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i can't tell you...

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I don't think any of us are able to explain "god" to ourselves... and putting an image and words to "god" while explaining it to someone else... well if that were possible, it would be too easy!
I like to think of god as a tongue playing the game of trying to taste itself (note, I'm not saying god is that, I'm just creating a personal picture - which, of course, cannot be equalled with the real thing).

I had a nice vision on lsd, building a ring of observers observing the observer observing the observer ad infinitum, the circle got smaller and smaller resulting in a single point of light. at this point I understood what this painting by alex grey tries to communicate
I tried to explain my vvisions to myself once and I couldn't really do it, but I'll try again;

While in DMT space, I often ponder what happens after death or what, if anything is beyond this life?

I am quickly barraged with a convulsing 3d enigma, resembling a fractal, but it is 3 dimensional, not like that on paper. It is constantly moving, twisting, and churning. Each space within the fractal is a part, or a perception, of reality. As the fractal increases in size, the differences in realities, or perceptions grow larger and larger. If you cut the fractal on a plane, so as only to see it in 3-d, it will represent all the possible perceptions of one reality through a given life time. Cut another way, it resembles all the different perceptions simultaneously going on.

Cut another way, it resembles how one perception is home in anothe perception, and that all possible perceptions of this reality, this universe, are just a part of the fractal as a whole. When I see this vision, I am usually an entity standing with my ideological entities of "God". One or more entities occupy OUTSIDE of this fractal, observing it, yet consumed by it. The gods often explain that this mutation of reality that I am being confronted with, is simply part of another cell of an infinite many. The layers go on, and the complexity increases forever. I end up asking, well, how can one person matter in all of this?

The answer, which I always have trouble grasping, is that I am ...wrong... in thinking I am seperate from the fractal itself. A strong sensation of "being wrong" rushes through me, and I am cast back to my perception. It takes me a full day, if not a week to try to regain my perception prior to the experience. I often feel like my thoughts blanket reality, and that in order to live sanely I must find my niche in perception.

In that way I am not seperate from "God", but I am simply a slice of it.
knowing the answer to this, another question arises.
what is the one thing that connects all living things together? throughout space and time, it is not limited by either. it is, and it isnt. it has always been, without being there at all.
it is simply knowing. but knowing what exactly is the main goal.

The joys of being 'Agnostic' - the ability to ponder at existences complexities - as granted by the capacity of the human genome, and yet the right of your belief to reserve final judgement as ’unfathomable’, and therefore no more than a curious play-thing.

I tend to be drawn to Aldous Huxleys philosophy, that:

"All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours"

Reading that quote during a ‘soul stoned’ cannabis/opium session led the semi-realisation that; if indeed, we are the creators of our own creator…everyone in the world ‘searching’ for god…and killing in his name, are wasting their lives away looking in the wrong places, and it is only through personal development and introspective self discovery that one can truly ‘find’ god.

Now there’s a religion I could go for!

“Hey kid, put down that bible…try these mushrooms with a side of salvia and don’t move until you’ve found yourself *wink*”
IJesusChrist a dit:
The answer, which I always have trouble grasping, is that I am ...wrong... in thinking I am seperate from the fractal itself. A strong sensation of "being wrong" rushes through me, and I am cast back to my perception. It takes me a full day, if not a week to try to regain my perception prior to the experience. I often feel like my thoughts blanket reality, and that in order to live sanely I must find my niche in perception.

In that way I am not seperate from "God", but I am simply a slice of it.
Definitely not separate. Definitely! :)

What's this "thoughts blanket reality...niche in perception" process? I'm curious and I'm not sure what you mean.
I can't describe it unless I'm experiencing it - and when I describe it while experiencing it, it doesn't sound correct after I come down. :roll:
I can imagine this thoughts blanket reality thing. have you ever had the feeling of seeing a tree the first time on psychedelics? sometimes (way too often) when I run around, I don't really see things, my mind labels them instantly, "tree", "house", street" (=the blanket made of thoughts), but I don't really SEE them. and then, one day you find yourself sitting there on lsd and you look at the thing and you feel like you are seeing it REALLY.

try this:
1. pinch your arm
2. speak the word pinch out loud
3. write the word pinch on a piece of paper
4. pinch your arm again

now think of the differences between 1 to 4.
it is obvious here that the feeling is not the word, and vice versa, but I often catch myself mixing these two up in other/many cases. these might consist of anything, really. things, feelings, god, etc.
you could liken the tree itself to 1, and the word "tree" to 2.

Korzybski stressed this very often: "the map is not the territory"

(great thanks go to Robert Anton Wilson at this point :D )
close... I think. I'm not sure - my brain seems to have forgotten what I meant.
.. the word is not the thing.

the tao that can be named.. is not the tao.
