Is your puking produced by smell and taste or chemical ingredients in the cacti? When U puke? At once U drink it or after some time?
Cause if U puke after some time there is help for U! Maybe even for "fast smell taste like puking". What U need?
U need to get some anti-emetic pills. There is huge variations of them in apothecary and similar shops. Many are sold as OTC drugs! So what U need to do? Buy three kind of anti-emetic pills/syrup. Why three? They will act synergistic when combined. Also try to find three different chemically and biologically acting kinda of pills. Cause it will be stupid to take three different but also same pills in way like three manufacture names but with same generic drug/chemical name or very close acting analogs between that drugs(medicines).
U will need:
D2 antagonists(D2 = dopamine)-(this are prime stuff! no f.....g way to puke) (Metoclopramide - I think that U can buy this very easily in every medical shop in manufacture name as Reglan) Thorazine in one tenth of dose is also good. Or Domperidone in manufacture name as Motilium, Motillium or Costi. Domperidone is used, together with metoclopramide, cyclizine, and 5HT3 receptor antagonists as final combo for opioid vomit stimuli or chemotherapy vomit.
H1 antagonists(Histamine 1 antagonists means it), Diphenhydramine, Dimenhydrinate, Promethazine(Phenergan, Promethegan, Romergan, Fargan, Farganesse, Prothiazine, Avomine, Atosil, Receptozine),
5-HT3 receptor antagonists(Dolasetron, Tropisetron(this one is used for chemotherapy vomiting suppression!),
MJ is good but only after smoking and also for chemical induced vomit properties. But try it! Can only enhance trip! Dronabinol, Nabilone, Sativex are MJ products which can be prescribed for vomiting, pain where opioid doesn't work, appetite, glaucoma and also MJ in weed form(hash and oil doesn't but I can't see any differences between all this products, only higher mind altering effects in stuff mentioned last)
U can calm your stomach with lorazepam(Ativan, Lorsilan) and delay emetic feedback response when such matter enters indigestion tract.
Datura metel-stramonium can block neuronal vomit respond. Also Hyosciamus niger should work also just as Mandragora. What U need from them? Very low dose of scopolamine and/or hyosciamine which mentioned plants have is one of the anti-emetic drugs U need and like.
Don't worry, U will use only 5-10% of low psychedelic dose. Side effect can occurs like dry mouth. But what the hell? U want to consume Pedro? Little sacrifice is needed for everything in life!
I heard that Ginger helps, also Emetrol( OTC syrup), Peppermint, Amanita Muscaria, some steroids and super new anti depressive drugs.
Ask if U need more advices. I also traveled trough your problem, vomiting problem. But my was after ingestion, never seconds after drinking brew.