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Identity Crisis

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début
GOD a dit:
I think its a phase that all young people go through .
Could be, i've had this coming and going for years now!
Im a young guy, im 20 years old! So this might also be it!
The picture i imagine of the next 'phase' seems like an ignorant one if i just forget about this and go outside and play!

Well, i dont think we have like a purpose to life really!
The idea i have is, an evolving system that we are starting to comprehend from many sides now!
But that isnt really that connected to Identity crisis, is it?
What to do with my life, well get a job i like(good luck with that one)
I do music, that is my hopes and dreams! Though it might not be the best or whatever, i still attend to spend the rest of my life doing it!
I'd like to create an experience for others, to penetrate the metaphysical world!
Or simply just have an fun or interesting time!
That is my self made purpose!
(Notice, i am an Agnostic)
To be honest, the identity becomes a crisis when i put a question mark on it!
Its like asking a question, what is the purpose of all life?
There isnt an answer for it!

The suggestions(thank you for those btw), point out that i should enjoy life!
Stop thinkin about this, try to do something positive to kill my time!
But what happens when i fall back to the place where i have to much time on my hands? And start the heavy thinking again!
Does the crisis appear again?
Because it does for me!

I cant really write more for today!
I have a huge headache!

So, thanks for interesting answers!
in my opinion identity crisis has to do with the society we live in. it wants us to be sheeps and directs us through school, media, ... but when you start thinking how things work and discover the beauty of your own (our?) mind, you realize that you do not want to be a sheep. and here comes the conflict. do i wanna be the real me or the me that others (family, people you love) expect you to be. imo we should not be thinking about what other people think of you. be yourself, be whatever you are.
i also belive that there is no "purpose" in this life. i kinda like to think we are all one enlightened mind but in different time/space sections. somewhere in these sections our mind had/has to experience everything, good/bad. the wheel of karma. you make your own reality with something like a action-reaction. so you are free to do whatever you like. i try to stick to the good side. do not do any thing to others which you do not want to be done to yourself. enjoy life, smile, and discover new things.
Sometimes I wonder if that kind of heavy thinking is not an OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) .
Telico a dit:
Sometimes I wonder if that kind of heavy thinking is not an OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) .

i rather understand it as a evolutionary urge. something that is driving us to excel. we are, as human species, at a transition. for many hundred of years single individuals were there, now it has grown more common. as nietzsche might have understood it, when he wrote about the homo sapiens sapiens (the selfconscious selfconscious human - the metaprogrammer, the human, that explores his own psyche, the human that can enter the oracle of delphi). it is the age of aquarius...
Some astrologers think we are in the age of aquarius and others think we are in the age off Pisces . I think its all pseudo scientific crap .
GOD a dit:
Some astrologers think we are in the age of aquarius and others think we are in the age off Pisces . I think its all pseudo scientific crap .

I don't think it's even Psuedo.

I've always thought... "People will see the game here". My neighbour works nights as a text/email in Psychic.

When text's some in, all they do is hit the button corresponding to the stock response that most applies to whomever texted in. Instant £5.
GOD a dit:
Some astrologers think we are in the age of aquarius and others think we are in the age off Pisces . I think its all pseudo scientific crap .

well, at least you consider astrology a science...
I, personally, would not go that far.

I can cite from the bible too. It is all metaphors. archetypes. reoccurring ideas, masked in the face of the thinkers time. "age of aquarius" is just as much a metaphor and I personally don't give a crap (not even pseudo crap) if it has any scientific relevance.
but then again, I say the same thing about most other sciences too... :)
" you consider astrology a science."

I dont consider astrology a science , its pseudo scientific hokus pokus .
Why so much faith in science?
Science needs to be questioned to, its the only way it will evolve!

anyway, im not a sheep sopor!
I know where you are heading, i am quite unorthodox!
And i getting to know new people is getting harder and harder!
Since the subjects im interested to talk about, just is to weird for people to comprehend!
Take for instance, something on this forum!
A really popular topic, where everybody feels they need to express something!
Do you think that this topic will function with the same interest meeting new people? (Pubs, school, work, etc...)?
So, im sure some of you know this already!
I really need someone to talk to about this stuff, other than a forum!
you get where im goin?
Because im really alienated from 'soceity'!
In fact, psychonauts are highly immoral! (Not that i do share the same opinion)
"Science needs to be questioned to"

Thats what real science does , questions itself and "prove" itself . Sceptisism , objectivity and a neutral aproach is the right way . Blind faith is dumb .
Psyolopher a dit:
Why so much faith in science?
Science needs to be questioned to, its the only way it will evolve!

