could arrest me and drag me through the High Court of Australia, where they will inevitably lose: I will pack the court with so much science and so many expert witnesses that they will rue the day they ever sought to demonise and persecute such ancient and wise teachers.
Finally, they could alter the wording of the Charter to remove our rights, but in doing so they would be admitting that their position is based purely on bigotry and ignorance, rather than the decades of science that I have thus far used to avoid arrest.
The Victorian Parliament knows they do not have a leg to stand on with this. I have publically tripped three times on the steps of parliament without being bothered. I have even twice gone into a police station, told them about my use of sacred compounds and invited them to arrest me. On both times I walked out free.
It is my goal to force this issue this year, so that by 2014, everyone in Victoria (and by extension the ACT, because the Victorian act is based on theirs) has the legally recognised right to use Transcendent Compounds as part of their spiritual practice. This will not mean that your activities must go through Community of Infinite Colour to be legal. Both the Victorian and ACT acts give you the right to practice your religion (legal term) as an individual, if you choose.
My (probably highly optimistic) estimate of annual costs is $100,000 and this is the eventual target. This would allow me to be present at the site on a full time basis, perhaps relying on some volunteer assistance. For the moment, however, I am seeking enough to get the operation underway and to give the authorities the opportunity to respond however they wish. I have not yet determined a location, but my initial preference is for Camberwell, as this is the demographic centre of Melbourne and has excellent public transport and road access options.
I am committed to open accounting and it is my intention that all financial details and expenses will be made fully public on the internet within 60-90 days of them occurring. You will know how much we receive and what it all gets spent on - hopefully down to the last pen!

This needs to be done!
I don't have official figures, but I guess that we are the largest growing spiritual community in many parts of the world, including Australia.
Despite this, I regularly encounter two things when speaking with members of the Entheogenic Community. Whenever I speak to people, they cry out for the need for a space that they can call their own; where they can meet and exchange ideas with those on a similar journey.
The second thing I regularly encounter is FEAR. I experience it myself (as I type this, I feel it sitting like a lump of dead coal in my chest) and it robs far too many of us of our vitality. We hide who we are and we lie to those we love, for fear of losing our families, jobs, friends and loved ones. If we are to ever thrive as a community and as individuals, we need to throw off the chains that bind us and make the firm decision that we, as a community, are going to be the authors of our own destinies.
The legal argument is as solid as it is ever going to be. If we don't act now, we risk missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Similarly, I feel that there is now a critical mass for change within the Entheogenic Community. Entheogenesis Australis (EGA), who so courageously led the way are now more than a decade old. Each year sees a profusion of books and research and a greater profusion of evidence that our path is not only safe and sacred, but highly beneficial to those with the courage to make the journey.
I fully acknowledge that this action will produce a backlash amongst the more fanatical and intolerant members of our society. But this backlash is coming one way, or another. In a decade EGA went from a handful of people in a community room to nearly seven hundred at a four day outdoor conference in the Strathbogie Ranges. With this kind of growth it will only be a few more years before we fall victim to the hatreds of other and I firmly believe that our best hope lies in taking the initiative and demonstrating to our fellow citizens that we are not "druggies", but are instead worthwhile and contributing members of society.
Solid support will make it clear to the politicians that we are a genuine community and not to be taken lightly.