anyway, im not a sheep sopor!
I know where you are heading, i am quite unorthodox!
And i getting to know new people is getting harder and harder!
Since the subjects im interested to talk about, just is to weird for people to comprehend!
Take for instance, something on this forum!
A really popular topic, where everybody feels they need to express something!
Do you think that this topic will function with the same interest meeting new people? (Pubs, school, work, etc...)?
So, im sure some of you know this already!
I really need someone to talk to about this stuff, other than a forum!
you get where im goin?
Because im really alienated from 'soceity'!
In fact, psychonauts are highly immoral! (Not that i do share the same opinion)

there must be faith in science, as theory is the most verifyable truth to the current date... but yes i agree that alot of things on this forum are not often topics of conversation in "real life", but i also think the problem might lie in who you're trying to communicate these thoughts with... this is a subversive society, so if you wish to have a subversive conversation, you must meet people of the same suit, not "bob who works in the cubicle over". now im not trying to offend you, because i know nothing of your daily life, this is merely an exaggerated example, so rather, i wish to point out, that these people are somewhat few and far between, the "waldo's" of the bigger picture, just don't be afraid to talk to people i guess, meet as many people as you can, cause who knows, the guy on the other side of bob might be typing on this forum :wink:
Psyolopher a dit:
GOD a dit:
"Science needs to be questioned to"

Thats what real science does , questions itself and "prove" itself . Sceptisism , objectivity and a neutral aproach is the right way . Blind faith is dumb .
Indeed, blind faith in science is also pretty dumb!

Science by definition needs to include Scientific Method which excludes blind faith. It's an oxymoron to have blind faith in Science.

Science and Scientists are different.

Blind faith in SCIENTISTS is different - but Science itself cannot tolerate faith. The mistakes people make are believing that people are true to the Science:

This weed is 300000 times stronger than it was 50 seconds ago, if you smoke it your going to die, lose one testicle, have a second member grow out of your remaining member and then all three will be covered in green and blue stripes.
Psyolopher a dit:
Why so much faith in science?
because it is like every other religion. a big dogmatic pile of bullshit with some simple truth in it and all in all a lot of parlor tricks to make the weak minded gaze in awe...
so it finds its believers too. and believers have faith, because they lack courage and responsibility...
Yes, we have no purpose for life. Life is a journey, that does not mean don't do anything. Live it to the fullest. And to live it the fullest and make the journey of life pleasant, you do need some resources(money call it anything). To help others, to help yourself, to have fun etc you will need some money. Work for it :)

Psylosopher maybe deep down you already know the answer to your question. Try meditating over it for a while.

Convert your thinking into actions. That will help you too.
I really need someone to talk to about this stuff, other than a forum!
you get where im goin?
Because im really alienated from 'soceity'!

I will talk to you about this if you want to. You can PM me because I am somewhat in the same boat as you, but I am starting to come out of where you describe yourself. My advice is; you live life once; this life you live may just be a brief glimpse of a bigger 'life' and when you look back on it, you may wish that you have not been so shy, and just went out, because in the bigger picture it does not matter.

psm a dit:
Psyolopher a dit:
Why so much faith in science?
because it is like every other religion. a big dogmatic pile of bullshit with some simple truth in it and all in all a lot of parlor tricks to make the weak minded gaze in awe...
so it finds its believers too. and believers have faith, because they lack courage and responsibility...
Well.....yes and no!
People should question some things by them selfs, not reading an opinionated science magazine!
I've heard to many things on the same subject, all from scientists who claim they are right!
Where can i trust my information?

Subtle_Nod a dit:
Psyolopher a dit:
GOD a dit:
"Science needs to be questioned to"

Thats what real science does , questions itself and "prove" itself . Sceptisism , objectivity and a neutral aproach is the right way . Blind faith is dumb .
Indeed, blind faith in science is also pretty dumb!

Science by definition needs to include Scientific Method which excludes blind faith. It's an oxymoron to have blind faith in Science.

Science and Scientists are different.

Blind faith in SCIENTISTS is different - but Science itself cannot tolerate faith. The mistakes people make are believing that people are true to the Science:

This weed is 300000 times stronger than it was 50 seconds ago, if you smoke it your going to die, lose one testicle, have a second member grow out of your remaining member and then all three will be covered in green and blue stripes.
Haha, well you could say that! i can be abit of a devil and question things just to see the response!
Science as in a whole, has to many holes....But its always good to have it on your side!
No information is 100% valid in my head unless its direct experience!
(and given some amount of time to think over it)

toogoodforyou a dit:
Yes, we have no purpose for life. Life is a journey, that does not mean don't do anything. Live it to the fullest. And to live it the fullest and make the journey of life pleasant, you do need some resources(money call it anything). To help others, to help yourself, to have fun etc you will need some money. Work for it :)

Psylosopher maybe deep down you already know the answer to your question. Try meditating over it for a while.

Convert your thinking into actions. That will help you too.
Thank you, i will! :)
I agree, life is a journey! ;)

user_1919 a dit:
I really need someone to talk to about this stuff, other than a forum!
you get where im goin?
Because im really alienated from 'soceity'!

I will talk to you about this if you want to. You can PM me because I am somewhat in the same boat as you, but I am starting to come out of where you describe yourself. My advice is; you live life once; this life you live may just be a brief glimpse of a bigger 'life' and when you look back on it, you may wish that you have not been so shy, and just went out, because in the bigger picture it does not matter.

Well, i can be abit shy!
But im not always shy though, i know alot of people who have no interest in philosophy or psychedelics!
Thats ok, i just want to be able to express myself face to face with someone and discuss something along those topics!